
While I lie in wait for my other self in the lobby of the hospital, I noticed a familiar long black hair that's tied up into a long ponytail. Turning around, the sheer surprise made me inadvertently call out her name.

Out of all the people I could possibly meet in this place, she was not even one of them!


"I'm sorry?"

When Elena looked at me, I immediately realized that I accidentally inadvertently called her out.

For a minute, I forgot that I was standing in front of her as Rose. That's why she didn't recognize me.

"A... eh... um..."

"Is there a problem, miss?"

I was panicking. Words refuse to form in my head. Rather, my brain feels like it refuses to think.

From Red's end, I have completely frozen in place in front of the vending machine which warranted a scolding from the old lady behind me.

But more importantly, how do I talk with Elena?

Luckily, it's clear that she doesn't know anything about my current situation. I want to get out of here immediately, but I accidentally called her out. How do I escape this place?

"You do look familiar. Have we met before?"

"No, actually. I just overheard your name earlier and wondered if you wanted to sit. Your maid seems to be adamant about making you rest."

"Oh, I see. Then thank you for the offer, miss?"

"R-Rose... My name is Rose."

It seems that she bought it and sat next to me. But knowing Elena, it's going to be awkward for me while I wait for the medical results.

"A commoner here in Caval Hospital? That's rare. Were you visiting someone?"

T-There it is, the start of the barrage of questions. Her casual friendliness is hard to push away.

"No, I'm just here for a check up."

"Oh, you're ill? I'm sorry for prying."

"N-no, I'm not ill. We demons don't get ill."

"A demon?! That's amazing! It's rare to find a demon here in the mortal realm. You live here right?"

"Y-yeah, I live here."

"Now that I noticed it, you have a scarlet hair. It reminds me of someone. Though half, he was still a demon. Do demons commonly have scarlet hair?"

While I was being interrogated by Elena, on the other end. I saw Archie in the main hall while avoiding Elena and her maid earlier who just passed by me.

Before Archie could pass by me, I grab his arm and pull him behind a pillar.

"Dude, that surprised me! What gives?"

"Sorry about that, but that isn't important! Elena's here!"

"Huh? Why do you know that?"

"She found Rose in the lobby and I can't get away."

"Let me guess, she trapped you with her barrage of questions again?"

Since he was on point, I could only smile wryly like I chewed on a bitter bug.

Archie lets out a sigh and shoves away my hand.

"I'll help you, but I'll pass by in the lobby when going out of dad's office."

"Thanks man."

Before walking away, Archie turns towards me and looked like he wanted to say something.


"N-nothing. But, talk to her even as Rose at the least."

Back to Rose, I've been barraged by questions for the last minute or so. Though they're harmless, the guilt of lying has been piling on.

"W-well, that's about me I guess. What are you here for?"

When I asked her that, she pulls back and becomes silent.

Suddenly, her cheeks slightly becomes rosy and seeing how she twirls her hair with her fingers means she's embarrassed to answer my question.

"Uhm... I'm not really allowed to say it."

Huh? What's with this reaction? I never saw her like this before.

"Honestly, I want to say it, but if word got out, I may give problems to that person."

"That person?"

"The half-demon I told you about. We left each other on a bad note. I... I insulted him and destroyed his trust. And probably his love for me as well."

What is she saying?

"Actually, he used to be my lover. But, because he has demon blood, we're not supposed to be lovers. Especially since I'm an Angel."

I know that, but why is she pointing that out?

"Funny isn't it? An Demon and an Angel dating? Everyone knows that those bloods could never mix."


Before continuing her words, she smiles in the most beautiful way I've seen in my life. However, it wasn't directed to me, but towards her stomach.

She caresses it softly as if it was harbouring something.

It didn't take me long to realize what was happening. But even so, I'm not dumb enough to just blurt out the truth in front of her. Not like this.

But just to make sure my hunch is right, I need to ask her something.

"Are you still in a relationship though?"

"No, not anymore. But I decided to keep this. After all, it is the product of our love, a miracle."

