Chapter Sixteen- PINK

Doug's thirst for a new life began to consume him, leaving him emotionally drained and unable to feel anything except regret. All of the meaningless sex, four-day drug binges, and alcoholic blackouts had created a black hole within his reason. The very things that he once craved had now become a prison that perpetually subjugated him mentally, physically, and emotionally to the people and places that he once trusted. He felt like he was on death row, unable to die, unable to take his last breath, and unable to free himself from this life that he bargained his next child for.

The little bit of happiness he did have was slowly leached out by the addictive individuals that surrounded him, daily, always disappearing when the drugs were gone. In truth, the only friend that he desired was with the grim Reaper, Unfortunately, even death wouldn't take him, it was if Baal had made him hex proof with the sigil that marked his arm. Doug tried and tried to permanently numb the pain by overdosing on purpose only to find himself in the same predicament when he woke up in the morning. The worst occasions were when he would wake up in a pool of his own vomit or wake up in the hospital because someone had found him passed out on the street, death refused to take him.

Baal had given him more than he had ever hoped or dreamed of, to the point that he wished he had never opened the paper bag or read that black book. What was he thinking? How did he think that a seance would fix his life? Baal had twisted and demented all of his desires, making them living nightmares. Every day and every night more drugs and beautiful women would show up with the same tattoo and instructions to fulfill all of his desires. These perfect creatures of seduction chained him to his own selfishness; continually entangling, ensnaring, and trapping him within the confines of his own home until he paid Baal what he owed the demon-god. His biggest prayer was to never wake up, yet he couldn't stay a sleep.

Doug's eyes startled open as he jumped out of the lazy boy chair, his heart still racing from the night before. He had tried to kill himself again by sniffing an ounce of nose candy. Yet here he was still alive. He looked around and noticed all of the naked bodies of random women and a few men scattered here and there, track marks ran wildly. The stench of skunked beer, stale smoke, and body odor created a nauseating haze that permeated the entire house, Doug couldn't escape it no matter where he went. Doug began to pace within the house, stepping over debris and bodies. The task of taking a shower, shaving, and going to the bathroom in peace seemed impossible, so he dressed himself, packed his things, and stood in the doorway of his new suburban home disgusted with himself and his blood-bought life. His ex-wife's voice was a constant reminder, in the back of his mind, that everything was his fault; she had been gone for ten years and he could still hear her voice saying," Doug, you're a worthless good for nothing piece of…" The emotional memory was cut short as the door slammed shut, creating a loud bang waking everyone on the first floor; the wind had picked up. He broke free from both his thoughts and his prison and fled down the steps toward the parking lot. Doug looked back and knew that he would be back once the sun went down, back to the same filth and degradation. Maybe this time he would take a swim within the chaotic waves of the party and hopefully drown this time.

Doug reached his car, leaving both Mary and Melissa behind. They had been with him ever since that first night when he made that deal with Baal. He carried his bags and placed the bag of money and drugs in the front passenger's seat. He closed his door and adjusted his rearview mirror and noticed the big pink billboard behind him that had a picture of Heaven on it, her smile was captivating. Doug smiled, he knew where he was going to spend some more of his money, but this time he would go by himself, no rules tonight. He would be in control of who or what he did tonight. Tonight, he would try to enter Heaven's gates.

As Doug pulled onto Roosevelt Blvd, he could see the black building. The basic run of the mill building except for the pink neon lights that set inside black tinted windows; no free peep shows here. To enter this club, one had to possess one of two things, particular things, either a lot of money or drugs. Luckily for Doug, he had both in tow. He looked over his shoulder as he neared the door, checking his surroundings. Doug pulled the heavy metal doors and walked inside past a handful of bouncers and bodyguards. They all looked at him and gave a nonchalant head nod after he showed his I.D. and paid the cover charge.

He had been here before with both Melissa and Mary and knew how to get what he wanted; money was the universal language in this club. The women who knew him gave him passionate looks, hunger in their eyes, as they flaunted their glittery flesh and tiny boy shorts. He made his way toward the neon sign that read: VIP ROOM. He had spent a few hours in this room with multiple women, at once, because Mary had suggested it. How could he say no to that, a room full of naked women that were there to please him? Melissa had brought him without Mary one night, that had caused a fight, yet it was worth the argument. Melissa had bought every available dancer that night, except for Heaven, not because she hadn't tried too, but Heaven had a code that she followed and the V.I.P was off limits.

