Chapter Nineteen-Heavenly Weapons

Elijah was first to strike as the lightning carried him to the great waterfall's edge, it had been centuries since he had been back to this place. A distant scream alerted Elijah that Kaleb was close behind, he had sounded the same way when he first rode the elements. A crackling noise came first and then hundreds of little hairs of electricity spiderwebbed in the atmosphere before Kaleb landed with his hands outstretched, hitting the hard ground, bouncing off of the perfectly manicured grass that absorbs most of the fall.

"Whoa, what a rush.!" Kaleb said as he stood to his feet, his hair standing on edge from being electrically charged," Master Elijah, you could have warned me."

"How do you teach someone to ride the wind? Some things you must simply do."

"Where are we?" Kaleb asked as he continued to brush off his clothes and pat down his frazzled hair.

"We are at creation's first waterfall; these waters are as old as time itself." Elijah said as he bent down and scooped some of the frigid ice-cold liquid into his hand and drank it," these waters are so sweet."

Kaleb looked around and watched the three-hundred-foot waterfall spray and pound water on to and over the ancient boulders that seemed to hold in place the very foundation of heaven. Large vines and tangled vegetation were interwoven between both the dead vines and rock formations, looking as if someone could live within the nooks and crannies of the slick Viney fortress. The immense space of the water's edge took up the majority of the land that bridged across to where Kaleb noticed huge shops and buildings.

"And to think, this is where YOU created the heavens and the foundations of the earth. YOUR power is beyond my understanding." Elijah whispered his praise to the LORD of LORDs as he made a walking stick out of a dead vine, stretching it out with his hands and speaking life into its withered state and walked toward the village.

"Do you know the way to Titus's shop, Master Elijah?"

"Why are you calling me master, Kaleb?"

"I'm still in awe of your power, and plain Elijah doesn't seem fitting anymore. I have witnessed only a fraction of your power."

"My power comes from the same God that you serve, deepen your relationship and deepen the strength of your power. It also helps to have four thousand years to practice."

"Is that how old you are?" Kaleb asked as his mouth hung open., trying not to fall behind.

"No, I quit counting after four thousand, time is a gift when you get my age, at any age, really, so why waste it on useless counting?"

"I am only a few hundred years old compared to you, now, do you understand why I call you Master Elijah."

Only call the LORD master, for he alone controls your breath."

"Very well, Elijah." Kaleb understood the humility, yet he was just trying to show honor and respect to the oldest and strongest man who happened to be the founder of the very order that he served in. The very order that had secret blacksmiths who lived in heaven that could forge demon killing weapons.

"I'm not going with you; I have other business to attend to. I must meditate and spend time in the presence of Holy Spirit and then find Livianna," Elijah pulled his hood over the white hair that crowned him blessed and walked down a side street," Kaleb, take your time picking your weapons, for we may not be back until after the fight."

"Fight?" Kaleb stopped and waited for an answer, "What fight?" No answer came as the old man turned and blended in with the hundreds of shoppers and patrons of the first heaven. Kaleb continued to walk, noticing that these streets were very similar to the ones back home on earth, yet there was no anger or arguing coming out of the hustle and bustle. Instead, everyone was helpful and full of love, the feeling was amazing.

Kaleb turned the corner and heard the sounds of iron being scrapped on stone, the same sound that attracted him to the art of sword fighting. The simple action of running refined and shaped steel over stone to sharpen it was both calming and purposeful, synonymous with his part in the order, he was either being sharpened by his elders or working on becoming better at something; either way, most times he felt like the steel.

He had always loved the art of sword play, yet demons don't really use swords to fight, at least none of the demons that he had fought. His energy attack was his best weapon, if he could learn how to channel his energy through his sword then he would be a problem for any demon that came his way, including the demon-gods and strongmen," Excuse me!" Kaleb said as he became mesmerized by all of the different types of blades that lined the shelves and hung from racks, each pommel was different. There were shields of all sizes and shapes. Polearms stood proudly like sentries in tall wooden racks, their razor-sharp blades glimmering in the sun's light. Armor of all types rested against the walls that lined the hallways of the entrance, all of the metal on the right and the leather and scale on the left. A huge anvil sat undisturbed in the center of the room, having a gigantic hammer resting on its flat surface. A gigantic oven smiled at him as he walked closer, its mouth filled with glowing embers that took on a life of their own when the wind or air gently kissed its surface, making each coal dance brighter as the flame would jump and twist. Whoever this, Titus the blacksmith was, he had talent and was a real craftsman. Kaleb stopped in front of a bastard sword and then a claymore and said loudly, "Excuse me, Titus, I'm here to pick some weapons."

