
Prince Arlen for some reason, suddenly called out to me. Specifically Rose me.

"What's your name?"

When he asked that, for some reason, Ofelia's eyes grew in surprise. Archie and Charles were quiet.

"Did you ever introduce yourself to his majesty?"

"I think I panicked too much and forgot to introduce Rose."

Archie and I whispered to each other.

"Uhm... I'm just a lowly commoner, your majesty."

"Lowly? You are part of this circle. Are you perhaps Sir Red's sister?"

This is troubling.

Should I even tell the prince the truth? I mean, this is a bizarre situation. I highly doubt he'll believe it.

"Uhm... yes, I am Red's twin sister, Rose."

"Oh, that's a beautiful name."

"T-thank you, but I have to go now."

While Rose leaves, I notice that Ofelia is looking at me straight in the eyes like I offended her or something.



All of a sudden, Archie elbows my side secretly to get my attention.

"Dude, look at the prince."

"What, why? Oh..."

I should have expected, like, I saw it. The way he looked at Rose. He's charmed.

"Dude, your tits may be weapons to start wars."

"My attire may have been too stimulating for the prince."

Since that happened, I've decided that as Rose, I needed to change my attire before showing up again in front of the prince.

I really have nothing in my female closet that I think that wouldn't stimulate the prince.

Looking at my male closet, I found my hoodie so I decided to wear it to cover most of my boobs.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I really don't understand how I'm able to turn heads around. I look like my mom and she doesn't seem to do the same as I do.

"This is really weird."

After I got back to the pavilion, the prince seems to be rather thrilled by my appearance again.

"Has my preference in associates disappoint you, Prince Arlen?"

Out of nowhere, Ofelia asked Prince a simple question. However, it felt like it had some pressure behind it as well.

"N-no, none of them do. Rather, I'm quite surprised that most of your friends are male."

"Is that a problem?"

"Well, I do highly doubt you have motives behind it but it certainly is unexpected from someone of pedigree as you."

What is this conversation even? Is this how royalties talk?

"I prefer to have friends who speaks their mind honestly. It's a trait I love after all."

When she said that, aside from the prince, the rest of us couldn't help but let out a smile. I mean, that's a nice compliment.

"That aside, I want to know how you and Sir Red became acquainted."

The rest of us flinched when he asked her that.

Looking at Ofelia as Rose, I asked for her help.

"How do we explain this?"

"What do you mean?"

"We already introduced Rose as Red's sister, I'll come out as a liar and your statement earlier may come off as a lie."

"That... is troublesome."

While we were talking through telepathy, out of nowhere, Charles grabs Rose's hand and looks at the Prince.

"Actually, your Majesty, I was the impetus for their friendship."

While he bravely declared that while holding my hand, I squeezed his hand while whispering something to him.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Trust me on this."

Did Ofelia connect our thoughts or something?

"Sir, Archie, was it?"

"It's Charles, your highness."

"Ah, right."

He didn't even try to remember who's who...

Before saying anything, Charles winks at me like he's some hotshot or something.

"Actually, I tried to court Rose when she transferred into our class with Princess Ofelia."

When he said that, the prince's smile twitched a bit and for some reason, he looks very intrigued.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Well, I incurred Red's overprotectiveness and it escalated into a brawl."

"For a commoner, he's got the bravery to stand up against a noble. I'm quite surprised you didn't have him beheaded."

"My lineage is of Chivalrous Knights. We fight fair against anyone even towards a commoner. But thanks to that, it seemed to have garnered Princess Ofelia's attention."

"Yes, though it was quite rowdy, it was quite impressive for a commoner to stand up against someone from the nobility."

After listening to them, Prince Arlen looks at me with an impressed impression.

"Though foolish, I am impressed that you managed to become friends with them."

Since Charles was getting carried away with holding my hand, I squeezed his hand enough to make him twitch in pain and lets go of me.

"Thank you, your highness."

"But for you to match sir Charles, you must be quite the swordsman. After all, he comes from a lineage of Knights. Is anyone from your family a swordsman as well?"

Out of nowhere, Ofelia puts her hand on my shoulder while looking at Prince Arlen.

"I believe that lineage has nothing to do with their abilities as individual."

Before I could, Ofelia speaks in my stead. I think she understands that this is not a topic I like. I would like to thank her when I get the chance.

"Red is an amazing swordsman. That goes with Rose as well who has difficulty with controlling her body with the art of sword. Their ability to adapt to any situation which I witnessed first-hand makes me proud to be their friend. It goes without saying that Archie and Charles are skilled swordsmen as well."

What's happening? Why does it feel like Ofelia is protecting me?

"Hmm... is that so."

Before continuing his words, Prince Arlen takes a sip of the tea on front of him while looking at Rose.

"Then, can I have you be Ofelia's official escorts?"


Because of what he suddenly said, Charles, Archie, and both of me were shocked. However, the prince just smiles while looking at us while Ofelia looked happy about it.

"Princess Ofelia is a treasured childhood friend of mine. It troubles me that she insists on not having any escorts when she came down from Azureth so when I heard she made friends, I wondered if they were capable of protecting her. And seeing you all in person, I may have been in the wrong for doubting her judgement."

Archie stands up and faces Prince Arlen. After that, he drops on one knee while lowering his head.

"Your highness, forgive my imprudence, but may I know what you came here for exactly?"

"Raise your head, sir Charles."

When he did so, the prince gives his usual smile while taking a bite of a biscuit.

"I came here to see what kind of people my friend is friends with. But now, I think I'll stay for a bit longer to entertain myself a bit."

I'm glad that he doesn't see us some sort of nuisance. But somehow, something feels a bit off.

"If I am a-"

"No, we are not really engaged."

Before I could finish my question, Ofelia answers it with a smile on her face.

"B-but I thought you guys were engaged."

"That's just how we arranged it."

"But why?"

"The other nations and other Dragonoids are bothersome with their marriage proposals. This was my suggestion."

"There are more Dragonoid royalties?"

"No, Dragonoids do not follow the rules of man. We of the Royal family are free to be courted by fellow Dragonoids or Dragons, royal blood or not."

"I see..."

"That's why to avoid further annoyance, I pestered Arlen to make me his unofficial fiancée."

While looking amused, she suddenly puts a cookie on my mouth.

"Rather than being nervous about the prince, I'd like it that you treat him the way you treat me. He is as much of a friend like you are to me."

"You're going to get me beheaded at this rate, princess."

-End of Chapter-