Tonight, was different, Doug came only for Heaven. He needed to learn more about this woman who had power over every man that entered the club, she was the main attraction. He needed to feel her warmth and captivate this woman who continued to elude him. Being told no was something that Doug wasn't used to anymore, especially in places like these, who did she think she was? He was Doug O'Neil, and he gave the best tips and drugs. That was what drove Doug crazy, she wasn't like the others. These ladies here gave him everything they had for his money, allowing him the sense that he was in control, which clouded his already demented and tormented mind. These fast women, lost souls, struggled to make ends meet, loved his money and could care less about him. In his mind, it was his responsibility to help these fragile creatures get the help they needed, making Doug feel like a god at least in his own mind.

The problem was, Heaven and Doug had created a bond in only a few short weeks. She actually listened to him talk both at Pink and Olive Garden. She demanded respect and would not give into his sexual advances, which simply attracted Doug to her all the more. It became a challenge, he'd had dozens of women who were more attractive than her staying at his apartment, but she was better. She was not a mindless robot, but rather a person he could fall in love with, and this scared him and yet, gave him hope all at the same time, the beauty and the beast.

Doug found a spot away from the crowd of horny men who threw their money as they hooted and hollered at whoever danced on center stage, gyrating and twerking on the pole. HIs table was in the darkness of the corner with barely any light and a lot more privacy. He waved the waitress over and ordered the "PINK" special and then asked her to set up a private dance with Heaven and threw a thick stack of hundreds on the shadowy table. To Doug, having drinks, drugs, and Heaven was a great break from a horrible day.

Doug watched as the waitress walked over to the bar and placed his order, a moment later Heaven stepped out from behind the veil and began to ask the bartender questions, Doug hoped they were questions about him. She poured a few drinks and then made his order, pointing in his direction, making a fuss about how much money he had offered by measuring an invisible stack of hundreds. Heaven turned and her eyes flashed with recognition and then a smile caressed her face as she made her way towards him. Doug watched as Heaven ambled across the room, she was the most beautiful woman in the club. Her pinkish-blond hair swayed as she sashayed toward him, hips in motion. Her hips were wide for her small frame and were complimented by her slender abs and long toned legs. The only article of clothing she wore were metallic colored boy shorts and a small tear dropped navel ring that glistened within the shifting lights. Doug's imagination began to gnaw at his resolve, for his desire and lust became an untamed animal within his veins; he needed this goddess of a woman in the worst way, and she knew it. It was a game to her, and she was a fae-creature who had cast her spell on his feeble mind, or it was the succubus blood that Mary and Malissa made him drink, either way, he felt out of control with passion and needed to release the pressure

Heaven climbed onto Doug's lap," What will it be, handsome!" She asked as her body went into motion against his. Doug felt weak and lost all of his control as his hands began to treat her tight body like an expedition, searching and fondling her naked flesh. Doug recognized the cucumber-melon body spray that she had worn before as he began to nibble on her shoulder. Heaven smacked Doug's hand defiantly as he tried to touch her goodies. This only stimulated his desire even more, causing pain to course through his body, starting at his crotch and rendering him weak under her captivating hold. What was wrong with him, why was he feeling like this? He had plenty of lap dances and thi… Doug stopped thinking and moving his hands and realized that he had been with both Mary and Melissa when he had come here before, they had protected him from whatever magic or spell he was now under.

"Are you okay, handsome?" Heaven looked down into his eyes and pressed her body closer to Doug's, "why did you stop touching me? I need you to touch me."

Maybe it was the other way around, maybe Mary and Melissa had put a spell on him, so it would hurt him to have sexual relations without them. There was only one way to find out, "I want to go to the V.I.P. Room with you, Heaven." Doug whispered into her ear lustfully weakened by the thought that danced within his mind.

Heaven giggled, grinding and thrusting harder on Doug's lap, causing him to go weak as she rubbed against his swollen member," You know I'm not that kind of girl, sexy!" Heaven had this poor man under her spell and right where she wanted him. He had more money than the majority of the marks that came into this place. He had continued to show his face at both of her jobs even when she punished him or simply teased him over and over again, she was going to get paid tonight. If she was lucky, she would be able to run away from this place and disappear, depending on how much he would fork over without her having to give him what he wanted. Being a dancer didn't mean she was a whore, she was thrown into this life and had to follow the rules or suffer the consequences. Even so, some rules were meant to be broken, especially when it came to getting away from Bruno and this place. Even though she was a stripper, she loved the power and control that the job gave to her. The risk and reward factor made it that much more exciting, to dangle the idea that she would have sex with these pathetic men and not give them anything but a hardon and an empty wallet had its consequences, yet she was always careful not to get them to reved up because some men could simply be ravenous when pushed too far. She had seen what happens when the line was crossed, no one won in the end. Even still, she was a goddess here and her body was her curse. She was simply taking back from these men what Bruno had stolen from her, power and control. She loved the way they begged and pleaded for her to open up to their sexual desires, it was deliciously entertaining. She would simply bide her time until she had enough money and then she would stop being their sweet flesh to devour.

