Chapter Thirteen- Dead man walking

John awoke to the pull of his leg as a cloaked figure dragged him under the fading sun's light. John reached for Livianna's cloak only to come up empty as his hand grabbed the hot sand.

"Wait… wait… I need to grab…" John's voice was weak and raspy, hurting as he spoke. "Wait…"

"Be quiet, John. The sun is fading, we must be silent," A friendly voice said gently.

Exhaustion pulled John's eyes shut. He fought to no avail; the light became darkness as his dreams turned into nightmares. At first John walked with his wife and daughter and then they were pulled away. Then a thick fog covered the soft clumps of sedge and copious undergrowth of the area. Each step sank into the marsh, releasing odorous fumes that choked him with every breath. Gnarled trees and thorny branches reached for him as he walked through the tentacles of tangled branches, snake-like vines, and life like bark covered fingers. John stepped, noticing that the fog followed him as if being controlled for some nefarious purpose. "Gabby, Clarissa, where are you?" John said loudly as he looked around. "If you're playing a game, this is not funny! Gabby… Clarissa… Where did you go?"

As John continued, he noticed that his outfit had changed. He was wearing his body armor, fatigues, and all of his weapons. "What the hell is going on?" Just then the bushes began to rustle, and branches started to snap, John froze in place and listened. He looked into the darkness and could feel that something was hunting him, he had become the prey. Instinctually, he reached for his M-4 assault rifle, his band coming back empty; his gun was missing. Fear tried to jump on him. Yet his training settled his nerves. He reached for his 9mm handgun and came up short once again, it wasn't in the holster, something was wrong. Alarm covered him as the anxiety of not having his weapons set in place. "They were just here, what the fuck!" He searched his body for anything that could be used as a weapon; his hand found his ten-inch bowie knife. Relief covered him, giving John a sense of control and safety once again. A howl in the distance made John's heart skip a beat as it jumped into his throat and began to throb in his ears. His adrenaline flooded, his system and his senses became more aware. The darkness seemed darker, and the silence seemed louder. John took a deep breath and listened and watched the shifting shadows of the night.

Heavy breathing slowly approached from behind him, waiting for the right time to attack. John pulled his knife out of its sheath, placing it in front of himself. His senses had betrayed him, how had he gotten into this position? How was his back exposed, where was his back up? John felt deep-seated evil within the area, something was out there, watching him; fear covered him like the uncertainty that lurked around him. John's shirt began to stick to his skin, his headset began to slip as it sounded to life, "Big bear…" John reached to catch it and muffle the sound, but it was too late. Jasper eyes snapped open inches from his face, sharp fangs and claws tore into his neck and side, spilling his strength to the ground. John swung desperately with his knife, slicing through the warm air. He fell to his knees, dropping his weapon to grab his throat. He gulped for air and watched as a Darkness closed the distance," God, help me. Jesus!"

John heard an echo within his last moments," wake up!" An older man's voice tore through the nightmare," John, it's not real, wake up!"

John's eyes shot open, reaching for his throat, searching for the gaping wound as he gasped for air. He looked around and tried to get up to his feet, falling to his knees.

"It was only a dream, John. You're safe."

"It felt so real." John rubbed his neck and looked for blood," that is the second time I died…"

"You have a powerful demon chasing you, what did you do?"

"I don't know, I didn't even believe in demons until the other day, so…" John looked around and noticed that it was only him and the old man in the cave," Where is Livi?" John stood slowly on shaky legs, "I got to go find her."

"You're not going anywhere until you build up your strength, John. In the meantime, sit and eat."

John neared the fire, walking closer to where the old man sat wearing a rugged cloak and sword. As he walked, he reached for his 9MM, finding an empty holster.

"All of your belongings are over here, don't be alarmed. You're safe, John."

"I don't have time for this shit, Livianna is dying somewhere out there!" John pointed toward the mouth of the cave.

The man stood up and slowly walked closer to where John was standing and handed him a bowl of stew and a waterskin," You cannot save anyone in your condition." he turned and walked back to his seat, "If she was dying then…" he stopped speaking and began to eat his own food," come sit and eat, we need to talk, might as well be now."

"Who are you? How long have we been in this cave?" John asked as he sat down and began to eat.

The old man ignored his question and said," You got lucky, I only had ravens feeding me when I was in your position. I had my share of demons, warlocks, and witches chasing me once upon a time. I knew why they were chasing me, also, that's why I ran; they were killing everyone who believed in God." he took a drink and continued speaking," so when I say that I understand how you feel, trust me."

