Chapter fifteen- Seeing Double

Jeryl looked around his new church and smiled. It was quaint and old fashioned, yet it would serve his master's purpose. He looked at the stained-glass windows, the pulpit, and the large ten-foot cross that hung behind the podium. This was his church now and he would preach the gospel according to him, convincing Harvest Hills to worship his lord.

"Welcome!" Jeryl said as he stood to his feet and walked behind the podium. This congregation was a mix of the women that Baal had given him and the high priest that he totally despised, and his handpicked assassins, his bodyguards to protect Lord Baal's investment, "Welcome to Harvest Hills you bunch of heathens, murderers, whores, and sinners," he opened his arms and embraced the congregation with an invisible huge.

The sanctuary exploded into an applause as shouts, claps, hoots and hollers as they stood to their feet, accepting their new pastor and leader.

Twenty prophetesses and prostitutes looked at him with adoration and desire, it had been a long time since they had had such a charming and good-looking man to lead them. He was also the chosen vessel of Baal and they all believed that Jeryl would wed them all and bring them all into Baal's new kingdom," We made it into the promised land, and now we must share Baal's vision with all of the women, children, and men of this disgustingly perfect little town. A town where preachers get murdered on their sacred land and everyone acts like nothing happened, Harvest Hills is god-forsaken, and we are going to reap the benefits." Jeryl said as he stepped off of the stage and skipped like a child down the center aisle," this is exactly why we need to share our lord's message; the fruit is ripe and ready for the picking. They need to know how generous Baal can be to his people." He gently brushed his fingertips against a woman's face that sat in the front row," you are all my betrothed and it is our duty and calling to embrace the lives of all, especially the women and children, making them a part of our new family, can you ladies do that?"

"Yes, my love, I can do this for you." she said as she nipped at his fingertips.

"What about the rest of my bride, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get all of the men within this town to surrender to our lord's will. We must convince these men to join us, so we can make them into warriors for lord Baal. We need soldiers to combat those who have been brainwashed and confused by this heresy," he holds up a bible and opens it, tearing pages out and tossing them onto the floor," we know the truth and we must share it with those who are lost in this condemned world, Harvest Hills is just the beginning. This is the will of our lord; we cannot fail him!" Jeryl threw the rest of the book onto the floor and walked back up the steps and back onto the stage, looking down at his congregation," I need you to go into this town and separate the strong men from their families and have them swear alliance to Baal, by whatever means necessary."

A scream filled the room as the doors to the sanctuary slammed open, two assassins dragged a man who wore a black bag over his head," let me go you bunch of cowards."

Jeryl met them in the middle of the sanctuary and snatched the bag off of the man's head," welcome to the church of Baal, saint."

"Who are you? Where is the woman who drugged me, I want my wallet back?"

"I think you have bigger problems than a wallet, saint." Jeryl kneeled in front of the man, holding his chin with his fingers," my girls say that you tried to force your poisonous propaganda onto them, I thought we warned you, saint?"

"Just give me my wallet back and I will forget all of this creepy shit, man. I have a family who is probably worried about me, please."

"I have a family as well and you tried hurting one of them with your…" Jeryl grabbed the man's face, squeezing in his cheeks, "with your stories of love and redemption. You said that your god is all mighty, show us. Show me and I will let you leave." he walked toward the front of the sanctuary and stopped in front of the altar, grabbing a sacrificial knife," if your god can save you then I will believe in your mighty god," spit and angry words covered the man that began to cry as he saw the sharp knife," you have until your blood stops flowing to save yourself, or you can make it real simple and denounce your god and bow to Lord Baal, the choice is yours, saint."

"I would rather die than bow to your demon, I know where I…"

Jeryl's hand moved with lightning speed, slicing the man's throat, cutting his words and oxygen supply," let's see if your god can save you now."

A bloody smile appeared on the saint's face as he gargled, "He already has." and slowly slumped to the floor as his life pooled around his knees.

"Looks like Baal has won again, zero for the saints and two for Baal. God must really hate his children." Jeryl looked around the room and simply asked, "anyone else wants to serve a god who lets his children get slaughtered." His eyes drank in the crowd of beautiful women, high priests, cultists, and grinned," Great! Let's continue, you may not kill just anyone. The old are open season, they creep me out. You can also kill anyone who openly preaches against Baal or try's to steal our family from us, no questions asked.

