Risky Idea

So currently, Red is to stay at home to recover properly after getting injured. Ofelia also stayed behind with him at home while mom goes to work and Carla going to her Sorcery School.

I still can't wake up with my other body but I can feel and hear everything around me. I just feel exhausted from my blood loss and have no energy to wake up. Moreover, it feels like most of my magic is rerouted to Rose and I still feel weak being magic-less.

"How are you feeling right now?"

"It feels weird to be in a coma and being awake to walk in the school at the same time."

Currently, Archie and I just arrived in school. Since I still feel kind of exhausted from having the other body being drained of energy, I needed to rely on Archie. I'm currently holding his arm like I'm his girlfriend. Since I'm way too drained, I have no energy to joke about it.

"You know, it's kind of funny that you're acting like a real girl for once."

"Is being weak being girly to you?"

"No, but you being meek. If I didn't know you were a succubus, I would be confused about my feelings right now."

"Well, sorry about that. I can barely keep my eye's power in check right now and the meds are having a hard time suppressing it. And for some reason, this feels nice. You should really let me lock arms with you more often."

"Speaking of which, you need to visit father in this form today. He wants to study your biology as a succubus."

"I'm not a lab rat you know."

"You'll be compensated for it."

"Do I need to drag my other body as well?"

"You sure are weak to money."

When we finally arrived on our class' door, the rest of the class looks at us with surprised expressions, especially Charles who looks like he just crushed something in his hand in pure shock.

"Before you guys say anything, no, we are not dating. I'm just dizzy."

After I said that, everyone lets out a sigh of relief. Well, all except Charles.

"Rose, if you told me beforehand that you needed assistance, I could've picked you up with my carriage."

"Yeah, no thanks. The healing potion you bought for me was enough already."

"B-but that was because of my actions. That was merely me trying to make it up to you. And you still haven't even woken up as Red."

It seems that Charles has been beating himself up about what happened. He looks really ashamed and apologetic. It looks kind of cute. Wait what?

Those last thought aside, if we trace it down the line, it was my own selfishness that pushed him to come up with the idea. I should be the one apologizing. Then again, saying that now would be too late and it wouldn't make Charles feel better.

I approached Charles and caressed his cheeks trying to encourage him.

"Come on. Don't think too much about it. We've got more problems ahead of us, Leader."

When I gave him a smile, he looks at me with blushing cheeks while looking all confused.

I notice that Delcie is approaching our desk. It was obvious that she was hiding something behind her, but what was surprising was that her cheeks were slightly pinkish.

"Um… about yesterday. I'd like to express my gratitude for saving my life."

After saying that, she shows me what she was hiding behind her back. It was a book that didn't have a lot of pages on them. Rather, I can basically count the pages with two hands.

"I heard that you used Dark Magic to save my life. My family just so happened to have a spell book related to Dark Magic so it might be useful to you."

"Are you sure that you're giving it to me?"

"My mother was more than happy to give it away because it was left rotting in our house. Nobody could use it because none of us have any affinity to the Element. Moreover, you're my savior."

As I receive the book, Delcie immediately pulled back her hand a bit when my finger touched hers.

"A-also, when the other you recover, we can have a celebration in my place. Everyone else can come too."

"Thanks for the offer, but that would be too much for me. Rather, I'm just a commoner."

"I insist. It's a courtesy of the Garaval Household."

I want to turn her down, but for some reason, saying an outright "No" can't just come out of my mouth considering how polite Delcie is right now.

When I look at Archie, I realized I can use that excuse.

"I actually feel uneasy if I get too much attention."

After I said that, Archie looked like he got offended. But only I noticed that since he's behind Delcie.

"You don't have to worry about that, the Rigmun family is also invited. This was Princess Ofelia's suggestion. Apparently she has something important to tell us and is coming to the banquet."

"I wanted to tell them about their family's capabilities."

Out of nowhere, I could hear Ofelia's voice in my head. I'm guessing she's holding Red right now to see and hear what I do.

But since she confirmed it, I really have no way of rejecting Delcie's offer now, especially when Ofelia is involved.

"O-I mean, her highness just confirmed it for me. Then, I have no choice but to accept your gratitude."

When I said that, Archie gives me a teasing smile behind Delcie who looked really happy with my reply.