Oh my god... what have I done?!

"I'm... sorry."

"Oh, don't be. Though, I'd be grateful if you keep it a secret. My maid is really strict about it."

She misunderstood. Yet that innocent smile of hers still captivates me even now. And that same smile is tearing me inside.

I want to tell her the truth, but what am now brings nothing but problem and danger. For now, I'll keep my distance.

"Can I touch?"

"My belly?"

"Y-yeah, if you don't mind."

"Sure, why not?"

Ah, that zero sense of danger... I hope she fixes that one day. Letting a stranger touch her is seriously going to become a problem in the future.

As I move closer to her, I gently touch her belly. Though there's visibly nothing to be seen or touched, as a succubus, I can feel a life growing inside of her.

"Is it true that demons can sense life force even from a baby's?"

"...I can, so I guess that rumour has some truth in it."

Crazy... this is mine. I never thought about it before. These things do feel fragile.

Before things could get awkward, I pull back my hand and gave her a smile. Though forced, I think I did a convincing one that hides the guilt in my heart.

"I shouldn't be saying this out loud but, congratulations."

"Thank you."

I did something terrible.

I don't know if she hates me or not, but as long as she cares for it, then I have nothing to worry about. I just hope that if ever she has resentment in her heart, it's directed to me and not the child.

As I look back to her, I smile and then stood up.

"You're a nice girl, I'm sure you'll be a wonderful mother in the future."

"Thank you?"

Ah, her puzzed expression. It's still as cute as I remember.

Seriously, I'm a total moron. Why didn't I fight for her? Why did I walk away when she pushes me back a little? Why was I weak?

Ah, it's no use. It's already too late.

When I turned around, I could see Archie walking towards us.

Seeing him, Elena jumped off her seat and went to Archie.

"Hi, Elena, how's the check-up?"

"We're still waiting for the doctor to come in. Anyway, it's rare for you to be here during the weekend."

"I had some business to attend to. And speaking of which, you seem to have been acquainted with Dad's patient."

This is just an act.

Before heading out to get my results, I told Archie to make it seem like I was his dad's patient. We're keeping my identity a secret from her for now.

"So you two know each other already?"

"I'm his dad's patient. We got acquainted from my frequent visits here."

"I guess you can say that."

"Anyway, Elena, you're a patient here. You're supposed to be in your private room. why are you outside?

"It's boring inside and I want to see people."

"I saw Luy in the line for the Vending Post. Please stop using your maid to buy drinks."

"I wanted to buy one, but she insisted in going by herself instead!"

"Please, stop drinking sugary stuff."

While talking with her, he casually hands me the folder of my medical results.

And just when it landed on my hand, out of nowhere, Elena grabbed my arm as her eyes were locked.

Fuck! We completely forgot, Elena had a really keen eye! And out of nowhere, her halo appeared above her head which got everyone in the lobby's attention.

Her emotions are going wild that much?!


"Umm... Elena?"

"My child's father's name is Red."

Looking at the name on the edge of the medical result, my name was there. It was written as Red/Rose.

Archie's cool façade just now is beginning to falter. Please, dude! Keep it together! Don't be scared of your cousin!

"Oh, that's an amazing coincidence. I forgot to properly introduce myself. My name is Red Rose, but everyone just calls me Rose."

Please buy it! Please buy it! Please buy it!

"O-oh, my bad! I'm sorry for grabbing your hand like that. I was just surprised to see his name here."

Though she's saying that apologetically, her glowing halo is still visible. She's very weary of me right now.

"So his name is Red, huh. What are the odds?"


Did she just speak that in one breath?

"S-so I guess you're right. It would be quite the experience to meet this other demon that shares the same name as me."



I didn't get a single word because she was talking so fast nonstop.

"T-then I'll be taking my leave, take care."

Without looking back, I hurriedly walked away through the hall and with Archie's distraction, I was able to escape the hospital with both bodies alive.

But man, I never once saw Elena like that before! That was scary as hell!

-End of Chapter-