
After I got scolded by the adviser for "loitering" since I got late to class, I am to be made partnered with Ofelia to clean the room after class as punishment. Though Ofelia was supposed to be exempted from it because she's a princess, she insisted on taking the punishment with me.

Currently, I am trying to practice the magic spell being taught to us. It's on the book so I'm trying to read it as Rose while casting it as Red.

Charles and Archie are also putting into practice what they're reading. While Archie was making wind swirl around his palm, Charles was making blue flame between his palm. It was a surprise because anyone with Blue Flame has relation to the rare Holy Element.

But the most surprising part is that Princess Ofelia is with us too.

"Red, do you find it difficult?"

"What's difficult?"

"Casting a simple Level 3 magic?"

Wuh... She thinks Level 3 is simple...

"Um... up to what level can you cast?"

"Level 5 of Fire and Wind."

When she said that, Archie, Charles, and I accidentally made our magic explode in surprise to what she said. I mean, we've never met anyone with Level 4 magic and above!

""Level 5!?""

While I was in shock, Charles and Archie drop on one knee while lifting their clasped hands towards her.

"Forgive my imprudence, your highness! B-but may I be blessed by your knowledge of Wind Magic?"

"Y-your majesty! Can I become your student for the art of Fire Magic?"

Because of their sudden reaction, it left Ofelia baffled. But in the next moment, she covers her mouth a bit and lets out a cute chuckle.

"There is no need to be formal."

So she's got no problem teaching us huh. But having two elemental affinity sure is an amazing trait. Not that rare, but uncommon.

"I have dual affinity, but I am considered to be the weakest in our family."

"Weakest? Why?"

"The King, my father, is has Quintuple Affinity. All four elements and including the Holy Element."

"Is that like, the standards for the Dragonoid Royalty?"

"Yes. As of now, only two of my older brothers have Quintuple Affinity."

Hmm... I think I've heard news about the tension in the Dragonoid Royalty. If I remember correctly, the eldest has affinity with Dark Element. The preferable element for Royalties are Holy Element and the one who has it is the younger prince.

"Worry not about it, this family matter is not much of a problem. The eldest will still be next in line for the throne. Our father is currently trying to convince the rest of our race to give the prince a chance."

"So the Dragon King is a good father."

Hmm... My perception of royalties are kinda biased. This is I guess this is what it feels like to be disillusioned.

"Going back to the main topic, how will you teach us? I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Rather, I am curious as to how Human magic works. Our Biology are different so my magic may not be either good or would be too much for humans."

Archie punches his palm with a very pumped up expression while looking at Ofelia.

"Alright, that sounds like a challenge. Hit me with your best one!"

"With your magic capacity, I can only recommend you a Level 2 Dragonoid Wind Magic."

After being told the truth, Archie's excitement dropped while pouting. This got Ofelia a bit worried and regretful.

"W-well, I do not know the limits and capabilities of humans. Some of my logic may be wrong."

Since Archie and Charles wanted to use high level magic, Sir Sevilla told us to go to the training ground. Since it was kind of hot, I borrowed an umbrella for Ofelia.

While Archie and Charles were stretching for some reason, Ofelia was drawing on the sandy ground with her wings carefully. Though it was crude, it was somewhat understandable.

"So this magic formation is called Imperidus Igna. A Level 4 Fire magic that creates a pillar or wall depending on how you control it. However the size is proportional to a quarter of your magic capacity and affinity."

As Rose, I tried to read the magic circle. In the Fundamentals of Magic invocation, the first thing to do is call upon the element. Which can be done by conjuring it in front of me. This process is also lets me create a simple Level 1 Fire magic, Fire Ball.

"You're doing well, Red."

"Well, anyone can at least do this."

As I continued to read the magic circle, I also conjure the second layer of the magic which is the output. According to Ofelia's writing, the first layer sending the fire blazing upward in torrent. Similar to Level 2 Magic, Fire Torrent.

"This... is kind of draining me a lot of magic than I expected."

"That tends to happen when invoking this magic slowly. It's normal for those who are just learning."

Then the third layer is the tricky part which is giving the flame a secondary elemental affinity.

"In theory, every living thing has affinity to every element. But with magic, one element affinity may be stronger, but that doesn't mean you don't have affinity with other elements as well."

"So that was taught there as well, your highness?"

"Well, most Dragonoids have at least two elemental affinity so the Theory of Omni Affinity is what believe is to be the scientific fact."

"I see, but do you have any tips in how? This is my first spell that has a secondary element."

"According to theory, elements respond to an individual's will. If your will is strong, an element may respond to your spell."

Explanation is easy to understand, but in practice, not so much. Even so, I get the gist of what she's trying to say.

Now that I think about it, I am trying to make a wall. A wall of flame to be exact.

Logically speaking, it should be a really strong fire to protect me and threatening to my opponents. Let's go with that as third layer.

After I applied the fourth layer which is to widen the magic, I finally cast it!

"Impreridus Igna!"

All of a sudden, the roaring pillar of red flame became stronger, but before widening to become a wall, it suddenly turned dark and black and blue.

Thankfully Archie and Charles saw the widening and avoided its path as it continued to extend their way.

"Um... Princess, is this supposed to happen?"

Since I didn't know whether I did it right or not, I asked her. But to my surprise, Ofelia also looks shocked.


-End of Chapter-