Finlis Vega and Nova Eternia

As soon as Netsu left the room, leaving Finny and Ultima alone, the psychotic man in the chair began to smile while putting his arms behind his head.

"Oh, it's so nice to be free... It's been a while, Nova," Finny said with an annoyed look. He was displeased with the presence of Netsu in the same room with him.

"Sorry, I had to trap you like that, Netsu would've never agreed. Also, you know, that thing you have..." Ultima told him, smiling in anticipation of his next move.

Finny was unpredictable and annoyed over almost anything that inconvenienced him. Even if he was inconsistent and easy to upset, Finny was smart enough to know Ultima was his best chance, let alone being his best friend.

"What thing? I have no idea what you're talking about!" Finny said. His eye was twitching now, itching for an unknown reason.

"Let's get to the meat and potatoes here. I woke you because I need you to Bounty Hunt. An important target this time around. An Asterio," Ultima confessed to Finny. As soon as the name came up to Finny, he perked his head up, and his eyes turned dark.

"An Asterio? Again? This is what I was born to do..." Finny said, observing his hands as if they were covered in blood.

"Yeah yeah, I don't really care. Can you do it?" Ultima asked. Finny responded violently, grabbing onto Ultima's shoulders and staring at her with blood lusted eyes. Finny wasn't psychotic in the sense that he saw people, but he itched for violence more often than not.

"Of course! I can! I will! I can! I will!" He screamed out in joy, thinking about the atrocities he could commit with a large smile on his face.

"It's Faith Asterio. Sky Asterio's daughter. I want her dead, and your payment is your freedom into the world," Ultima explained further, waiting for Finny to agree to the terms.

"Consider it done. Do you have a weapon for me? Please, tell me you have a weapon for me!" He pleaded, shaking Ultima further. Finny was an interesting fighter, one who would rather use his own body over a weapon, but liked a last resort. Finny often bit with his sharp, elongated teeth that he could change at will.

"No, but you won't need one. This girl is eleven years old and ignorant. With just your fists you could take her down. My goal is to head for Sky Asterio after her, but you don't have to if you don't want to. Your freedom is set in stone if Faith Asterio dies. I'm looking to not only kill her but to let Sky know about it as well. Destroy what you need to, but know that I can't protect you if the other World Leaders get wind of this," Ultima said, slapping Finny's arms off of her shoulders and crossing her arms.

"The World Leaders? Hey, do you really think they can stop me? Do you know what I'm capable of?" Finny asked Ultima. She scoffed, turning her head toward the door.

"Yeah yeah, the ability to absorb generational power as your relatives die. You're the last Vega on Earth because you absorbed them all, blah blah blah, I'm not interested in your story, I'm more interested in your actions... do you have what Arthur used?" Ultima asked. Her curiosity brought life back to Finny's eyes with a smile, and he rose up his hand, surrounded by Iridescent Strands.

"Do you mean the Dimensional Tier attacks? Oh, I have the other two, don't you worry. Dimension Apocalypse and Dimension Ripper. Everything I need to kill an Asterio," Finny said.

His Dimensional Prowess was part of the reason he was so powerful, but even with the ability to manipulate dimensions as he could, he couldn't use them without channeling the proper amount of skill.

Eirikr was able to use Dimension Puncture, the third move in the set of three Dimensional Tier attacks, but the only reason he could wield it to such an extent was because of his knowledge of dimensions, while Finny was locked away and unaware of what has happened.

"Don't use that shit if you can't channel it, for the love of all that is holy, I do not want Dimensional Monsters leaking into this world to inconvenience me even more than I already am," Ultima said to Finny, moving out of the door and leaving it open for Finny to move through it.

Finny smashed through the wall, purposefully misusing the door, and threw it down the hill while looking around, taking the sunlight in with expanded arms.

"Ah, there it is... Earth... I've missed it. I'm surprised things look so different, is this the future or something? I thought I died," He nonchalantly said, moving his arms in the sunlight to admire their muscular structure.

"Yeah, Sky Asterio killed you. But this time, it'll be different, because you have me. I'm an Eternia, and I was designed to take down the Asterios just as much as you were, Finlis," Ultima further explained, wiping dust from the smashed wall off of her shoulder.

"Tell me where Faith is right now. I will enact her death immediately," Finny told her in response, cracking his knuckles and peering around the Oceanic Civilization he was housed in.

"In Antarctica... supposedly. She moved away from Sky willingly. Cynthia prophesized her meeting you in the Americas unwillingly. If you want a surefire way of finding her and having the opportunity to kill her, I would wait there," Ultima explained. She wished to go back to Antarctica to return to Mizu, whom she left with one her her guards.

"A surefire death is much more satisfying than one that cannot be predicted. Although, hunting is part of the fun. I'll end my hunt there then, I want to see the world anyway," Finny stated, walking in the western direction from Ultima's position.

"I'm sure we will reunite again, Finny," Ultima said, moving in the opposite direction and accepting the fate of Faith Asterio.