"I don't know if I would call this lucky. My friends are dead, I'm in a cave, and my entire team was slaughtered by a demon who is now chasing me in my dreams." John placed his empty bowl on the ground and began to drink eagerly, choking down gulps at a time. He took a deep breath, wiping his mouth before speaking again," and if you wouldn't have found me…" John looked at the old man suspiciously," how did you find me in the middle of the desert?"

"Like I said, you got lucky, John." The man's smile and kind eyes revealed more than John could comprehend," I have been working for God for a long time, I'm tired." He lowered his hood, revealing his all-white head of hair that connected to his beard.

"Santa Clause saved my life; I must have been good this year!" John said as he laughed whole-heartedly at his own joke.

The old man smiled at the joke and said," It's good to hear you laugh, John. Many men have lost themselves within their own self-pity and fear, unable to see past their own pain."

John stopped laughing and realized that there was something supernatural about this entire situation," Who are you? Are you an angel or something like that?"

"I am a friend. We are in the same fight, John O'Neil." the old man said as he reached into his cloak and pulled out the dagger and scroll that Kaleb had given to him," how did you get these, Mr. O'Neil? Where are the people who gave these artifacts to you?"

John smiled and then realized that all of this had something to do with the dagger," so that's how you found me in the middle of the desert, you've been following me, or at least those." John scratched his head and mumbled," if I'd know that those things would have gotten me into all of this trouble, I wouldn't have stolen them."

A gentle grin kissed the old man's face before he said,'' You're no thief, John. You are a hero who can't save himself." the old man chuckled at John's facial expression," the first person you were worried about was this Livi person, so I know you didn't steal anything because if you were a thief, you would have had more concern for the objects that you stole. Rather, she stole something from you!?" He tapped his chest," But you are half right about it being stolen, that was the mission anyways. We had to risk everything in order to make sure that the prophets of Baal didn't use them in their ritual, so Kaleb commandeered them, in a way. I mean they belong to us, the order, but we stole them from the ones who protect them, releasing a demon, the very demon that is now chasing you, it is part of the risk and reward. We now have to kill this demon before it kills you."

"I was a pawn…" John said as he leaned against the cold cave wall," they used me."

"Stop! Firstly, Kaleb would never have given you the dagger and scroll if it wasn't important. He has been protecting those relics for centuries. As far as this Livi, I don't know much about her, but I know she Loves the LORD and would sacrifice her life to uphold an order." the old man walked closer to John and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder," where are they, John?"


"Kaleb and Livi, John." a gentle voice questioned.

Tears welled up within John's eyes as he struggled to speak," I… I… I couldn't save them. Kaleb died fighting a demon with one of my men and Livi…" he choked back more emotions," Livianna died in the hot sand, she fell apart in my hands." John looked at the old man, desperation in his eyes," I passed out and…"

A grim look formed on the old man's face as he turned and walked toward the fire and sat before he spoke," Kaleb is still alive, he can't be killed unless God takes him back. Livianna will have to be reborn; she neglected the sacred vow of rest and meditation, you will see her again."

John was dumbfounded by what the old man had just said," How do you know this? How do you know that Kaleb is still alive? I watched him fight a demon and I saw the room that he was in crumble and blow up. What do you mean Livi has to be reborn, how does a thousand-year-old woman get reborn?" John scratched his head and walked in a small circle," who are you and how do you know this stuff?"

"I'm from the order." he said as he handed John his gear, holding the dagger and scrolling out separately," these are sacred and must be protected. I feel it best that you keep them," he handed John both the scroll and dagger," protect them with your life and they will protect your life."

"That sounds like some Yoda type shit!?" John said, chuckling, as he took the items and placed them into his rucksack." So where is Kaleb, if not dead?"

"I have a better question for you, John.' the old man said as he stood up and stretched and then walked toward the mouth of the cave," what was the last thing they both said to you?"

"They both said…" John stopped speaking and looked perplexed," how did you know that they both wanted me to go to Harvest Hills?" John turned and faced the old man," What's in Harvest Hills?"

"An adventure, my boy, if I had to guess."

"I understand the whole mysterious old guy thing but come on with the Yoda shit. You are from the Order and both Livi and Kaleb told me to go to Harvest Hills and you knew about that, what gives?" John said as he fastened his gear to his body and strapped his belts in place," At Least tell me your name." he questioned as he followed quickly behind the old man.

"Elijah!" the old man said before stepping out into the light of day.

"Hold up! Wait, Elijah!" John picked up his speed," You mean the Elijah who started the Order?" John stepped out into the morning air expecting to find the old man and found himself standing in front of a bar named: HOG HEAVEN. He looked behind himself and found only a dirt road and a birchwood forest, the cave, hot desert, and Elijah were gone.

