True Awakening

After the storm passed us, which is the prince visiting my house, everything seemed to go back to normal. Though it was publicly announced, nobody seemed to know where the prince and Ofelia went.

I'm guessing Ofelia used her Mind Magic to erase any traces of their presence from the public for the duration. It's the only explanation I can come up with.

During that time, us who are associated with Ofelia have become her secret guards. Archie and Charles' Families have been notified about this and are given special privileges with the Royalty which they were aiming for.

I, on the other hand, have been given compensation for the trouble they think they caused.

While, I as Red, has been given monetary compensation for the role of guarding Ofelia, Rose on the other hand, was given a really expensive set of jewelleries in courtesy of the prince. This one felt so awkward because I can tell the prince has taken a liking on me.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm still into women.

Currently, I'm massaging Rose's shoulders while walking to school. Mostly because those hurts a lot after a long time since my boobs are really big.

I don't care if it looks weird to the others, I want to relieve myself of this pain.

"I wonder if this what mom felt like back in the day."

After crossing the road, I notice that Red's right eye is itching. When I took a look at them, there doesn't seem to be any dust that got to my eye.

It's bearable, but annoying.

"You're gonna gouge out your eye if you keep rubbing it that hard, dude."

Archie suddenly appeared out a corner while carrying a long sheathed sword on his back.

"Oh, you're early. And what's that?"

"I had Charles' uncle commissioned with a specialized sword."

"You didn't say anything about that. But why though?"

"Well I found my other sword quite... uncomfortable to use. It wasn't tailored to my low magic capacity."

Aside from the fancy looking sheath, the hilt of the sword is ornamented with gold with his family's crest on it. It makes me wonder how much he spent on it.

"What does it do?"

When I asked him that, he smugly smiles while putting it on his back again.

"I could show it to you here and now, but that would ruin the surprise for everyone."

"Well if you say so."

While we were walking down the street, Archie looks at Rose and then back to Red. Specifically my ears.

"Why are you wearing earings? Wasn't that what the prince gave you?"

"Oh, this? Well, there's really no harm in wearing them. Besides, they kinda look nice so it'd be a waste to just let dust pile on them in the drawers."

"Why put one on each body though?"

"Why not? It looks cooler this way. Besides, it matches my two bodies."

While we were talking, out of nowhere, Rose's left eye started itching. I rubbed it lightly, but the itch doesn't go away.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I got dust in my eye again."

"Yeah, I get that. The pavement's too dry these days so dust is everywhere."

"Man I wish it rains sometimes."

After a while, the itchiness goes away. I think it's just dust.

When we finally arrived at school, we saw Charles standing beside the gates being surrounded by women for some reason. When he saw us, he shakes off the girls lightly and approaches us.

"Good Morning, guys."

"Quite early to get surrounded by flowers. What's cooking?"

"Some underclassmen wanted to know if I had some sort connection with the prince now. I told them nothing just so you guys know."

"Wow, your family sucks at hiding secrets."

"Cut me some slack will you. Our household is very big. It's hard to have everyone's mouth shut. Besides, it's not like anyone knows about it."

"I took the liberty to make everyone who wants to know to easily forget about it."

Out of nowhere, a telepathic message was sent to me and probably Charles and Archie as well.

When we looked at the Boarding House side, we saw Ofelia casually walking by herself.

"To be honest, I don't get why the prince is concerned with her safety. She's too powerful just by herself."

"I think that's precisely why the prince wants her protected. Besides, it's not like we were specifically told to protect her, we're guarding her while at the same time being her friend."

Archie obviously doesn't like how the prince came barging in with the task he gave us. Then again, it's not like I don't understand his feeling.

"It may feel a little insulting, but let's just treat the salary as extra allowance. I mean, it wouldn't be fun to hang around after school without money. Don't you think so as well?"

"Well, if you say it like that."

As Ofelia joined with us, she proceeded to lock her arm around Rose's like it's normal.

"I appreciate your sentiments about the situation, but I guarantee that Arlen doesn't mean anything bad about it. In fact, he does like you guys."

Since the bag with my book inside it was in the way, I take it off and gave it to Red.

"Well anyway, let's go-"

Out of nowhere, I got dust in my eye again, but this time it's both of my bodies getting it. And unlike before, it's really itchy like something is drilling into them.

"Isn't the irritation getting worse?"

Ofelia looks really concerned.

"I'm alright, I just need to get my eyes into running water. I used to do that before."

As I, Red staggered, Archie and Charles grabs my shoulders. I, as Rose on the other hand is being held up by Ofelia,.

"Dude, this is serious. We should get yous to the clinic."

After that, I kind of blacked out for some reason.

When I opened my eyes, I notice that I'm looking at a different ceiling now. I think I collapsed on the way here.

Both of my bodies sits up right and I notice that Aunt Jean was sitting on the table while talking to someone on their phone.

When she noticed both of me are already awake, she says goodbye to whoever she's talking to and comes to me.

"How are both of you feeling?"

"I'm alright on both ends. What happened?"

"Well, that's up to you."

"What do you-"

Just when I looked at my other selves, I noticed something different.

My eyes, they look different.

""Why are each of my eyes' different?""

"Well I think your Demon trait is awakening on both bodies."

While talking, Aunt Jean hands each of me a glass of water and a small pill.

""What is this?""

"A medicine to keep your mental tampering under control. I wouldn't want you to suddenly cause chaos in the school."

""Mental Tampering? What do you mean?""

"Drink it first."

Aunt Jean looks hesitant to tell me something. And now that I've looked at her properly, I noticed that she seems shaken while her face is a bit flushed.

"Uhm... how do I explain this? Do you know what Li'idine is?"

"No, what does that have to do anything?"

"Well, it's very important that you know. The Li'idine is one of the Demonic Progenitor Races. Their main trait is that they live with lust as their core trait. Two of these races who have this trait are the Incubi and Succubi. These two have a unique ability, Lust Coax."

Wait. Wait a minute, what does she mean by this? Is she saying that I'm one of the two?

"Yes, you have the ability. The proof are your eyes. The unknown dormant demom blood in your family was actually from Li'idine."

While looking at each other, I notice that my blackened iris is going back to normal.

""W-what's happening?""

"Don't worry, it's just the pill taking effect. This is a general medicine for Half-Demons speficically who couldn't control their powers by weakening their demon blood. We're lucky we have it here otherwise we'd have to suspend you for a few days until we get one."

When my eyes finally returned to normal, I tried to reach out and grabbed other self's hand. After that, I suddenly felt a bit weaker as Rose and nearly blacked out. Thankfully my self as Red caught my body.

"What's happening to my body?"

While I asked her that, she rushes and assists me with Rose.

"I don't know. Demons like you are quite uncommon, but Rose is much more different."

I felt more itch in my Eye as Rose, it was as if my Body was resisting the medicine.

Rose's eyes were transitioning between black and white. After a while, the itch disappears and her eye goes back to normal.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, but since you don't seem too well enough to attend classes, I'll send you home for today."

When she said that, I immediately picked up Rose and put her arm over my shoulders.

"I'd rather not!"


"Today's the finalization of the Roster for the Tournament, I can't have myself drafted out!"

Aunt Jean looks at me with a worried expression. Then after, she lets out a sigh and kisses my foreheads and smiled at me.

"Fine, I'll give in. Just be careful on your way there."

When she said that, I couldn't help but draw a big smile on my faces. I hype my selves up as I put Rose on a Piggyback.

Whether it was the Escort duty or my demonic awakening, the incoming competition had my full attention. I didn't realize that focusing too much on it would cause me to forget something very important.

Little did I know something else was happening without me knowing.

-End of Chapter-