"You say that but surely you're just happy that a girl invited you out again."

"Shut up, Archie!"


Because of what Archie said, Delcie turns towards him with curiosity.

"Red used to date my cousin. Emphasis on the Used To, he's single now."

"I see..."

"Well, aren't you lucky, Red. Delcie's got a crush on you."

Because of what he said, without wasting a second, Delcie twists her body and immediately threw a rising kick that made Archie go from sitting to having his head buried in the ceiling.

But despite doing so, instead of angry, Delcie gets all flustered and red.

"D-don't get me wrong alright! I'm only like this because you're a Succubus!"

"R-right… my charm messes up people's minds."

Huh… that's weird. I didn't know a Succubus' power also works on the same sex. Or am I reading the atmosphere wrong here?


Lunch break arrives.

Unlike this morning, I can feel my body feeling somewhat better than before. Though barely, I can muster up some strength as Red.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to wake up as Red."

Archie and I are eating right now. Though it seems I didn't realize I've stopped touching my food and had my attention caught up with trying to control my other body.

"You know, you can't be too rash. Take a rest and recover properly."

"I know, but it feels weird being unable to move my real body. And being just a girl feels weird."

"What do you mean?"

I stretch out my arms and look at my hand. Seeing that my other vision isn't overlapping with this body's, I feel weird about it.

"It's like my mind is getting too used to being a girl immediately. My emotions feel out of place."

"It's just my hunch but it might be because you've been half a girl for a long time that your mind was in chaos. Now that you're just one person again, your mind and body finds it more comfortable to be an individual again."

I often forget. Archie is actually smart when it comes to things related to psychology. I guess despite his protest against becoming a doctor, he still has some of his father's lesson engraved in his memory.

"That being said, you don't really have to be too rash with trying to wake your other self. Just focus on regaining your energy if you're conscious on the other side."

As we continued to eat, out of nowhere, Charles sits next to me with a huge grin on his face for some reason.

"Good afternoon, Miss Rose."

"Wha, that's creepy."

Because of his weird action, I couldn't help but speak out my thoughts.

"Is becoming the official leader of the team really that good?"

"Yes, but that's not what I'm happy about."

"Huh, whatever it is. Good for you."

"So, you're not going to ask me about it?"

After eating the last piece of my food, I wipe my mouth and then turn my head towards him. I'm honestly not in the mood to be humoured due to my emotions going haywire, but I'm not that harsh to turn him away so I'm trying to control myself.

"Even if I don't, you're obviously going to tell me about it anyway."

"As expected of Rose, you really know what's in my heart! I'm touched."

You know what? I'll just ignore that sentence. I don't have the energy to retort.

"Just spill it."

Before saying anything, he sits facing me with his legs spread out by the long chair we're sitting on. His childish glee is already saying what he's going to say.

"You know, I had been asking about what a Succubus is from the research clubs. And what I've gathered from was that they are demons that suck out the life out of their victims."

"Go on."

"But it doesn't end there. According to past research, they don't necessarily kill their victims just because they want to. They just do it because their lives depend on it. Also, the thing they suck out from their victims is mostly the magic. It's what keeps them alive."

"You do realize that I already know that, don't you?"

When I said that, I could feel him froze and stopped breathing. I guess I was too harsh on him.

But immediately, he bounced back into life.

"B-but you're a succubus, right? Don't you have the urge to consume magic from men?"

"Unfortunately for you, I am half. I don't have that kind of urge."

"But they said that this counterpart of yours is pure."

"I get my fix of magic supply from my male counterpart…"

While trying to discourage Charles, I realized something important.

Because of my original body being male and is half incubus, I generate and supply my female body with magic. So far, I have no succubus-like urges. That may have been possible because I never had any problem with my own supply of magic, never once, until yesterday, when I drained myself of magic.

When I think about it, these confused emotions I've had since morning now makes total sense. My Charm going out of control, my attachment to Archie, and my comfort in surrounding myself with men, it all makes sense now.

"I think you just saved my life, Charles."

When I told him that, he looks at me with a really confused expression.

That being said, I just got an idea on how to wake my other self. But I don't like the idea of risking my dignity as a man.

"If this doesn't work, I'm going to die of embarrassment."

-End of Chapter-