Doug broke free from his trance long enough to say, "I want you in my life, Heaven. I need you to be my wife and give me a child." Doug nibbled on her ear as he spoke.

"What?" Heaven came to and remembered that she had a customer under her spell. She had to stop zoning out, it wasn't safe. She smiled and asked," what did you say, sweetheart, I could hear you over the music.

Doug moved closer and ran his nose against her neck as he neared her ear, "I want you in my life, Heaven."

"What are you talking about, sweetheart?" she asked surprisingly, even though she had heard it all before.

"I need you…" Doug was captivated and began to unravel, his confidence and ability to keep it cool began to crumble with each word. He felt vulnerable and powerless again as if he was under his ex-wife's control. Why was he feeling like this? He had money, he had drugs, and he had every other woman wishing that they were Heaven right now, he was the man. So why didn't he feel like it? Why was this so difficult? Did he really like Heaven, what made her so special?

"What about Melissa and Mary, Doug?" she stopped dancing and looked him in the eyes," you thought I didn't know who you were, huh?" Heaven's face reddened with frustration. Why couldn't he just be quiet and let her dance. She was tired of the same old song and dance, yet if she played her cards right, she might get paid this time round.

"I need to get away from my life, Heaven. Those girls are sucking the life out of me." Doug reached down into his bag and pulled out fifty thousand dollars in crisp hundreds and handed it to her," I will give you a new life, also.

"Are you serious?!" Heaven blurted as she took the five thick stacks of hundreds. A new life is what she had always dreamt of. There was no need to think, there would be no more Bruno, no more small studio apartment, and no more stripping for money. Yet, there was a part of her that screamed 'RUN' inside of her mind. She told the voice to shut up and placed the money on her lap and began to kiss Doug while she placed his hands on her once earlier forbidden areas. It was settled, she was going to run off with this man and get them both killed in the process, but at least she would try. If they could get past the bouncers and guards, she gave them a fifty-fifty chance of making it through the night. What did she really have to lose, she hated her life for the most part and fifty grand was a great start to a new life? Heaven smiled as she remembered her favorite quote: anything worth having is worth the risk! Her new life was a risk, and she was willing to die for a chance. Heaven grabbed the money and hopped off of Doug's lap, escorting them both to the V.I.P room.

Doug could feel his heart throbbing within his extremities. It had been a long time since he had gotten what he really wanted. Since he had made the deal with Baal his life had been chained to both Mary and Melissa and their wants. The door closed behind him and he beheld Heaven in a new light, she was just as hungry for a new life as he was and that was their commonality. A part of Doug wanted to violate her and treat her like the others, yet there was something different about her. Instead, Doug took his time and made it all about her, something that she was probably not used to. Tonight, she would not be just another street walker or common prostitute, no she would be treated as a queen. He walked up behind her and began to kiss her neck, making his way down, taking his time, as he tasted her sweet tangy body. She could very well be the one who saved him from the demon-god, Doug's whole existence depended on her and this night. If they made it through this alive, maybe they could, one day, live happier ever after.

Heaven gave in, it had been years since she had felt a man go down on her, let alone make love to her. Usually, the experience was over before it really started, leaving her more frustrated and degenerate. Doug's touches and kisses reminded her of the love that she shared with her first boyfriend, it was short lived once Bruno found out. Heaven embraced the thought and allowed her flame to ignite fully inside of her, giving Doug more than he had expected. She blocked out the past and focused on the man that was feeding her hunger, her longing to please, her longing to love. He was starting to give her pleasure beyond the physical, this man was pouring his heart and soul into her cursed body. With every thrust and deep breath came a sensation that she had forgotten existed. Heaven gazed into his eyes, his distant eyes, whoever he was making love to, within his mind, was not her. No, this man was making love to his past life, a past love. She must have been special.

