The Most Powerful Person on Earth

Continuing his slaughter completely fueled by the accumulated Wrath in his bones, Sky's memory started to contribute to his indiscriminate onslaught of Ultima's Soldiers.

Each body, even with the strongest armor thought of at the time, was cut through like it was nothing. The sabers held by Sky's death grip were the most powerful objects left on Earth, and to Ultima's surprise, his stamina was unlimited.

Sky would swing at the ground with his sabers, upturning rock, and the dirt underneath, only to jump onto the new ground he created, and swing down at those unsuspecting.

Using everything he had accumulated throughout his life, such as Dani's speed, Ali's unwavering potential, and the abilities from his previous life, Sky remained unstoppable, slaughtering over sixty people in only a few swings. He cut through the crowds and painted the sky red with the blood that exuded from the now-corpses in front of him.

"We can't take him out! He's murdering us! This is a genocide!" One of the soldiers shouted out.

Sky swung his saber through his chest, peaking through the hole he created to ignite his eyes in a golden haze:

The Gaze of Wrath.

Freezing his opponents in their tracks in front of him, Sky erupted the ground with his feet once more. Markings grew on his face as he continued forward through the crowd, and a bloody smile peaked through the blood-shrouded battlefield.

On Ultima's side of the field, some of her cabinet members surrounded her, asking her opinions on the attacker that her soldiers started to fear.

"Queen Ultima, we're losing our army. We won't last at this rate!" One member said. He tugged on the back of her chair, begging for Ultima to give a slight bit of an intelligent decision moving forth. With Sky plowing through a tenth of the army at this rate, she still didn't falter. She still sat in the chair with one hand on her chin, and the other gripping the side of the chair so her member didn't knock it over.

"You expect so little of what we've been trained to do. Sky Asterio is a small obstacle in our conquest for world domination. To take the world, we must rid of its leader," Ultima stated, pointing forward toward Sky again.

On Sky's side, he continuously, violently murdered the people who tried to assault him. He punched one man in the chin, launched him six feet in the air, and split him in half down the middle of his body. Organs and blood were filling the field now, making for a slippery field all around Sky. Simple punches were enough to cave in bodies as some were still frozen in fear from his Gaze of Wrath.

Ultima remained unaffected by his Gaze of Wrath after a while, adapting to the pressure while it flashed back and forth between activation. She witnessed Sky slowly lose his mind, grabbing onto his face to try and reclaim his thought process, only to be interrupted by her soldiers trying to attack him. Ultima smiled at the sight.

"It's a man fueled by nothing but Wrath. He'll waste himself away with my army, he'll die from guilt after the fact, and that's when I come in to decapitate the man who has tormented the Earth for so long. His awakening on The Pinnacle was the one thing that set mine and Genesis's plan into motion. Where is he anyway? Back with the head of his New Vessel?" Ultima asked her cabinet beside her.

From the east side of her position, Charlie climbed over a mound with Charlotte by his side. The two had been watching Sky's slaughter, along with Fudo and Alatus, and moved to Ultima to discuss a peace treaty until Sky had recovered from Illya's death.

"Quite the opposite. Genesis is dead," Charlie blurted out. He revealed his position, causing Ultima's Cabinet to turn in surprise and guard her position. Ultima didn't move, only keeping a straight face at Charlie as she spotted him.

"I highly doubt a kid like you killed a man like Genesis. He's one of those Powerful Asterios, a no-name man couldn't even touch him," Ultima said. She refused to even bat an eye toward Charlie as he clicked his tongue in irritation. Charlotte held him back and remained silent, letting Charlie breathe before continuing.

"You have red hair, like our friend," Charlie muttered to Ultima. That alone caught her attention enough to stand up out of her chair.

"Where is she? What did Sky Asterio do with her?" Ultima asked. She pulled a weapon out of her pocket, extending into a full staff around eight feet in length.

"Zeal killed her like he already told you. Red and Sky were fond of each other until Zeal killed her with the other White Stones. She may have been the one thing that changed Sky forever if you ask me. Now, here he is, shedding blood in front of her sister. Do you think he'll stop in consideration of your life? I guess it's a toss-up," Charlie argued, turning to leave with Charlotte so as to not interrupt.

"You think I'm scared of a measly Asterio? I eat them for breakfast, I never even feel threatened by one as lousy as Sky. I'll kill him and then the rest of you for crossing paths with me," Ultima told Charlie. He stood at the top of the mound, now looking down at Ultima.

"You are not the first to say that. You seem to have a good record of the things Sky has done. Like, open The First Trial, free The Pinnacle, Stop Quake, you will be no different. You will only be another chapter in our book of challenges," Charlie told Ultima. She scoffed, walking into the crowd with her soldiers.

"I'm sure I will, I'm real afraid," She sarcastically said. She disappeared into the crowd as easily as a needle in a haystack. Charlie turned to Charlotte and smiled with his palm placed on her back.

"Leave her, she has no idea that she's fighting the most powerful person on Earth," Charlie said.