My Awakening

I felt my eyes itch and I could feel the sun's light touching my face. It feels kinda odd that it does because I don't remember my bed being directly under the window.

When I opened my eyes, all of a sudden, I was attacked by a massive headache. And for some reason, my vision keeps changing when I blink. But I was able to tell that I somehow fell off my bed.

Just not really sure which side I am on.

"What the hell?"

I felt that I was naked and when the cold breeze brush up to my skin, I covered myself with my arms. However, to my surprise, I felt something I never felt before.

As I slowly looked down, to my surprise, I could see something that wasn't supposed to be there.

"What the fuck!?"

I have breasts! Big, soft, and warm breasts!

As far as I can remember, I was born a dude! I never had a these before! Why do I have them now!? Yes, I like boobs, but not on myself! What is happening!?

Out of nowhere, I heard a loud thud that also gave me a headache like I hit unto something.


There was another person in the room.

By instinct, I pulled the blanket on my bed to cover my body. But for some reason, it was also being tugged from the other side as well.

""Who the fuck is there!?""

By chance, we shouted at the same time at each other with the same exact sentence.

""Who are you and why are you in my room!?""

""I asked first!""

""Stop copying me!""

This person sound familiar, but I don't remember anyone who sounds like that.

But whoever this is, he managed to get into my room. So whatever I do to him, it constitutes as self-defense!

Immediately, I started gathering magic unto my palm, I prepared to quickly stand and throw it at him.

For some reason, that person also had fallen quiet. Whatever he's doing, I just need to quickly fire this at him when I get a clear shot.

""One last chance, who are you!?""

We're still talking at the same time, it's annoying. But thanks to that, I was able to confirm that he was still in the same place I think he is.

When the magic was finally formed on my hand, a fireball was summoned. Immediately, I stood up and pointed my right hand to his direction and fired it.

But to my surprise, he had the same idea and we fired the fireball at the same time and it exploded into such huge explosion blowing both of us away from each other and to the walls.

Even though I didn't hit the wall that hard, for some reason, the pain felt doubled.

Slowly, I open my eyes and found myself with cuts and bruises while my back had destroyed my cabinet. On the other hand, he destroyed the drawers too. To make matters worse, the bed had caught fire!

As I tried to pull myself out of the cabinet, I felt my leg crack and broke.

The pain was indescribably unbearable that I couldn't stop myself from screaming and writhe in pain.

I was so preoccupied by the pain that I didn't immediately notice the guy on the other side of the room was also writhing in pain.

And out of nowhere, the door slammed open and a person stepped in with a knife on hand.

"What in god's name happened here?!"

It was mom who looks like she was in the kitchen.

Mom notices me first.

"Who are you?"

"It's me! Red, your son!"


I understand that she's confused, but I couldn't care less about that, I just want my leg fixed!

I tried to stand while leaning on the semi-burning bed. But because my broken leg was painful, I dropped on the floor.

But before I touched the it, Mom was able to catch me and put my arm around her shoulders.

"I don't know who you are, but let's get your leg fixed first."

And while I was being dragged out of the room, my little sister Carla walked into the room and was shocked at the burning mess of my room.

"I heard a loud explosion and this was that?!"

"Carla, use your Aqua magic to put the fire out and drag your brother out of there."


After a while, I and the guy were brought into the living room. Since I was naked, Carla gave me a shirt from my closet to wear. Since I had become relatively smaller than before, the shirt was baggy for me enough for it to cover even my legs.

"I've called a healer over. Just bear with the pain for a while."

"Thanks mom."


After putting the phone down, Mom sits on the seat on the other side of the table.

"First of all, I don't recall giving birth to a third child."

"I don't know what happened mom! I just suddenly woke up and found myself in this body!"

"And you, Red, explain why is there a girl in this house?"

"I don't know! I suddenly woke up with a really painful headache. And before I knew it, this girl was already in the room!"

"Red, if I know you're lying to me, I'll ground you for a month without internet."

""Mom, please! Anything but that!""


""Did you just say what I said?""

Come to think of it, we had this happen earlier back in the room too.

""Didn't you also talk like this earlier?""

"Why are you two talking at the same time?"

Mom, her and I were confused. But for some reason, I felt some sort of connection with this girl.

I have a vague idea who she is, but somehow, it doesn't feel impossible.

When I raised my hand, she did so too at the same time. And out of nowhere, we did rock-paper-scissors. Every time we throw out hands, it was the same.

It felt like I was going against the mirror.

"Red, what are you doing?"

I ignored mom's question and still continuing the game.

As we continued to throw out hands at eat other, I had started to realize who this girl is. No, what this girl is!

""You're me!""

-End of Chapter-