A little Adjustment

The healer had finally arrived and healed the unknown girl's leg.

The healer is my Aunt Jean, my mom's friend.

"I've healed her broken bone, but don't move too rashly and let your legs rest because it's still fragile as of now."

Aunt Jean said as she stands up after checking the girl's leg.

"That aside, Red, does your leg still hurt?"

"Weirdly enough, it doesn't anymore."

"Just to be sure, let me inspect your leg. It was the left leg, right?"

Aunt Jean kneels and then lifts my left leg. That aside, Mom was walking around the unknown girl.

She looked at her head to toe. Touched her hair and poked her cheek. Though for some reason, that made me feel annoyed.

"I know, it's weird. But like I told you, I'm Red!"

"I heard what you said, but still, it's hard to believe."

Mom then lifts my long hair and checks my nape, and for some reason, I could see her expression from the other me's perspective which was a surprised one.

"You have your birthmark here."

Mom immediately rushes towards me and pulls down my shirt from the back and looked at my nape as well.

"So, is it there?"

Mom didn't say anything. She slowly pulls away from me and went to Carla.

Without saying a word, she pushes Carla to the girl and compared them.

"Oh my god!"

Like she had realized, Carla and the girl looks similar. So similar that anyone could mistake them for sisters.

"You really did become two!"

Aunt Jean stands up while looking confused as well. She kept turning her head from her to me like trying to understand what was happening.

"Sorry about this, dear."

Without explaining further, she pulls my ear back which hurts so much.

To everyone's surprise, I and the girl felt the pain at the same time.

"Split body and shared senses. I've never seen anything like this before."

"Aurora, is it alright if I report this to the Head Priest? He might know what's happening here."


While Mom and Aunt Jean were talking, my head was suddenly attacked by another headache. When I looked at my female "self", I could see Carla pulling her hair.

"Hey, that hurts! Stop that!"

"Oh so you really can feel each other."

"We've made that clear already!"

Carla lets go of my hair while pulling away with her arms up in the air.

I approach my other "self" who seems to have the same idea.

""Avocado, Ribbon, Thunder.""

We just spoke random words, but every time we do, it's the same.

I tried closing my eyes and while thinking that I could probably see myself from her point of view. And without any effort, I can see myself with my eyes closed.

"What are you doing?"

""I was just curious about what we can do.""

Though inadvertently, we spoke at the same time to mom.

That also reminded me about the thing she saw behind me so I decided to crouch and looked at my back through my other self.

I haven't really had the chance to confirm it before because it's quite impossible to see your own nape, but now that I can see any angle now, I can.

""There's really nothing huh.""

After looking at mine, I look at the other me's nape. And it does have the birthmark they all said I had. Though this time it's really weird to see it on a different body.

"Red, my dear, what else do you feel right now?"

Aunt Jean approached me with a concerned face. And regarding her question, I really don't know how to properly answer it.

""Honestly, I don't know. It's weird that I can see from two different perspectives, feel both bodies at the same time. Despite that, my mind doesn't feel like it's in conflict with itself. I don't know how to describe the feeling properly if I have to be honest.""

"I see, but apart from that, does the other you feel like a some sort of individuality?"

When she pointed it out, I look at my other self. I don't understand what "individuality" she's talking about, but I can't seem to feel any of the sort. It just feels like I have two bodies now.

""I don't seem to feel anything weird. Aside from being dizzy from overlapping visions, it doesn't feel that bad.""

"I see, it is prevalent in the way you speak from both bodies."

Aunt Jean then walks to my female self and grabs her cheeks. I can feel her warm hands.

"Still, it's quite amazing that this version of you is cute. This you reminds me of your mom."

""Thanks, I guess?""

"Though, please be careful from now on. We don't know exactly what's happening to your body so I suggest not being too rash with your sword training and if possible, refrain from using Magic for a while."


"I know you want to be a Magic Knight, but your health comes first."

If Aunt Jean says so, I really can't go against her. I mean, she is one of the instructors of the school I'm applying to.

Aunt Jean finally lets go of my cheeks and picks up her bag. Before turned around, she goes to Carla and kisses her forehead.

"Take care of your big brother, and probably your big sister as well."

"Huh? Why should I do that?"

"Carla, listen to your Aunt."

Carla didn't answer, but instead she looks away while pouting real hard.

"Red was already a big problem, now he's twice the problem now."

"Carla! Don't say such things about your brother."

I'll let that slide for now because mom already pulled her cheeks.

While they were busy talking, I looked at my female self who was also looking at her own clothes.

""This is a problem.""

"What is?"

When I said so, mom looks at the troubled me.

""I don't have a shirt that fits me.""

When I said so, Mom looks at the female me again. And immediately, she realized what I meant.

"Your height is manageable so you can wear Carla's shorts. The shirt on the other hand."

""Yeah, I need proper ones.""

Carla also understood what I meant and immediately puts her hands on her chest. With the sudden realization of gap, she realized that this new "me" has outclassed her.

"We're gonna need to buy you new clothes."

-End of Chapter-