
Currently, Archie's father, Sir Gevron is extracting blood from my arm while his assistant nurse was extracting from my male body. This has been my weekend schedule since this thing had started so the sight of me getting poked by a needle has become normal to me now.

"I'm really sorry that my constitution is interrupting your schedule. I'm being quite the nuisance, aren't I?"

"Hardly, young lad. In fact, since your appearance, I've been making interesting breakthroughs with my research with demon blood. If anything, I should be the one thanking you!"

Despite being a noble of high pedigree, Sir Gevron is down to earth to us commoners. Yet even so, I couldn't really help but be nervous around him. After all, he's my benefactor.

"Excuse my rudeness but may I ask a question?"

"Can't be rude if it's related to you."

"Well, what exactly do you use my blood for and why is it so important?"

After getting enough of my blood in the syringe, he pulls it out of my skin and covers the poked part with a cloth with medicine.

"In this day and age, there's barely any pureblood demons in the mortal realm. Though in truce, the demons in the lower realm do not interact with the upper realms. They prefer to live in peace and isolation. But since there are those odd demons who love mingling with mortals like of your race, we get half-blood demons."

"What does my blood have to do with it?"

"To create vaccines and medicine strong enough to eliminate demon related diseases. Though we already have it, there are still diseases that the current medicines couldn't cure or prevent. With your blood, it might be possible to make stronger ones. The local demon folks need it."

"That's honestly pretty cool."

"It is! In fact, I've already synthesized a stronger suppressor for your magic eye. Though experimental, it should do what it's supposed to do."

After transferring my blood into a vial, Sir Gevron picks up a small wooden box on his table and hands it to me.

It's a nice gesture and all, but...

"I'm sorry, I don't need it."

When I said that, his eyes grew in surprise. He probably didn't expect that from me.

"The Dragonoid Princess told me that it would be better to learn how to control it myself. Supressing it by force would just lead to unforeseeable accidents."

After my explanation, Sir Gevron lets out a sigh and then shrugs his shoulders. After that, he lets out a chuckle while storing the medicines away.

"Well, if that's the advice from a higher being, I can't refute it. Though, it could be true. Who knows when that power would be useful. Besides, it's a symbol of an ancient form of magic. You should be happy you have it."

As I lied on the bed, Sir Gevron approaches my male self.

"Well, that aside, is there any new discovery about my condition?"

"So far, none. Your case is way too unique that news about it reached the Royal Capital's research division."

"I-is that so?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. The Prince himself forbid anymore leaks about your information further. So far, only the people in the medical field knows about your condition."

I see... wait

"The Prince knows about my condition!?"

Because of my sudden outburst, the nurse in the room got surprised and nearly dropped her stuff.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"W-well... I thought it'd be better if I kept it as a secret. I didn't want to make the prince be disgusted of me at that time during the visit."

After finishing his check-up on my male body, he goes to my other body and uses weak light magic to check on my demon eye.

"Unexpected. I thought you'd be the one disgusted."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean? It's quite obvious that the prince fancies you. He's been inquiring me quite often about your situation."

When he said that he fancied me, I couldn't help but see my female self blushing about it. Though I am disgusted from my male side, my female side feels quite flattered by it. Rather, it feels embarrassing just thinking about it.

"Interesting. So you have different sets of emotional states from different bodies now?"

"I've recently discovered that as well."

I want to protest being treated like a rare creature! But the problem is that I really am a rare creature. I hate these stupid emotions awakening inside me.

"Speaking of romance, how's Archie and Carla doing?"

"She's still waiting for him to get over his fear of crowds."

"Still playing hard to get I see. Well, I appreciate she gave him a reasonable condition."

"I'm really sorry that my sister is like that. But are you really sure to let Archie a commoner like us?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Besides, Carla is a good and ambitious girl. Something our Archie here lacks. Moreover, there's nothing that could make me happier than having your family become part of us. Your father is our benefactor after all."

"Now that you mention it, I never knew why you respect dad so much. What kind of history did you two have?"

When I asked that, he lets out a light chuckle while writing stuff on paper on his desk as he continues his analysis of my blood using magical tools.

