Chapter Twenty- Naked and afraid

Doug looked at Heaven and glanced in the rearview mirror, his former life slowly disappearing behind the horizon. In time, with any luck, he'd be past many of his shortcomings. In mid-thought, his cell phone rang.

"Hello.", he answered.

"Hey! Where are you?", the woman's voice sounded urgent. "I really need to talk to you."

"I'm leaving town; I can't stay here."

"Really!?" Her voice surprised, "Well, before you leave, come to my house. I have some news on your brother." Her voice paused. "Maybe, I think."

Doug looked at the screen and didn't recognize the number, "Who is this, again?"

"Oh, oops! Sorry Doug, it's me, Sally! I got a new number. Silly me…"

"Put some coffee on, will ya?" Doug's attitude changed, "We'll be over shortly."

"We'll? Who's with you?"

"Just put some coffee on and make some of your famous snacks, please!"

"Okay, see ya soon." Sally hung up the phone.

Doug looked over at Heaven and smiled. "We need to see my sister before we leave, okay." He lit a cigarette, anticipating the worst. He had not seen nor heard from his brother in over 20 years. His nerves were shot, if the news was bad, someone might die, again.

Heaven shifted in her seat a little before speaking, "I go where you go." she said sliding closer toward Doug, making him wrap his arm around her; she was just as stressed. The thought of the unknown and the fact that she just walked away from the only life she had ever known, with a man that she barely knew, made her feel frazzled and unsure. She felt both excited and extremely conflicted, for Bruno would find her and kill whoever she was with, especially the man that Doug claimed to be, John O'Neil.

"Who's John O'Neil, Doug?" Heaven asked nonchalantly.

"He's my brother, why?"

"Bruno's gonna kill him if he is not already dead." Heaven trembled slightly. "He is an evil man."

"Well," Doug ran his hand through his hair, "that was what the phone call was about, My brother. My sister may have found him, so let's hope that we find him before Bruno does." Worry masked his face. What had he done this time? He was the fuck up in his family and now he was about to get his brother killed.

Doug pulled into Sally's driveway and looked at Heaven, rubbing her shoulder while he kissed her. He knew she was concerned about the future; he could see the storm within her blue eyes. Doug climbed out of the car first and grabbed the bags in the back seat, extending his free hand to Heaven and helped her out of the car.

"What a gentleman. A girl could get used to this." Heaven teased, enjoying the royal treatment. They walked up the whitewashed steps of Sally's 19th century victorian-styled home and knocked on the door. A minute later, a short red-headed woman with green eyes and light brown freckles opened the heavy steel door. She was petite and attractive, all of 40 years old. Her eyes revealed a hidden spring of youth and happiness. Sally noticed Heaven standing next to Doug and bit her lip as she gave the bombshell of a woman the once over, classy! Miniskirts and high heels weren't her cup of tea. For Sally, jeans and a comfortable sweater made her feel both cozy and relaxed.

"Hi Doug." Sally said joyously.

"Hey stranger! I haven't seen you in a few months." Doug gave Sally a hug and then introduced the woman standing next to him. "Say hi to Heaven, she's my fiancé" he said proudly.

Both Heaven's and Sally's mouths dropped open, simultaneously, surprised as if Doug had said something profound.

"Why do you both look so shocked?" A nervous grin broke open, showing his coffee-stained teeth.

"I never thought you'd remarry, that's all. A lot must have changed in these three short months, huh?" Sally said with a sharp witty smile.

"You don't know the half of it, sis." Doug sighed.

Heaven looked at Doug and smiled shyly. "I thought you said those things to get into my pants." She squeezed his arm to get a reaction.

"What pants?" Doug snickered as he kissed Heaven's forehead.

She blushed, "You know what I meant, Doug!" An awkward silence fell on the group. Sally looked around, smiled at Heaven, and then invited them in. "Come in, the coffee is ready." She pointed toward the kitchen. "Help yourself. Mi casa es su casa."

Heaven looked around the house in amazement noticing all of the intricate hardwood molding, tall decorative ceilings dressed in copper tiles, and the picturesque interior of the lower level of the two-story home. Heaven pictured herself and Doug in a similar home, one day, with their own children. A tear slowly rolled down her face, she was mesmerized by it all. How could Sally afford this house when she was so young?

Sally walked into the master living room and sat down in an oversized love seat, showing both Heaven and Doug her heated recliners that sat near the fireplace. They all poured themselves some coffee and enjoyed the peaceful conversation. The coffee was imported, dark roast, from the mountains of Columbia and was complemented by soft accents of Hazelnut oils and creams. Sally smiled as she bit into her homemade biscotti with fresh blueberry cream.

Heaven became extremely uncomfortable when it was her turn to try the biscotti that sat on fine China. For she could still remember the beating that Bruno gave her when she dropped a cup of his fine China when she was learning to be a lady.

Heaven picked up the plate and held it tightly, trembling, as her fingertips turned white from the pressure.