Titus stepped down onto the hard ground, shaking both the floor and building," Young Mister Kaleb, it is good to finally meet you. Elijah has told me so much about you, I have created a weapon that will suit you and your unique gift." The large angel reached up and grabbed a two-handed great sword from above the furnace and handed it to Kaleb with a satisfied smile," this weapon will allow you to channel your energy through your attacks."

Kaleb unsheathed the masterfully crafted and magnificently sharp blade, revealing the interwoven pattern of the Damascus steel," How does it work?"

"Try using the sword as the medium for your channel, then swing through your enemy." Titus swung his sword, hitting an invisible enemy," the pommel has been created to absorb your energy and then allow you to transfer the manna throughout the blade equally. Once you hit your enemy that energy will be forced into the flesh of whoever your blade bites, dealing both physical and spiritual damage.

Kaleb held his great sword with a two-handed grip and began to channel his energy into his arms, channeling the blue manna into the pommel, forcing the energy to cast a blue hue in all directions as the sword gathered strength

"Now swing!" Titus thundered, knowing his invention would work.

Kaleb swung his massive blade downward, slicing through the air and Titus's anvil. A thin line of melted metal beaded as the heavy iron block slid apart and landed heavily on the ground, shaking the area.

"It worked!!!" Titus began to dance up and down, making many of the swords and weapons clank to the ground as the ground shook," it really worked."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Livianna walked into the great hall behind Eve, not knowing what to expect, and simply followed her lead. Tables full of food, wine, and every delicacy known to man lined the room of the great hall, a banquet was set for a celebration. Weapons and soldiers were stationed near the throne at the end of the hall, where the LORD of LORDS sat, waiting patiently, "Livianna! Daughter of Elijah! Demon hunter!" Jesus stood and began to walk toward her and continued to speak," And my favorite title: ``Child of the most high! Welcome to Heaven!"

Livianna bowed a curtsy as she lowered her head," Thank you for having me, my Lord."

"So, you died and have now been re-born. What are your plans, would you like to stay as one of my elite soldiers or go back to earth? The choice is yours, but first, come eat and drink. Spend some time with me and let us become friends. I have always desired to get to know you." Jesus turned and walked toward the weapons rack and pulled a rapier for himself, then tossing one to Livianna," shall we dance before we eat."

"You want to spar with me, Jesus?" Livianna surprised and intrigued all at the sometime," shall I take it easy on you, my Lord?"

"You are not the only one with many titles, my little dove. I have been called the Mighty warrior, the prince of peace, and the Ancient of days, to name a few. Yet, I am also known as the commander and chief of the Lord army, I know my way around a sword or two." Jesus took his stance and said with a smile," Shall we."

Livianna positioned herself and pointed the tip of her sword toward her Lord and simply waited for Jesus to pounce, defense was her game. The room became motionless, and it seemed that everyone refused to breathe, holding their breath, making the stillness and silence become deafening.

Jesus circled and then taunted her while advancing with a lightning-fast strike that would have scored on a normal soldier, yet Livianna was a seasoned Demon Hunter from the Order of Elijah, so she simply parried, and side stepped. The room erupted in oohhs and aahhs as Livianna thrust her own attack, nearly hitting Jesus' tunic.

"You have been trained well, Child."

"Thank you, My Lord."

Jesus walked over to the weapons rack and pulled out a Falchion, wielded two swords," Let's see how good your defense really is, shall we." and simply lunged, slicing and chopping as he advanced, spinning and stabbing as Livianna side stepped, dodged, retreated, parried, and scrambled out of the way," Do you surrender, My Child?!" Jesus asked as he continued to onslaught.

Livianna began to break a sweat, Jesus was a great fighter, and she would serve him in both death and life," I am but a humble servant, my Lord. I surrender to your will for my life."

The great hall erupted in loud cheers and thunderous hands claps as Jesus dropped his swords and embraced Livianna," You are a real warrior, I will miss you while you are gone." Jesus grabbed a hand towel and began to dab at the sweat," I need you to save John O'Neil from himself. He has not fully surrendered his heart to me, and I can feel him using his own strength still. He will only get in the way if he doesn't learn to listen to my spirit.

This little sparring match tonight was to test your ability to see past yourself in the heat of battle, I am afraid our friend John would not have fared so well, his pride is still his god."

"I will do my best to help, I will need some more weapons and armor before I leave."

"Titus will help you; Eve will show you the way to his shop. In the meantime, eat, drink, and be merry. Tonight, we celebrate your re-birth, may the father use you even mightier


Livianna grabbed a goblet and drank to the Lord's toast, washing down the emotions that tried to overwhelm her resolve.