"I want to tell you, but unfortunately, it's something I cannot say as of now. Rather, I don't know if I have the right to say anything about it. If anything, you should ask your father that."

"I see..."

Why is it that every time I ask something related to dad, more questions come up. Clearly he knows something about my constitution right now, but still refuses to come home. I can't help but wonder why.

"By the way, just for your own safety, keep an ear open out for anything. I know the Princess' guards are always on guard. But from the rumours I've been hearing recently, I think something big is happening behind the scenes."

"What does that have to do anything with me?"

After finishing his notes, Sir Gevron hands me a small vial that is labelled as vitamins. After that, he pats my head and looks at Red.

"Well, it's just a gut feeling. I'm just concerned about you. You've been like a second son to be since you've been Archie's friend. Or should I say Daughter as well now?"

"Please, don't tease me."

Out of nowhere, Sir Gevron grabs my shoulders and looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's been more than a month now since you've become this. I may not be your father, but I'm a professional Doctor. I can tell that there's something troubling you."

At first his question didn't make sense, but then I remembered the times I acted out of character. That time I wanted to kiss the dwarf, the time I wanted to continue kissing Charles, that time I locked shoulders and made excuses to remain and even go as far as wanting to kiss Archie.

Were those really my actions?

"You have something in mind?"

When I looked at Rose from Red's perspective and vice versa, both of me were sweating buckets.

""I don't know.""

"I'm guessing you're experiencing a form of dysphoria."

After hearing that word, my mind went blank and fell quiet.

"Dysphoria is common with half-humans. I wouldn't call it normal, but its a common case especially with demon folks. Since you were born human, you have grown accustomed to a single gender and the instincts and impulses that goes along with it."

While we were talking, his assistant approaches him and then he hands her a folder.

"You on the other hand, have not only awakened your demon blood, but also became a pureblood demon, a Succubus no less. A very dangerous race. According to old data, they are constantly in a state of hunger and feed solely feed on male essence to survive. So in other words, what you think that's wrong with you is entirely instinctual."

His words somehow made the heavy feeling in my chest disappear. It made some of my worries go away.

"I wasn't really turning into a woman in my mind then. It was just my instinct as a succubus. Somehow that made me feel a lot better."

"So that's what made you worry."

"Yeah, I thought I was attracted to Archie and the boys."

I thought it was funny so I inadvertently laughed, but when I looked at him again, I stopped laughing. His eyes were fixated on Rose. I can't tell whether he's angry or shocked.

Without warning, he grabs my shoulders and locks Rose in place.

"Son, are you sure it's just your instinct?"

"Please don't tell me..."

"I don't mind if it's you or your sister!"



After the check-up, I hurriedly went to the lobby to wait for the results. It was quite exhausting trying to get away from his nagging.

I understand that he doesn't want his son to remain alone. No parent wants to die knowing their son is single.

That Archie already has Carla in his mind, though it's not going smoothly, it's still something his dad should be hopeful about.

I felt like Red's throat is feeling a little parched. Looking around the lobby, there's no vending stands around.

Before the passing nurse could get away, I raised my hand as Red to get her attention.

"Oh, sir Red. Is there something I can help you with?"

I'm kind of glad that the staff in the hospital has started to get used to my face due to my frequent visit, but it makes me feel a bit guilty that I don't even remember their names.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, does the hospital have a vending stand?"

"Oh, we do, but it's in the cafeteria on the west wing."

After saying my thanks, I headed towards the cafeteria while I rest Rose in the lobby. After all, my boobs are quite big and it's exhausting to have these things swing around all the time. Resting them on my bag are one of the relief I have.

While I was relaxing, for some reason, I started to hear some familiar voices behind me.

"Milady, at the least, try to rest. You know you're not supposed to strain yourself."

"I just want to get some refreshments. The cafeteria is not that far. You're overreacting."

"No, I insist. Your father will scold me. Stay here and wait. I will get it instead."


Those voices are way too familiar. I couldn't help but stand and turn around to see who those people were.

It was not someone I expected to be here. Rather, I always hoped to never see this person again because if I did, my regrets will come back and tear me inside once more.


-End of Chapter-