The gourmet food, the imported coffee, and the fireplace Heaven could get used to this, she had always wanted to live the way that the rich and famous did.

Sally's hospitality reminded Heaven of the expensive hotels that Bruno would put her up in when they went on business trips in Europe, it was always so nice until the business started, Heaven sighed.

Heaven looked around and could feel the warmth of the fire, the softness of the chair that embraced her tired body, and the simplicity of conversation. If left alone, she might have fallen asleep, she felt safe in her new life, a life full of strangers and perfection. She relaxed and allowed her body to melt into the chair's embrace, leaving the fifty pounds of stress in its softness. "I could really get used to this." Then she slipped her velvety smooth coffee.

Doug sat back, placing his hand on Heaven's leg and looked at Sally. "So, you have information about John?"

Sally smiled at the mention of John's name, the memories of old re-surfaced, "If I'm right, John has been in the military all of these years." Sally picked up her laptop computer and punched a few keys and opened the file name: John.

"I was searching the web, browsing, and came across the article about a pastor by the name of Jake…" Sally scanned the article looking for his last name, coming up empty. "Anyways, this Jake guy gets eaten by wild animals in the church's parking lot." The thought of being eaten alive by animals is nerve wracking, but what's worse is that he was a man of God. The article was some Susan Sontag type of stuff, I couldn't refuse the story.

"Who?" Heaven questioned confused.

Sally smiled at the question. "Oh, she's just one of my favorite authors. I have some of her books and essays over there." Sally pointed toward the bookshelf.

"Anyways, this pastor was in the small town of Harvest Hills and the death left the community in search of a new chaplain… umm… pastor. I couldn't stop reading because of the pictures of the blood-stained pavement and the hundreds of flowers and blossoming trees behind the location of the murder, it was a beautiful tragedy." Sally looked at Heaven with excitement in her eyes, finding nothing but blank stares from both Doug and Heaven. "Tough crowd… wow, anyways, there were pictures of Pastor Jake with a few of his friends for the wake and service and guess who is in the picture!?" Sally waited for an answer and got no response. "You guys are making it difficult to have a real conversation, get with the program." Sally turned the computer screen toward them both and pointed at the picture. "Here, see, it's John." Doug looked really close at the cartoon tattoos on his forearms. "He always did like the flintstones." Doug laughed at the reality that he found his brother.

"I bet John put those tattoos on his arm to remind him that life is more than the reality of war, it's the simple things that keep us grounded." Sally smiled at her own brilliance.

Doug and Heaven just blankly stared. "He might just like the flintstones, Sally. When did you become such a nerd?!" Doug said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Sally's shoulder, pulling her in for a hug. "You did good, little sis. Thank you."

Sally teared up and wrapped her arms around Doug's waist. "We found him, finally."

"It's a good thing, too." Heaven said with a sigh.

"Why?" Sally patted her eyes with a napkin and stood tall, looking at Doug. "What did you do this time, Douglas O'Neil?"

"What…" Doug smiled a mischievous grin. "I thought John was dead, so I used his name a few times, that's all."

"Really, that's all!" Sally slapped Doug in the arm. "How much trouble did you get your brother in this time?"

"Oh, he just has a murdering pimp thinking that John O'Neil stole his best girl and shot up his bodyguards and club. Not too bad."

Sally looked at Heaven, sadness in her eyes. "Who is your pimp, Heaven?"

"Bruno, he owns pink…"

"And half of Philly, shit." Sally began to pace the living room. "We need to warn John. If we can find him, so can Bruno."

"Not true, they saw me. John and I look nothing alike."

Both Heaven and Sally looked at Doug and shook their heads. "Your brothers, and yes you both look similar, stupid." Sally said before walking into the kitchen. "We need to eat before we make any decisions."

Doug followed Sally and grabbed a bottle of red wine, popping the cork. He grabbed three glasses and paused as he became mesmerized as he watched Sally mince the garlic, onions, and basil within seconds, she was making her famous chicken bruschetta with olive tapenade. The hot oil snapped and popped as the aromatics danced in the skillet. Sally placed the sliced chicken into the pan and tossed the sizzling ingredients until everything was coated. "Doug, pass me the salt and pepper, and please pour me a glass of white zinfandel." She looked at the burgundy that Doug was drinking and said, "I usually cook with that one, but help yourself, I prefer white wine, it's in the wine cellar." She turned back to her skillet and cutting board.

"Wine cellar? When did you get a wine cellar?" Doug asked as he closed the fridge.

"What does it matter, Babe." Heaven asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I could use some white wine, also, please!"

Doug looked at the glass of red wine that he just poured for her. "Where is this wine cellar?" He asked as he stole a piece of chicken out of the skillet. "Is it outside? I could use a cigarette."

Sally tasted the garlic and tomato chutney, adding both black and kalamata olives and capers before she turned and spoke. "The cellar is in the basement, but if you would like, you can use the entrance out back." Sally flashed Doug a smile and then turned back toward the stovetop. "Hurry please, I'm thirsty."

"Drink some water." Doug said as he walked out the door.