He turned toward the woman and winked, "you may use your bodies to entice these men, bringing them to their knees. It will please your lord because he has given you such gifts, these magnificent curves to strengthen his kingdom. You can use spells, use money, use drugs, and most importantly use Lord Baal's blood." he laughed and the energy within the room lightened," you can use whatever it takes to win these men over. Once you seduce them and have your way with them, you must have them drink the blood from this chalice." he held up a jewel encrusted black crystal chalice with gold trim," and swear an oath to Baal."

Jeryl turned and placed the chalice on the altar and said,'' You have one job, ladies, and that is to create an army."

Jeryl turned his attention to a large group of cultists and said," Go cause some trouble and find us a base for our army, satiate whatever desires you have swimming in your demented skulls." The men began to hoot and holler as they stormed out of the church and into the darkness of the night.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Get off me, Wimpy!" Mindy said as she slapped and hit his massive back, "Put me down, you big oaf." She wiggled and squirmed in his strong clutch, making everyone at the bar laugh at her misfortune.

Wimpy smiled, he loved his job. The rowdy and rigid bikers, outlaws, and stranglers made him feel right at home. He placed Mindy in a seat and snarled as he spoke a few words, "Stay!" He looked around and pointed," Hey, find Mindy's shirt."

"You're no fun, Wimpy!" Mindy said as she lowered her lip and began to pout while she sipped on her white Russian," I just wanted to feel sexy and alive, buzz kill!" she said as she stared daggers toward Wimpy.

The bartender whirled around and said," You're sixty years old, Mindy, no one wants to see those flapjack tits! He said as he slid her another drink with a wink.

"You weren't saying that last night, Jimmy, when I took my teeth out for you."

Jimmy blushed and then walked to the other end of the bar," I don't know what you're talking about, Miny, you're crazy!"

Mindy loved to see her victims squirm, especially when they tried to lie," Am I, Jimmy…"

"Enough!" Wimpy looked at the both of them and swallowed hard," Nasty, I just puked in my mouth. Thanks!" he sat down and slowly sipped some water," Go over there, Mindy, and keep your clothes on." he pointed toward a table near the back by the mechanical bull.

Mindy grabbed an old Buffalo Bills t-shirt from a man with bottle cap glasses, while he stared at her exposed breast," stop staring at me like that, eeww!"

"Are you serious, Mindy?" Wimpy questioned with a smirk," you take off your clothes and dance topless on my bar and then yell at my customers because they are looking at you, what did you think was going to happen?"

"I don't want him looking at me." she flipped her hair and walked to the back of the bar," you changed, Wimpy, we used to have fun."

"You wish, princess. Have you seen my wife…" Wimpy stopped speaking before he spoke words that he would regret, Mindy was a sweet woman who was just looking for attention? Even though she was the major cause of his headaches, he still kind of liked having her around," maybe in a different life, Mindy." he smiled and blew her a kiss.

She grabbed the kiss out of the air and tucked it into her pocket," I will save that for later." she smiled and turned around toward a table of older men, trying to mend her wounded pride.

John slid into a bar stool next to Wimpy and said," That was fun, is it always this much fun?"

"You're sneaky, I didn't hear or see you come in." Wimpy said as he turned toward John," what do you think? Can you handle the old horny woman, angry bikers, and whatever else comes through that door?"

"I'll do my best to keep up. Where are all of the beautiful women that you bragged about? I come in expecting to see a room full of… it's not what I had in mind, that's all."

"You'll see soon enough, it's the middle of the week, wait." Wimpy smiled and patted John on the back," just wait and see."

"I'll take a gin and tonic, extra lime, thanks." John said as the bartender took his order.

"I pegged you as a rum and coke kinda guy, I would have lost that bet." Wimpy said with a smile," you can go get yourself a table and order yourself some dinner, on the house. You start tomorrow night, 8:00pm. Enjoy the dinner and if you need you can sleep in the loft upstairs just for tonight." Wimpy slapped the bar and stood, `Keep your business to yourself, John." and he walked toward the kitchen. ``

"Thanks!" John said as he looked around the bar for the waitresses and waived when their eyes met. John sat down at a table near the wall, feeling naked without his gear. He decided to stash it in the woods before coming in. He didn't want to be overdressed for the job, so he simply tucked his 9mm in his waist and Kaleb's dagger in his boot. He had no choice but to wear his fatigues, hopefully no one would care and say anything. New face or not, trouble was not what he wanted until he at least found Kaleb and Livianna.