"What's up soldier?" a large man wearing blue jeans, a leather vest, and revealing his massive arms stepped out from behind the porches column and slowly walked down the steps," you lost, son?"

John watched as this monster of a man neared a shiny Harley Davidson, opening the saddlebag, taking out a desert eagle handgun. He cleared the chamber by pulling the slide and then inspected his clips and barrel," what's that for, stranger?" John asked as he placed his hand on his M-4, readying himself for a gun fight.

"I'm the bouncer tonight…" he realized that John had his hand on his own gun and said," Whoa, relax, stranger. It gets crazy in there sometimes." he said as he tucked the gun into his waistband," names Wimpy, I own this joint and the Smokehouse down the road. My mother owns the general store, if you need something let me know." he closed his saddlebag and waited for John to engage in conversation.

John took his hand off of his gun and walked closer to the man," Your what 6' 5" about 350 lbs and your name's Wimpy!?" John scratched his head and smiled in disbelief," that's cool man, where did you get the name, high school?" John reached out his hand to shake Wimpy's outstretched welcome," names John O'Neil and I'm new in town, just arrived. I'm looking for a man by the name of Kaleb, about this high," John held his hand up to shoulder height, seen him?"

"No, I've never seen any Kaleb's in this town. We do have plenty of work though, do you need a job?"

"What's the job? Do I have to kill anyone?" John asked as he tapped his M-4 and smiled.

"Cover my back. As far as killing, it depends on the night I guess." Wimpy said as he began to walk toward the bar," I'll pay you with room and board, free food, booze, and if you need cash just let me know. It's a crazy biker bar that attracts a weird assortment of folks, some locals and some not. The main language is violence and respect. The main problems are drugs, whores, and gangs with a touch of everything illegal, you down?"

"Do I need a weapon?" John asked and then realized that he was going to die, he was wearing the same clothes and had the same weapons in his dreams. The only difference was that he was now in possession of the dagger of light. Was this where he died? Was it too late for him to save his family?

"I think you might be a little overdressed for this job, John."

"Why are you dressed like that anyways, man? The army pulled out this morning, some big mission. Did you miss the boat?"

"It's been a long day and yes, I missed the boat. Did they say where they were actually heading?"

"Some desert mission. A team of special forces and mercenaries got smoked about two months ago and they are just now sending a team to investigate the casualties."

"You said two months ago…" John was stuck, how had he been gone for two months? What about Gabby and Clarrisa? What about his retirement? "Did they say who got smoked?"

"They say that it was a team of men that were the elite. Some guy named Big Bear was lead and they lost communication the same night they deployed. It was a black ops mission, but everyone talks on a military base. You just need to know the right people, if you know what I'm saying." Wimpy puffed his chest out and smiled.

"Let me guess, you are the right person huh, Wimpy." John said not surprised.

"A Lot of the guys come here to get lost, drunk, or meet a beautiful woman. Now that they are mostly all deployed, I will lose some money, but not enough to hurt business."

"Where am I?" John's words cloaked in confusion.

"Hog Heaven! Known for their Rueben sandwich, and home of the hottest bartenders in this county, especially Amanda.

"No, I mean what town is this?" John asked, still trying to swallow the hard pill that everyone thinks he is dead. How did his family take the news?

"John, you're a strange dude, you high?"

"No, it's just been a long day."

Wimpy smiled, "I don't care if you're high." he walked closer to John and put his massive hand on his shoulder," you're in Harvest Hills. It's normally a quiet place until that pastor fella got murdered at the church, no one believes that it was an animal attack. Then, a new guy comes in saying he is a prophet of the light bringer; goes by the name of Jeryl Clervey and he has a large following of women, I mean smoking hot chicks. I gave a lot of them jobs here, but they have weird schedules, so you may not see the same woman more than once a week. Still, there is no short supply of eye candy."

The door of the bar swung open and the sounds of loud music and screaming tore through the silence and their conversation, "Wimpy! Mindy's taking her clothes off again. You're the only one she'll listen to. Hurry, before the guys get the wrong idea and start fighting over her." a beautiful Spanish woman said before walking back inside.

"Who was that?" John asked, amazed by her beauty.

"Dude, you got the job. I got to go." Wimpy ran up the stairs and rushed into the bar, allowing the sounds of men whistling, glasses breaking, hooting and hollering, and the bass of country rock and roll music to tickle John's ears.

John grabbed his head and looked around, trying to process it all. How the hell did this happen, how was he going to save the order of Elijah, his family, and prove that he wasn't dead. He looked up into the night sky and screamed," God, this is not funny." and then walked toward the loud music and voice of a woman screaming, "Put me down you big oaf…"