Doug broke free from his trance and looked into Heaven's icy blue eyes and whispered," you are the only heaven that I will ever be able to see." he then gently caressed her face with his lips and worked his way toward her neck," tell me you love the way I make your body feel. Tell me that you love me, Heaven." he continued to caress her face with one hand. Heaven grabbed his hand and began to kiss it while she spoke softly between each kiss," I love… the way… you make my body feel… don't stop. Don't ever stop." she tensed as a wave of pleasure rushed through her body. Heaven became overwhelmed with his passion and was consumed within the connection that they both shared. She wanted this moment to last forever, she wanted Doug to love her and take away her pain, all of her pain. Doug had to love her, her body couldn't lie. What she was feeling was deeper than just sex, this was spiritual, it was emotional, it was mentally satiating her fragmented mind.

Doug had lost control; he had not made love to a woman since his ex-wife. He had plenty of meaningless sex partners, but Heaven awoke something deep within him and made him feel different. This emotional chaos was a combination of lust, love, and sheer redemption. To have a woman as beautiful as Heaven within his arms gave him a strength that he had forgotten he once possessed. Heaven made him feel like a man again, not merely a sex slave. He felt like the man that he used to be before he was an addicted loser and sold his next child to a demon-god.

They both breathed heavily as they laid within a tangled mess of arms and legs, sweat everywhere. The chemical euphoria began to wear off and the reality of the situation incapacitated their high," Let's get out of here, right now!" Doug said enthusiastically."

"My shift isn't over. I'm scheduled until midnight and Bruno doesn't play games." she said with a sigh.

"I'll take care of it, let's go."

Heaven stopped and took Doug by the face with her hands, "They will kill you; I've seen it happen before."

"Do you trust me? Do you want a new life? Then we must leave now," Doug said as he kissed her soft skin," I got you, or I will at least die trying."

Heaven smiled weakly, shook off all of the worries and then hurried to the dressing room to freshen up and get dressed. Doug fixed his pants, tightened his belt, and smoothed out his shirt. He reached into his bag and pulled out his 357-magnum handgun and checked the chambers. He grabbed a few quick release revolver magazines and then bumped a few lines of his powdery friend, shoving the rest back into his pocket for later. Death was not an option.

Doug slowly walked out of the V.I.P room and watched for Heaven, hoping that she didn't get cold feet. To his surprise, she hurried across the room and made her way toward where he was waiting, where they both walked toward the exit together. Within a few seconds, the club stood still, women sat motionless on their mark's laps, the dancers on the poles held their positions or just stopped dancing to watch, and the men who threw money stared at Doug and Heaven as they both passed them. Everyone in the club here had seen it all before and knew the consequences for trying to take one of Bruno's girls, especially Heaven. A pair of very large men stepped in the path toward the exit," Where do you think you are going, Heaven? Yor shift isn't over for another six hours. `` They both looked at Doug and began to snarl and clench both their teeth and fists," and who the hell are you, little man."

Doug didn't say a word and instead pulled out his gun and pointed the barrel at the biggest one's head," Heaven belongs to me now! Tell Bruno that John O'Neil has his girl. Doug hoped that his brother's name still held as much power as it did in High School.

Slowly, three more guards and bouncers circled round and stood behind their friends," Bruno's going to find you and then gut you with a dull knife if we don't do it first." they began to reach for their own weapons.

"I'll see you all in hell," Doug said as he opened fire on all of the men, killing the guards with weapons, and wounding two of the bouncers.

The entire club became a chaotic storm of screams, shouts, and gunshots, causing both men and women to run for cover. Some ran into the V.I.P room with their marks in tow. While others simply grabbed money, alcohol, and food before running toward the back of the building.

Doug smiled at the craziness; it was the perfect cover for his escape.

"Tell Bruno that if he comes after us, I'll kill him, too." Doug grabbed Heaven who was in shock, staring at the two dead men who had saved her life before in the past. Doug yanked her arm, "We have to go before the cops come."

As Doug was distracted, one of the bouncers went for a gun and was about to shoot when Heaven grabbed Doug's gun and pulled the trigger, hitting the man in the chest. The recoil threw both Heaven and the gun back toward Doug," Nice shot!"

"Bruno's going to kill you both," one of the wounded men said as he laid prone on the ground

Heaven stared at the man she had shot, the man that she had feared for so long, the man that she had killed.

"Let's go, Heaven." Doug yelled as he pointed his gun toward the floor," Don't follow us, understand?!"

They both ran out of the club and climbed into Doug's car. He started the V8v and slammed the shifter into gear, squealing the tires and causing grey smoke to fill the cold air as they disappeared under the cover of smoke, the pink neon lights fading in the rearview mirror. Distant sounds of sirens could be heard as they crossed the bridge. Doug had already packed all of the things that he would need. Heaven slid closer to Doug and curled up next to him as they both left behind their old lives and embraced new problems.