"What it'll be, stranger?" a petite Spanish looking woman asked with a smile," My names Amanda and I will be your waitress this evening, so don't hesitate to yell if you need something, seriously, yell if it gets too loud in here."

"Appreciate it." He bypassed the menu and ordered," I'll have a steak, medium rare, with some beer battered mushroom caps, side of ranch."

"All out of steak, sweetheart. Instead, I 'll bring you a Reuben sandwich and some steak fries." She smiled at his facial expression, his disappointment written all over his face, "If you really want that steak and mushrooms, try the steakhouse down the road." she said as a smile gently kissed her cheeks.

John stared at her dimples and remembered his wife's smile, a smile that he so desperately wanted to see. He came too and said," You know what, Amanda, I've changed my mind. I'll have the Reuben, extra thousand island dressing, and steak fries. How about a root beer, big…" John's hands extended out as he held an invisible giant mug," I mean huge!"

Amanda smiled and let out a reserved giggle," I'll do my best, stranger."

"Names John, I work here."

One of her eyebrows shot up, giving away her surprise," I'll be right back, John. She nodded at him and slowly walked away toward another table before going into the kitchen.

John scanned the dining room, surveying his surroundings. He watched the bikers, and their women claim the north side of the bar, near the mechanical bull that no one seemed to ride. There were to many drunks in the front by the door, getting worked over by a few scraggly looking prostitutes and a few women who wore to much make-up and tried too hard to get picked up. John watched a few stragglers Mossey into the bar and walk right toward the south side of the room, something was weird about the way they looked, but then again everyone in this town looked different to him, country and weathered.

Amanda was fast, his food was sitting in front of him with a check. John grabbed the paper and turned it over to see a note: enjoy the sandwich, keep your business to yourself.

The smell of the toasted rye bread, Swiss cheese, savory corned beef, and sweet thousand island dressing made his mouth salivate, he smiled as he grabbed it and looked it over one time before bringing it to his mouth. He went to take a bite and the front doors flew open, hitting one of the prostitutes in her head knocking her out cold. The other door hit the wall and caused the picture frames to fall and crash to the floor, shattering into tiny shards. A dozen men stormed into the bar, hooting and hollering as a huge man with bulging eyes said." We are here to fuck and fight, whose first." They fanned out, blocking the doors and began to single out the women.

Amanda rushed behind the bar and pulled out a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun and yelled," Hey stupid, take your goons and leave, or get filled with buck shot." she snapped the chambers closed and pointed the barrels at the bug-eyed hulk," Wimpy, get your ass out here now. Bring Angus!"

John took a bite of his sandwich and watched the men scatter away from Amanda's blast circumference, these men looked simply, run of the mill type, nothing special. Yet, there was something very wrong with their eyes as if they had a bad case of Jaundice, making the whites of their eyes look dark yellow. They all wore the same tattoos on their left forearm which pulsated and radiated a strange aura into the bar's atmosphere.

John's leg began to burn where the dagger rested. John reached down and rearranged the sheath and hilt and noticed that each man only carried a dagger, curved and razor sharp. They came into a biker bar with only daggers and no guns, strange, something was off. John put his sandwich down, drank his root beer, and moved closer to where Amanda stood, pulling out his 9MM.

"Took you long enough!"

"I couldn't waste the food, I was hungry." John said as he pointed his gun at the nearest yellowed eyed freak.

The entire section of bikers stood up and began to pull out their own weapons of guns, knives, and breaking tables for the legs.

"Hey!" Amanda yelled before turning "Those tables were not free, guys!" Amanda said, looking at her customers, still pointing her gun at the large man that stood across the room.

Mindy stood up with a gun in hand and said," you have three seconds to high tail it out of here before we lay you to rest, fellas."

Wimpy came through the kitchen door wielding a double-edged battle axe, "Whose first?" he looked around the room and noticed the men with yellowish eyes that looked possessed," Oh, I see. I don't need Angus for you lot of losers, I don't want to kill you!"

Sinister laughter began to consume the intruders as they chanted and mumbled words, moving their hands tandem with every syllable. Their eyes began to bulge as they intently stared at wimpy and his axe. An energized hum began to emit from all of their daggers as the metal transformed into identical weapons," I challenge you, Wimpy!" their leader said as he stepped forward and transformed into a larger version of Wimpy with bulging yellow orbs," keep your axe, you're going to need it."