Chapter Seventeen-Angels and Demons

John grabbed his 9mm as the men standing in front of him shape shifted into identical mimics of Wimpy, looking massive, mean, and menacing with yellowish orbs that shifted to and fro.

"What the fuck, Wimpy?" John questioned as he turned, looking to find his new boss.

"I guess you'll be earning your keep tonight, welcome to the team." Wimpy's voice intent and full of bloodlust," protect Amanda and the bar, I'll take care of bug eyes,"

"I can take care of myself, Wimpy!" Amanda shouted.

"Did you forget that they came to fuck and fight." Wimpy turned toward the love of his life, "you're the sweetest piece of tail in Harvest Hills, do as I say." Wimpy pleaded with a smile as he walked toward the challenger, "Do as I say, John, protect Amanda and my bar.'

"Gotcha boss, understood."

Amanda hesitantly looked into the mirror behind the bar and grinned, "My ass is pretty sweet." she said to herself before giving herself a gentle smack on her butt," I am a sweet piece of tail."

John was dazed as he watched Amanda admire her rear end and then came to," Stop that, you're not making my job any easier." John said as he readied his gun and his thoughts, chambering a round.

Amanda placed buckshot 12-gauge shells onto the bar, lining them into neat little rows, "I'll cover the left side, stranger, and you watch everything else."

"I have a name, Amanda."

"You're still a stranger to me. We survive this night and I'll call you whatever you like, and I might even make you breakfast." A whimsical grin kissed the edges of her mouth.

Wimpy kicked a table toward the bug-eyed imposter while swinging his battle-axe wildly, aiming for his opponent's head.

A yellowish trail traced in front of Wimpy as the imposter phased out and shifted a few feet to the right, away from the incoming blade. An arrogant smile crossed his face when their eyes finally met," maybe next time, Wimpy."

"Oh, you gotta use magic to save your pathetic behind, huh? Wimpy screamed in frustration while bringing his battle axe close to his mouth and whispered the old language into his ancient blade. A blue flame began to materialize on the double-edged axe, igniting both Wimpy and the pommel, "I got a little bit of magic myself, here catch," Wimpy said as he threw the massive weapon with a double handed overhead swing, hitting the imposter square in the chest with lighting speed. The blade bit in deep crushing and slicing all the way through his body, protruding out of his back. His eyes bugged out further as blood began to leak from his mouth, nose, and chest. A gory smile erupted as he began to chant dark words as he sliced his forearm with his dagger, spitting blood and bile with every syllable before falling into a slump, leaning on the battle-axe.

"Mindy, take your crew and leave, the bar's closed. Everyone out, except for you fellas. You want a fight, you got one coming your way."

Mindy kept her gun raised and slowly walked toward the exit, "Are you sure you want us to leave, there are three of you and nine of them?"

"I love you too, Mindy, bye!" Wimpy said as he watched the blood pool around the imposter's knees. Why did he cut his own wrists, it didn't make sense?

Angry chants erupted from the clones as they sliced their own wrists, each word was drenched with a dark rage and revenge. Their orbs began to glow as their blood began to trickle into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the energy of the room.

Amanda chambered a round and said," I don't think so," and opened fire and shot the three closest to Wimpy, spraying him with both blood and bone fragments. She chambered her last round and shot the same three men again, killing them all this time. As they hit the ground, they shapeshifted back into their original form," the rest of you boys still want to play?" She said while loading her gun and cocking it with a cylindrical click.

John opened fire, aiming for kneecaps and shoulder joints. Four men dropped to the floor, screaming as they held their wounds, blood soaking their clothes and floor around them.

"Head shots, stranger! Wounded men are still dangerous." Amanda said as she aimed her shotgun at the screaming men.

"Dead Men can't answer questions, Amanda!" John yelled as he shot another kneecap, "we need answers."

"I'll leave you one, Johnny boy!" Amanda's shotgun blasted toward the three squirming men.

Wimpy watched both Amanda and John blast their way through the remainder of men as he walked over dead bodies, broken tables, and chairs to retrieve his battle axe. He grabbed the braided leather handle while pushing the corpse backwards with his foot. He studied the dead man's body and face because he still couldn't figure out why he had cut his own wrist and realized that he was now only skin and bones as if all of his life's force had been sucked dry. Wimpy walked over to the other dead bodies and noticed the same thing, something wasn't right, why were they cutting their wrist. It was if they wanted to die for a greater purpose. A shotgun blast rang loudly as a thud hit the floor.

"Stop killing them, they want to die for some reason." Wimpy said as he watched Amanda walk toward the bar.

Amanda walked from behind the bar with a handful of shells and reloaded her shotgun, sliding the shells into the chamber house one red and gold bullet at a time," I left you boys one, he's over here." her loaded shotgun rested on his bleeding head.

