Heart and Mind

After what she told me, Princess Ofelia explained my situation to me.

Apparently, someone is after my life including her, at the least that was the situation until she learned that I was just a regular guy. Though it is not yet official, she told me that I will be under her protection as long as I stay unrelated to the matter of the Fragments of Ascension.

The main problem is, I am a target by someone. So, her solution is to keep me in the dark to keep a normal life while at the same time, act as bait.

But the real problem is that, we don't know why I am the Sin of Heart.

She told me that when the Sin of Heart is reborn, it will always create a form of chaos. But somehow, I am the only one so far that is known to be reborn in silence. Nobody from her side knows why. But she said it was a blessing because only her is able to find me.

While the Sin of Heart has unknown abilities, the Sin of Mind has multiples known ones.

She told me that aside from being able to read minds, she is able to know where the other fragments are when they are nearby. So basically, it doesn't matter where I am as long as either Red or Rose is beside her.

"What happened with your date with the princess, dude?"

"It wasn't a date."

Currently, I am pretending to be sleeping on my table as Rose. Lunch just ended so Red had a quick rush to the restrooms.

Archie and Charles are beside me while studying. It's their way of passing time.

"So, what exactly did you two talk about?"

"Can't say, there were a lot. But I do get that the princess is in a bit of a similar situation as me."


"No. But that aside, that's for not asking what it is specifically. That saves me a lot of trouble."

Charles suddenly sits next to my face making me look at his thigh. It blocked the breeze caressing my face so it annoyed me a bit.

"Well, that aside, have you at least tried to study for today's activity?"

"With two bodies, I can study and play at the same time."

"Are you though?"

Because of what he said, I hit his thigh on impulse and stood up to get some fresh air by the window.

"Come to think of it, where's the princess?"

Archie looks around the classroom while putting down his book. Like he said, the princess isn't here, but I know where she is.

"She's with me."

On the other end, Princess Ofelia suddenly started following me when I got out of the restroom for unknown reason. I don't know why but it felt weird to be followed just after taking a piss.

"Umm... Princess, is there a problem?"

"No, none at all."

"Then... why are you following me?"

"Well, I was just curious if you are interested in escorting me."

"To where?"


I don't understand her, can't she just say that first before suddenly following me?

"I have, contemplated about that. But I do not know the extent of being casual to a classmate, I observe everyone in class, but as Royalty, I do not wish to disturb their peace by suddenly interacting with them."

"What do you mean, don't you have classmates in your previous school?"

"I was homeschooled."

...oh. My bad.

Well, I guess at some point, she does want to interact with classmates. Nobody wants to feel like an outcast I guess?

Then again, how do I interact with Ofelia? Royalties are not like Nobles, they are much more delicate to handle.

All of a sudden, her eyes grow in surprise as she looks at me.

"I like that."


"Call me by my name again."

"But I didn't-oh. You read my mind."

I can't help but scratch the back of my head feeling perplexed. Then again, aside from being a royalty and a dragonoid, she is still a girl. A very beautiful one too.

"I guess there's no helping it."

When I finally yielded, a little smile was drawn on Ofelia's lips. Even her little wings on the back are flapping lightly too. I guess she's happy with this.

"What do you want to go to the cafeteria for though? We just had lunch. No point in going back there."

Before saying anything, Ofelia walks beside me and puts her arm around mine.

"There's something I want to buy. I'd like you to escort me there."

"Uhuh... but why like this?"

"It's just a test whether they would treat me differently or not when I am with a commoner."

"But why?"

"They usually run away and the cafeteria table becomes vacant. I want someone to talk to."

Come to think of it, whenever Ofelia goes to the cafeteria, one of the best tables become vacant and only her sits there. I guess everyone didn't want to offend a royalty and accidentally isolated her.

As we arrive in the cafeteria, there were far fewer people than before we had lunch. Probably because most are done eating, the ones that remained are either loitering or just started eating.

But that didn't change the fact that we still caught everyone's attention.

"Ofelia, are you sure this is okay? People might start making rumors."

"I do not care of such. All I want is a friend and people I can talk to."

Because of what she said, I tried inviting Archie and Charles as Rose, but they immediately denied it.

"It's alright, just one friend is enough."

When Ofelia bought what she came for, we decided to sit on the vacant seat she usually uses. Though it felt like an isolated place before, it looks normal now because there's two of us.

Sitting here in silence, I kind of feel nervous. I don't even know what topic is good enough to bring up.


"What did you wish for?"

"Excuse me?"

All of sudden, the princess throws me a question I'm not sure I understand.

"The Fragments of Ascension of Sins grant the wishes of their vessels. Even if we do not know where this came from, we know how they manifested."

"I'm not sure if I get it but, if I really did make a wish, my father would be home already."

"I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"It's alright. That aside, do you think the fragment has to do anything with my body split?"

"I have heard not of such case before. All I know is that you have the fragment in you. That is what the fragment in me is telling me."

"Oh, so like linked and stuff. There are stories like that in the internet."

Out of nowhere, the bell suddenly rings and when I looked at the time, it was already 1PM.

It rang ten times and within that timespan, Ofelia and I just blankly stared at each other.

"This is my first time becoming late."

"Not my first and I don't want to get scolded."

Just like everyone else, we started rushing and running outside of the cafeteria.

Little did I know, I unknowingly grabbed the princess by the hand which I only realized halfway of the run to the classroom.

I wonder what the princess was thinking about when I did?

-End of Chapter-