
Currently, I am creating an upside-down dome from both Charles and Delcie's side at the same time using my Dark Magic by turning the flame into Ice.

Why I'm doing that? Let's rewind the time a bit.


As Charles' sword made of flame grows and Delcie's sword sheath glows brighter, the air around them becomes violent and intense.

And out of nowhere, Ofelia leans on the railing beside me while looking worried.

"This duel must stop."


When I asked her, she points at the empty space in between Charles and Delcie.

"Their Magic has been concentrated enough to the point where it has condensated a volatile mass of mana between them."

When she explained so, we didn't understand it. Rather, the topic was far too advanced for us New Second Years. We haven't been taught anything about Mana yet.

"Uhm, can you explain it to us in a more simple way?"

"There's no time."

Without warning, Ofelia grabs Rose's head and in an instant, information was telepathically transferred to me. But due to the bulky amount, I couldn't help but pass out for a second and staggered to keep my selves from falling.

Though my head feels like it's about to split open, I understood what she means now.

Immediately, I turn towards Muller as Rose and grabs his arms.


"Throw me towards Charles!"

While talking to him, as Red, I jumped into the arena and ran towards Delcie while I start to gather magic into me as I chant a magic that Ofelia crammed into my brain a few seconds ago.

Seeing me do that, the referee yells at me to get out, but knowing my friends are about to kill each other, I didn't care whether I get suspended over this or not.

"My arm is still healing, I won't risk ripping off my muscles just for you. It hurts like hell!"

"Just this once!"

"Still, no!"

This fat guy is too stubborn, but there's no one else strong enough to throw me. This leaves me no choice.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

By force, I grab his cheeks and force him to look me straight into my eyes. After that, I release my self restraint and activated my Lust Coax.

And with no resistance, Muller gets immediately affected by my charm.

Seeing that, the rest of the team were shocked while looking at us.

"Now, will you please throw me?"

"Anything for you milady."

He's totally under my charm. He's obedient to the point where he kneels on his own and offered his hand as a stepping platform.

"Forgive me, Milady, but from this angel, I can see your undergarments."

Wait, yeah. I forgot I'm wearing a skirt. Then again, this is an emergency.

"I seduced you against your will, I don't know whether you'll remember this or not but this'll make things fair at the least."

And without hesitation, I stepped on his hand and prepared to be thrown across the Arena.

Though despite me trying to concentrate with the magic spell I'm trying to conjure, Muller's intense stare at my underwear is throwing me slightly off.

"Throw me when you're ready!"

"I am!"

"Let's go!"

After taking a deep breath, Muller uses all his strength and throws me at breakneck speed towards Charles.

As I flew, Charles and Delcie already released their magic, and as Ofelie predicted, their magic fused and is now going out of control.

As I arrive next to Delcie as Red, I catch her with my arms as she already passed out from releasing all her magic in one attack.

Since I was still flying towards Charles, I use my momentum and grab him by his hand and push him away from the rampaging magic.

And after finalizing the spell spiel as Red, as Rose, I cast the final Key Words.

"Curse of Darkness: Frost Bite"

As the rampaging magic inflates, from both sides, I touch the raging blue frame and in an instant, the area around my hand turn the flame into cold hard Ice.

However, it wasn't enough. The amount of Magic I have is barely enough to turn all of it into Ice.

So, instead of freezing everything, I need to redirect it somewhere else where nobody could get hurt.

"Fuck, it burns!"

The rampaging magic was still growing and is melting away my Ice. But that doesn't mean I'll give up.

And then I noticed the pattern of the flame.

It was spiraling and spinning like a ball. This gave me an idea.

Using all of my hands, I pour more magic into the flame turning it into ice faster than it could melt.

As the flame continues to spiral, my ice also spirals downward creating a blow-like Ice. This redirected all of its explosive energy upward and as I continue to push myself to squeeze out more mana in me, my body screamed out in pain and made me cough out blood from being not used to such straining spell.

It took a while, but after that, my Ice finally gained enough thickness to resist and redirect the explosion upward creating a pillar of blue flame.

Everyone was in awe of that bright light and waited for it to fade away.

But at the same time, I have reached my limit.

My body is drained of Magic and my bodies have reached their limit.

While Red passes out on one knee while cradling Delcie, Rose passes out leaning on Charles.