The wounded man looked up at Amanda and snarled before speaking," You're going to die first, whore. You're all going to die, but you're first, Amanda, it will be a tra…"

Before he could finish speaking Wimpy kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold," Watch your mouth boy!" He looked at John and said, "Tie him up in the back. Make sure he doesn't chant or cut his wrist; he is the last one alive. We don't need any surprises tonight.

John picked him up off of the floor with a fireman's carry, throwing him over his shoulder and walked into the back room. He slumped the man down onto a folding chair and looked around for something to tie him down with, turning his back while he searched the cupboards and draws of the kitchen area.

One groggy eye opened at a time, he looked around and noticed John's back. He slowly reached into his boot and pulled out a double-sided dagger and sliced his wrist and began to chant loud enough for John to hear. He stood and walked toward John, cutting his own throat with a smile on his face. His life's blood began to get sucked from his body and into the atmosphere, his body hit the floor knees first and then flat on his face. John turned and began to scream and instinctually pulled his 9MM, aiming for a headshot, waiting for the bastard to get up.

The dead man's face and body began to contort and shrivel as the remainder of his blood, fat, and flesh began to evaporate, leaving behind a mummified corpse.

"Wimpy!?" John screamed in horror, `Get in here!" and noticed his own breath as he spoke. How did it get so cold? John huffed again purposefully, watching his breath freeze once more, "what the fuck is going on?" he said as he ran toward the bar, jumping over the dead body. Both Amanda and Wimpy looked at John for a second before shifting their eyes back to the other side of the room.

John followed their gaze and noticed a milky swirling portal that began to collect each of the dead, one body at a time. With each body, the swirling vortex became larger and began to hum with energy.

"Go stop that body, John." Wimpy said as he held onto a wall, trying not to lose his battle-axe, the energy pulled at it.

John turned just in time to see the body tear through the kitchen wall and into the mouth of the swirling vortex, causing icy blackness to shoot out into all directions, creating ice crystals on everything that its frigid fingers touched.

Wimpy's Battle-axe began to glow a brilliant white as the swirling quickened and began to increase with power.

"John, your boot is glowing!" Amanda said as she pointed.

He looked down and remembered Kaleb's dagger. He remembered why it was glowing, there was something evil coming through that portal. Why hasn't it glowed when those freaks came into the bar? He then thought of Livianna and wished she were here.

John holstered his 9MM and unsheathed Kaleb's dagger, revealing a transparent golden blade that glistened and emitted immense power toward the swirling portal.

"Where did you get that blade from, John?" Wimpy asked as he turned his attention toward the dagger.

It was a gift from a friend when I was stationed in Afghanistan. We helped each other make it out alive." John stopped speaking about it because somehow Wimpy had seen the blade before.

"We will see, John, we will see." Wimpy said as he gripped his battle-axe fiercely and returned his attention back toward the swirling vortex that no longer sucked energy, but instead had gotten very still.

Yellow, red, and cream colors pulled together and formed a murky and vibrant swirl that hummed to the same frequency as the chants that were spoken before the prophets of Baal cut their wrists. Thick sheets of icy blackness poured into the room from the base of the portal, making Wimpy and John jump backwards.

"John, what were his last words before cutting his throat?"

"He chanted a few words and then smiled, why?"

"I find it a bit strange that they all chanted before they died, don't you?" Wimpy turned his attention back toward John," this portal was manifested because of their sacrifices." Wimpy focused his eyes back on the portal," there is a demon coming through this portal, my battle-axe only turns white when pure evil is present or if demons are close." Wimpy squeezed his pommel, "get ready for a real fight."

"Let's hope you're wrong!"

"All of their bodies were drained as if something drank their blood and life force, they came here tonight to die. They used us to call forth something evil." Wimpy said as he inched his way closer to the mouth of the swirling portal," Whatever happens tonight, Amanda." Wimpy looked toward where she was standing and said," always remember what I told you, okay."

"Which time, Wimpy?" Amanda had never seen Wimpy so emotional before and it made her become emotional.

"The time when I said that your ass was the best I've ever seen. I meant it." Wimpy winked and gave her a crooked grin.

Amanda wiped her eyes with her sleeve and spoke angrily," and here I thought you were about to get sentimental on me, you're an idiot!" Amanda flicked him the bird and walked behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of Jack and twisted the cap off and chugged half of the fiery brown liquid," You're a coward, Nidal. You can fight demons, kill cultists, and take on god knows what, but you can't be honest about your feelings for me; you're a hard man to love." Amanda chugged some more and slammed the bottle on the polished couter top, splashing some on the bar and herself.

"Is this really the best time for this conversation, guys?" John asked as he looked at Amanda then at both Wimpy and the portal.

