--Mitra's Perspective--
I didn't care about Illya when she spoke. However, I did care about Boo.
All this time... I've been too afraid to tell her how I really felt. I thought I should've done it before we got here, but Illya arrived so suddenly, and... well, she ruined it.
All this time, I've learned to respect her, and somewhere along that path, I started to have feelings for her as well. She's always so strong, so respectable... and so intimidating sometimes as well.
I'm not sure why I was doing this and thinking like this. I think it's because I knew, deep down, that I would die here.
I don't want to die, but if I don't process this thought before I lose myself, I would die with so many regrets. I should tell her, right now... but would it give Illya more fuel to attack us?
We were at a nervous standstill right now. The only thing holding her back from killing us was the conversations we were starting with her. I felt so useless... my ability could be seen through almost right away. My illusions were completely useless. I don't even know what my SIM could be.
That secret attack was explained to be our trump card... I just don't know what mine could be. Eo said it didn't create a limit, it only expanded my current limit... so what, I could pull off bigger illusions? The size doesn't matter if it can be seen through.
As powerless as it might make me, I have to depend on others for the time being. Until I found a use. Illya didn't seem the time to be fooled by illusions, not like Rubeki, or other students. It was an unfortunate circumstance... but I couldn't help it. I needed to push my limits here and help others no matter what.
"And my last question, Illya... were you really in control of this world the entire time?" Alexia asked her. Illya nodded without hesitation.
"All of the inconsistencies that I couldn't manage to hold together, all of the scenery, the wind, the weather, the public, I had a grip on all of that stuff that fooled you into thinking that world was real. I've been in control this entire time." She stated.
"Except for Eo. And Ali. And Providence..." Boo muttered.
Illya turned her eyes over to Boo and smiled.
"You think I didn't expect that? The only thing I didn't expect was that Ali took herself out before I could. She made it easier on me." Illya said confidently, but Boo was talking back almost in the same tone as Illya. What did she know?
"You know, I would've believed you if I didn't see something else. Did you anticipate that Dani would take the DNA from Ali and Providence after their fight?" Boo asked Illya.
"So, that's where that went? No, I didn't anticipate that... but Dani isn't coming to save you, and she isn't strong enough to take me out with that DNA anyway. As I said, I'm a Deity so powerful that I don't have a supplementary title like 'Deity of the First Trial', or 'Deity of Wrath'. I'm more powerful than that, so much more powerful than that." Illya said. She finally lifted her saber off of the ground after leaning on it for so long and pointed it at Boo.
"Did you anticipate the fight starting again this soon? You barely have any time to defend yourself. Can you react quickly enough?" Illya asked Boo.
I couldn't see it, but in that split second, Boo raised her katana to her shoulder and started shifting her body while blocking an attack nobody could see.
"Impressive as always, Buusu," Illya told her.
"Come on, I can move the speed of light... Do you think I don't understand how fast attacks work?" Boo asked Illya. Illya smiled and shook her head.
"I think it's because you understand how fast attacks work, that you won't be able to block this one." She said.
Then, out of nowhere, Boo looked like she teleported in front of me and deflected a saber from impaling me in the head.
She huffed out a breath of air and focused on Illya, who still had her head fixated on Boo's old position.
"Not bad. It seems I underestimated you. I shouldn't be surprised, knowing your ability. It's pretty far up there on the scale of Godlike." Illya commented again.
Boo stood with her back upright and her katana down by her side, yet also in front of me.
She looked so cool! I'm sort of jealous if I'm being honest. I wonder if I can look cool like that...
"You're going to play like the filth at the bottom of a trash can? So be it." Boo said. She unhooked her damaged chest plate from her body after the fight with the Rubeki and it fell to the floor.
"I don't want to be limited by anything at all." She said. Boo ripped her sleeves off and revealed the edge of her shoulders off of her shirt. Her tattered clothing started to have a cool design to it as well.
"You can't be serious, you really want to fight me? Why can't we make this easy and you just die?" Illya asked Boo.
Boo slammed her katana into the ground, and with one of her ripped sleeves, tied her hair up, leaving a ponytail and bangs being her main hairstyle.
"I think it's pretty clear that our relationship is failing, and I don't care about you enough to listen to your requests. It's you and me right now, and I will use my ability until it kills me if it means that you die as well. Can you react fast enough to counter me?" Boo asked, finishing the knot on the back of her head.
"Can you move fast enough for me not to react?" Boo asked.
She moved in front of everybody and held her finger up behind her head as she tied up her hair.
That finger...
Long ago, Boo said that she envied the teamwork portrayed by other groups of students in MTG, and wanted to make a sign to signify our teamwork.
And it was that finger.
We let Belle, Alexia, and Shike in on the secret of our teamwork and collaboration efforts, but we never revealed it to Sky or Illya, just due to the pure chance of them being gone when it happened.
When that finger raised, I immediately initiated my ability, working to create an illusion of Boo that would clash with Illya.