"What? I couldn't hear you." Sally shouted through the door.

"Oh, nothing!" Doug said with a grin. He reached the steps and lit his filtered cigarette when he felt the temperature drop, he could see his breath in July, the grass began to freeze and wither where he stood. Doug felt something watching him, familiar eyes that had seared his soul once before. Doug rubbed his arm, remembering the teeth. How did she find him here, of all places?

Doug could hear her rhythmic voice calling from the shadows of the basement. "Come here, Douglas. Melissa and Mary are looking for you."

Doug walked slowly toward the darkness, gathering the courage to speak truthfully to Baal. "I have changed my mind; I don't want them anymore."

Her soft hand reached through the darkness and stroked his cheek. "Ah… Son of Adam, there is no changing your mind."

Doug's vision began to blur, reality seemed to suddenly stretch. The walls, ground, and sky shattered into countless pieces and exploded outwards. He found himself suspended in a black and lightless nothing, he lost all sensation of time and self.

As he felt his grip on sanity and his own identity slip sharply, he abruptly found himself somewhere new and alien. Sally's yard, basement, and house was gone, and he now stood upon an endless plan of broken and shattered skulls, stones, and desolation as far as he could see. The sky turned to blackness, no stars, no moon, no sun, simply nothingness.

He was so overwhelmed by the change and disorientation that he initially missed what was now standing before him. Baal had transformed into a towering monstrosity standing twice Doug's own height, his massive frame covered in heavy muscle. His heavily scarred carrion cracked and smoked in places, his visage demonic and twisted in appearance. The effect was copped off by cruel looking armor and an assortment of decorative human skulls.

The small feminine hand that had been reaching out to caress his face was now the size of a large iron skillet, the caress had become a grasp to Doug's throat. Baal lifted him effortlessly and held him arm's length. Doug's bladder and bowels emptied themselves effortlessly.

"I suppose it is well that we have this conversation now." Baal began his voice a deep rumbling growl. His breath was hot on Doug's face, smelling of putrid rot with sweet floral undertones and it turned his stomach. "Your life and loyalty have been paid for, sealed and branded. Our relationship is that of master and slave, from now until your death. Which will occur at a time and manner of my own choosing and no other."

"That sigil upon your arm does more than mark you outwardly, it is imbued with my essence. I will always be able to find you if need to, to help you, to punish you if the cause arises. Your body can sustain damage and agony that would kill any normal mortal, so, don't tempt my anger."

"Should you ever be foolish enough to outright disobey, rebel, undermine me, or attempt to escape. I promise you punishment beyond your ability to imagine. First your ex-wife and daughters will be tortured, flayed, violated, and killed by your own hand. Then the real pain will begin. Am I clear in your obligations and the consequences of failure?"

"Yes…s… mas…ter…" Doug choked in desperation.

"Good, you learn quickly. I knew that I chose well." Baal assured him as he casually tossed him aside. "Do not despair, son of Adam, serve me well and you shall reap the rewards. Your kind is the lowest of forms, animals fit only to be prey and resources. You are beneath my contempt or individual concern; do as you are commanded, and your life will be a painless one."

"Yes master." Doug said as he lay prostrate.

"One last thing, slave. Something to help you remember the price of failure, something to motivate your performance."

As Baal's words faded, Doug's forearm began to itch and burn as if fire lived under his skin. As his terror and pain grew the fire continued to spread, he felt electronic searing pains shoot within his nerves, making him cry out in pain.

Doug awoke on the steps of the cold concrete basement steps of Sally's house. His cigarette lay on the first step still lit. He picked it up and breathed in deeply the welcoming smoke that his body now craved more than ever. He smelled the air and remembered that he lost control of his bowels and stripped down naked. He noticed the garbage cans and quietly threw away his jeans, underwear, boots, socks, and tee-shirt in Sally's black garbage bags. He found the hose and turned the handle, spraying himself with freezing cold water.

"What in God's name are you doing, Doug?" Sally questioned as she walked to the back of the house. "I thought you got lost or abducted by aliens." Sally looked around. "Where are your clothes?"

Doug turned slowly, covering his manhood with both hands, letting the hose dance wildly. "I can explain!"

Sally shifted her weight to one side and put a hand on her hip. "Can you now? I think Heaven might want to hear this, also, "Sally turned and yelled out loud. "Heaven, please come here."

Doug stood there shaking in the coolness of the night and from the sheer shock of everything that had just transpired. Tears welled up in his eyes as he saw Heaven's beautiful face staring at his naked and wet body.

"What are you doing, babe?"

"I can explain, I swear, can we go inside? Please." Doug said through quivering lips.

"Are you high Doug?" Heaven asked, trying to cover her embarrassment. "She just asked you to get some wine."

"Can we please go inside? I'm freezing!"

"Next time I'll get the wine, okay!" Sally said as she looked at Heaven. "He never ceases to amaze me; this time takes the cake." Sally smiled a frustrated grimace and threw up her hands in defeat. "Where are your clothes, Doug?"