"Shut up, John!" Both Amanda and Wimpy said simultaneously.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood, sweet cheeks. You know I love you. I would kill for you.' Wimpy pointed his battle axe in her direction and roared," woman, never question my love, loyalty, or dedication to you."

"You're an asshole, Nadal." A drunken grin covered her face. She knew that he loved her, she just wanted to hear it one last time if tonight was their last night on earth.

Before anything else could be said, a burst of energy tore through the portals mouth, sending Wimpy, John, and Amanda all backwards. Moments later a sonic blast ripped through the room, shattering many of the glasses, bottles, and mirrors within the bar as the two realms merged. A popping sound echoed from within the darkness as an eight-foot sword cut through the portal's mouth, announcing its welder's arm and massive body as it emerged, allowing all twelve feet of it to step into Hog Heaven. The shadowy creature's eyes slowly opened as if they had been sealed for centuries, revealing bright jasper eyes. The demon shook off layers of melting ice that crashed to the hardwood floor, splintering the tongue and groove. It moved with purpose and pointed toward John and Wimpy, looking within the room for someone else before speaking," their blood cries out for revenge, vengeance shall be mine, John O'Neil, Amanda Smith, and Nadal Wimpandale." the shadowy demon swung its massive razor-sharp sword toward John's head, "Your head's first."

John remembered Clarissa, his daughter, Gabby, the look on all of his targets faces before he killed them, and all of the mistakes that he had made within his life. Was this how death felt, cold and full of regret. What about heaven and eternal life? Would he go to hell? John kept his eyes closed and waited for the blade to bite into his neck as he heard both Wimpy and Amanda scream in horror, "God forgive me." John said softly."

A brilliant light flashed before John, and he heard the clash of metal. Then he was bull-rushed and tackled to the ground by Wimpy.

"Open your eyes, you idiot, Daga's here." a horrified excitement drenched his words," he just saved your life."

"Who?" John said as he opened his eyes and noticed that his hero was smaller than the demon, yet the angel's shoulders were broader and more muscular. He was extremely defined, and his legs were like tree trunks. This ethereal being was perfectly chiseled and looked like a marble statue in motion. His arms were massive, pulsing with tendons, ligaments, and veins that tried to escape his tight skin. Protective scales like armor covered his chest and midsection. All was held in place with a golden belt that rested above a dark leather tunic with golden trim.

The angel's seven-foot sword swung valiantly at the demonic miscreation, making a thunderstorm of light and dark sparks as their blades clashed.

With a flap of his enormous wings, the angel transfigured into a brilliant light, blinding the creature and then buried his golden sword deep into the demon's neck. A horrific howl escaped as the heavenly metal seared and caused its carrion to sizzle the deeper the sword bite in. With lightning speed, the angel lunged and then swung his mighty sword again, aiming for the demon's midsection. He missed as the shadowy creature parried and scrambled with its own attacks, hitting the angle with its best shot. Sparks of white energy flowed from the angels wound as the force of the demon's blow caused the angel to fall backwards and crash through a wall, sending drywall, plaster, and furniture in all directions of the impact.

The demon turned and began to walk toward both John and Wimpy when a bolt of lightning manifested into a giant fist that connected to the back of the demon's head, forcing both ichor and negative energy to explode into the cold air.

John watched and waited for an opportune time to join the fight. He had killed demons before, not this big, yet a demon was a demon. John crouched down and slowly positioned himself in front of the bar, out of sight, for a chance to sneak an attack to the demon's chest, all he had to do was be patient.

Wimpy noticed what John was doing and began to follow suit on the other side of the room, flanking the enemy. Wimpy roared a war cry and ran wildly with his brilliantly white battle axe over his head, aiming for a clean shot.

John followed and jumped off of a table while the giant ethereal creatures were engaged in eternal warfare.

Wimpy hit first, causing the demon to cringe as the holy flame burned its way through the demon's armor and carrion, severing its shoulder. The demon turned toward Wimpy, swinging its massive claw at Wimpy's head. This distraction was what both John and Daga needed. John slammed his demon killing dagger into its shadowy midsection as he came down on its frigid carrion, and at the same time allowed the angel to bury its massive heavenly golden sword through the demon's chest.

The evil spirit gushed gore as both the sword and dagger penetrated its vitals, a weak whimper escaped its fang invested mouth. Its shadowy eyes shifted toward John and exhaled its last breath, dematerializing with the portal. Rushing wind exploded into the bar, covering everything with both ice and ichor before the portal disappeared completely.

Amanda peeked over the bar and noticed John, Wimpy, and a ten-foot-tall angel staring at the empty space where the portal once cast its icy shadow.

"Happy you could finally join the fight, sweetheart!" Wimpy said, happy to see that Amanda was still alive.