"Hello, my dear descendant."

When I open my eyes, I found myself standing in the middle of the darkness.

It was so dark that no matter where I look, everything looks the same, Pitch Black.

Yet somehow, for some reason, I can feel legs in knee deep water.

"I see you've made yourself comfortable with my power."

"Who's there?"

When I asked the unknown voice, all of a sudden, I could hear the water trinkle as if droplets of water had fallen.

"It matters not who I am, I am not relevant. And I prefer to keep it that way."

"What do you mean?"

"You have my heart. And because you have made it beat once more, it is yours now."


"My power is split into seven parts. If they are once again united, I will be awoken. Or at least the part of me I wanted to disappear."

"I don't even understand what you are trying to say."

"Soon you will."

And out of nowhere, in front of me, Rose appeared. But unlike before, this Rose didn't feel like a part of me. Moreover, she looked like she was in deep slumber.

"My heart is yours, please protect it."

And in an instant, my vision went white and the moment I open my eyes, all I could see was a familiar ceiling. It seems I was carried to the infirmary.

Since I can't tell which body I am waking up from, I lifted my hands and look at them.

"Rose, huh."

Then I noticed a sudden pain on my waist but it didn't feel like it came from this body.

As I was trying to wake up through Red, all of a sudden, the curtains open and Archie and Ofelia pop out looking very worried.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just slightly dizzy, but what happened to my other body? I can't seem to wake up from there."

"About that..."

Before continuing his words, Archie opens the curtains for the other bed and I found other self unconscious with a huge bleeding wound on the waist like something big punched a hole through it. It's currently being patched with Healing Magic by Aunt Jean, but it seems she's having a hard time fixing my body.

"W-what happened!?"

And just when I saw that huge wound, all of a sudden, a sudden surge of pain hits me that made me grab my waist where the other body received a wound from.

The pain makes me want to scream but it hurts so much that not a voice could come out. I feel like I could lose my mind at any moment.

"You were hit by a fragment of ice while you were passed out during the explosion."

"I guess I didn't succeeded in preventing it."

"You did, just not fully."

While hugging me, Ofelia caresses my back to ease my pain a bit. Though I do feel she's using magic somehow.

"Are they okay?"

"They are, Miss Garaval is next to you if you haven't noticed it yet."

Though she's just sitting on the chair next to Red, she looks really gloomy and depressed.

"What about Charles?"

"He's outside looking to buy a healing potion for you."

Out of nowhere, the door slams open and Muller walks in the nurse office looking really pissed with his right arm wrapped in bandages.

He rushes towards me and slams the bed with his free hand making the bed shake violently.

Archie tries to distance him away from me, but I grab him because I know I deserve some scholding at the least for what I did.

"You imprudent and insensitive commoner! Look at what you did to me! I won't be able to use my arm for days now! Don't you know that us dwarves can't be healed with healing magic?! How do you plan to make up for this?"

I understand how angry he is. He is after all a knight just like me. What does a Knight even good for if thet can't carry a weapon? He must be really frustrated and angry at me right now.

"Honestly, I don't know how to make it up to you. It was really rash of me to resort to using magic to control you. For now, I just want to let you know that I truly am sorry for what I did."

As I said that to hopefully quell his anger, I get off the bed and kneel on one knee in front of him. This is the best I can do as a commoner knight.

"Please forgive him, Muller. Re-I mean, Rose knows what she did was wrong. But they only did it to save us."

All of a sudden, Delcie pleaded for me. Though I'm not looking, I can feel her caressing Red's hand for some reason.

But because of her plea, Muller didn't get angry further. However, he was still angry.

"Alright, I'll forgive you, but on one condition."

When he said that, I couldn't help but look up.

"Don't lose during the tournament. After all, you're the reason why Charles went around to challenge us and gave me this injury before you made it worse."


Honestly, I wasn't expecting that. I didn't think Muller was that dignified to not ask for unreasonable demands.

But because of what he said, I inadvertently got excited and jumped to hug him.


"Thanks Muller! I promise I won't lose!"

I don't know what happened, but for some reason, my face moved on its own and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Because of what I did, everyone in the room had their jaws drop in surprise.

Though late, it also sank into me and pushed myself away from Muller.

"Why did I just do that?"

-End of Chapter-