When Faith returned from the market stands with the doll, she happened to run into Charlie and Charlotte, who were browsing another part of the market and were interrupted by the loud noises coming from Faith's position. They were alerted of the fake Providence and wanted to check out what they could.
"Oh... you were on the boat with us. What was going on over there?" Charlie urgently said. He tried to move around Faith, but she grabbed onto his shoulder and kept him in place.
"I handled it. I have a few questions for you..." Faith began. As she started, she soon realized that asking Charlie about Ultima Tower with her current identity would've been a longshot, and made her seem too mysterious to get any real answers out of the two. That being said, Faith took off her hood and eye patch to reveal her slightly hanged face from the last time Charlie saw her. Still, he recognized her.
"Keep a secret about my identity. That was a mimic of Providence, somebody Sky fought in The First Trial. She's related to another person I'm trying to escape from... but she used something against me," Faith began, she quickly scanned over multiple, concerning points in front of Charlie to introduce him to a familiar technique.
"One in the shoulder, one in the stomach, and one in the chest," Faith added, lightly tapping herself in each of the locations with her right fist. Upon watching it, Charlotte was eager to explain what she knew.
"Jertachi! I know that one. Did she know Jertachi? Can she even use Essence Strands?" Charlotte asked, looking back between Charlie and Faith.
"More importantly... you're okay? You're doing alright now? We haven't seen you in... nine months... Sky is going to be so ecstatic to hear that you're okay!" Charlie called out. His mind was elsewhere, analyzing Faith to see what had changed.
The only thing Charlie could see that changed in Faith was when she rubbed her left sleeve upward, a tattoo was set right under her wrist.
"No... please don't tell Sky about me," Faith told Charlie. His look of confusion prompted another explanation and Charlotte remained silent as the two spoke.
"He'd be so excited to see you... why not? Sky's been getting a lot stronger as of recently, he's expressed his desire to grow stronger and stronger to prove to you that he's full of potential," Charlie told Faith.
Faith had already seen Sky's potential when he fought off Finlis Vega without using Strands, but hearing that he was working to prove it to Faith caused her to think twice about how she was going about her situation.
Maybe her father could help her take down Finlis once and for all...
"I can't explain to you what hurts in my chest, but something does every time I hear about him. I've been working so hard to get strong enough to contend with Sky Asterio, but he leaves me in the dust, even when he's not in constant combat like I've been. I'm capable of wielding so much power between all previous clans, Eternia, Achamo, Leyndell, Asterio, and even another one I don't know about. Sometimes I forget that he's Sky Asterio sometimes... can any of us beat him out?" Faith asked. Her look of despair was looming through the two standing beside her.
"Why do we need to? If you were to ask me, Faith, being stronger than Sky is impossible, and that's perfectly fine. He's a man we can depend on, and that's fine. We have things that we can do that he can't, and he can do things that we can't. Accepting that is what you need, I think," Charlie suggested to Faith.
Although he had a great point that Faith knew, deep down, she couldn't stand it. Knowing she would never be as strong as Sky hurt her, to a point of no return. Faith believed she wasn't good at anything.
"I won't tell him about you, Faith, but I think you should have a conversation with him. He's a changed man, you can see the way he stands and the way he fights now. He truly is different than he was on The Pinnacle..." Charlie added. Faith was distant, not paying any attention to the conversation at all.
Charlie tapped Faith's shoulder, invoking a sudden reaction out of her that caused her to grab his hand. She was losing herself once more, but Faith was called back to her body when Charlie stood still. He was not threatened by her at all.
"What else do you need from me? Do I have to cover for you? Do you need anything?" Charlie asked her.
"We want to help, Faith. Anything we can do," Charlotte finally spoke up, joining Charlie's sincerity.
"I want you to teach me to use that thing... Jertachi. What is it? I want to know everything about it," Faith desired from the two of them.
"Jertachi is specifically for increasing the primal needs of the victim. This fake Providence girl tried to use that on you? Over Tultachi and Shangtachi? So, Faith, Jertachi can increase primal needs, Tultachi messes with your surroundings, and Shangtachi messes with your mind. The fact that it was specifically Jertachi on you... I can't help but think she was attempting to take advantage of you," Charlotte thought out loud, allowing Faith to join in her thought.
"Primal needs? Like what? Is it animalistic? Does it make me thirsty? What does the attack do specifically?" Faith asked. She was beginning to realize the real purpose of the ambush from the fake Providence.
"Just makes you thirsty, sleepy, and hungry. What are you thinking?" Charlie added to the conversation next, readjusting his posture.
"Finlis Vega attacked Sky because of me, my presence is what brought him there. That fake Providence brought up his name... he's trying to rip me apart mentally then. Make me feel hungry, or sleepy, and then attack when I'm least ready," Faith theorized.