Tournament Start

It's finally the day of the competition.

While the rest of the student body remain in the academy, us participants are sent outside the walls in carriages. That means Ofelia will be left behind so her original bodyguards will be protecting her in our stead.

Though the even will be held in a different place, the rest of the students can still watch the game through a school-wide projection magic. Since it's also the school festival, students and families from outside our school can enter to watch the event.

Rumours has it that there are betting on who will win are happening at school too.

Currently, we just passed the gates of the Fortress City of Bovalia. It's named Ivora's Valour. The history behind it is vast, but to shorten it, it's named after a Knight who stood his ground and protected the entrance against a thousand chaos beasts with nothing but his shield and lance.

Cool story, but it couldn't even take away my nervousness despite trying to remember all of it.

"Her Rose, are you sure you don't want me to give you a Magic Bag?"

"Thanks for the offer, but no. I already owe you quite a lot and Magic Bags are too expensive. If I want one, I'd buy one for myself."

Currently, the ten, no, nine of us are inside one carriage. Because each Class is to be sent in the part of the forest at random, the carriage is windowless so that nobody knows where the classes entered from or where they could be before the game starts.

Because it is windowless, the inside is really hot. Especially for me who is sitting on my own lap because the 10th seat only has my bag on it. Unlike the others who have Magic Bags, I only have a regular one. Since it had pieces of my armour, clothes, and tent equipment for two people, it took up a lot of space.

And because it took up space, it had to sit beside me and Rose had to sit on Red's lap because Rose is small.

"Man, it's really hot in here. We might actually die of heatstroke before we get into the Forest."

While I said so, I unbutton my uniform and Red's to let the air ventilate into my chest.

Everyone had the same sentiment and were groaning in discomfort. Well, everyone except Charles and the rest of the guys watching Rose's boobs shake with the carriage.

Delcie, next to me, elbows me as Red.

"They're looking at your body too much. Are you not bothered?"

"With this heat, it can't be helped. Moreover, my boobs are too big that it's tight in my uniform."

I appreciate Delcie's concern. Sure, the guys piercing gazes on my chest feels like they'll bore a hole in my body, but it's not like I don't understand them.

"Ro-Red, if your body is feeling too hot, I can take the burden and let Rose sit on me-my lap."

"Your thoughts are leaking out, Charles."

While we were suffering from the heat, for some reason, Archie isn't. He's been quiet this whole time when the carriage became stuffy.

Oh wait, he's sitting between to Vivian and Auen at the other side of the carriage. His fear of crowds must've kicked in. Looking closer, he looks like he's about to pass out.

How do I deal with the heat and save that guy?

While I was thinking that, I look at my hand and came up with an idea.

"Delcie, can you share a bit of your power to me?"

"Huh, why?"

"The heat is will kill us before we could arrive at the site. I need your essence."

While I say that, I stand up as Rose and headed towards Archie.

"Hey, dude. You alright?"

"What do you think?"

It seems he looks like he's about to hit his limit from both heat and anxiety. This guy is too pathetic at times.

"Give me your hands."


"Just give them to me."

When he offered his arms meekly, I immediately pulled them and sat on his lap before he could react.

"W-what are you doing!?"

"The heat is killing me. I need your wind magic."

Using both hands, I create a pillar of fire and then immediately turn it into ice that stands in front of us.

"Now use your wind magic and blow the cold air around."

"I-I see..."

Though weak, Archie's magic was enough to start blowing cold air in this side of the carriage.

Because he was trying his best to focus on generating wind, his mind was released of the pressure he had from his Phobia.

Aside from Charles that looked like he was about to explode in jealousy, everyone else in this side is relieved by the cold. Of course, the rest on the other side is expecting Red to do it as well.

Back to Red's side, it seems Delcie got the gist of what I was trying to do. However, for some reason her face is turning red.

"Y-you want me to sit on your lap as well?"


"I-I don't mind... B-b-b-but I'm a noble lady, I-I don't thing this is the-"

"You don't need to sit on my lap though."

It seems that the heat is boiling her head so much she couldn't think straight. But after I brought her back to reality, she looked disappointed somehow. L-let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

"S-so, you just need me to blow the ice?"

"Yes, but not just that. I need your essence as well."

"What's that and what for?"

"Although I'm half, I'm still an Incubus. I need your essence for power, and I can only get that from your fluids."

"My WHAT?"

Her face went beet red immediately after I told her. It's understandable because it sounds and is perverted. But I could hardly care from this heat.

"Just a lick of your sweat would be enough. Unless you like this heat then I can't really do anything about it alone."

Delcie's mouth was gaping from the surprise. Of course, such outrageous request would shock anyone. But after a few moments, she shakes her head and steels herself.

Though her cheeks were reddening from embarrassment, she looked at me straight in the eyes.

"The heat is killing me as well. Do what you must."

After saying so, she shows me her neck as she pulls her collar to open her shirt.

"Just licking your hand will suffice."

"It's annoying to remove my gauntlet and armguards."

As expected of a knight, she thinks fast and efficiently despite the heat. And as a fellow knight, I will respect her resolve.

Well... I do admire her resolve, but she's forcing herself too much. I won't be able to get a lot of energy from her essence at this rate. I need a lot because I'm a weak Incubus.

So to fix that, I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. As she stared into my eyes, I activated my Lust Coax and charmed her.

Without any resistance, her expression becomes softer.

"What did you do to her?"

Of course, Charles who has across me was surprised with what I just did.

"I just charmed her a bit. I only gave it a little power but it seems to be really effective on her for some reason."

"That's amazing. I've never seen her make that face before."

It seems that my charm was too effective. Her body and face are so relaxed that I had to hold her shoulder.

"I'm sorry about this."

After saying that, I pull her collar a to expose her neck. And as I lick the sweat on her neck, her essence fills my mouth and immediately spreads all over my body.

I only needed a bit of her sweat so as soon I hit my full capacity, I stop and release her from my charm.

Though I did release her already, her expression seems to not change. Are the effects still lingering in her?

Her face was drawing closer and closer. Since she was out of it, I had to do something before she would do something she will regret when she gains consciousness.

So, I grab both of her shoulders and shook her real hard to wake her up.

"Hey! Delcie! Wake up!"

"huh? huh.... HUH?!"

Though slow, she starts to notice what was going on. Though her face was already flushed, her embarrassment made her red again.

"Did you do it?"

"Sorry for using charm on you. You looked like you'd pass out if I licked you."

"So you did lick me..."

Delcie avoids my eyes. I expected her to be disgusted, but she strangely looks happy.

"You're a goddamn lady killer, Red."

Charles's remark annoyed me. So in an instant, I burst out an empowered flame from my hand towards his face. But before it could touch him, I turned it into ice.

My surprise annoyed him. He wanted to destroy it, but the ice was cooling his face so he lets it go.

Turning my attention back to Delcie, I offered her the turn of blowing it with her own wind Magic.

"If you please?"


When the cold wind filled the carriage, the dizzying heat earlier felt like a lie.

In that moment, my pendants sparkled Blue, which meant our team got a score point.


Everyone was shocked. Not because I gained a point, but because the game had already started before we realized it.

Unlike previous years, this year's tournament is a little different. By using magic pendants, we are tracked and observed by officials to maintain a safe and fair event. And with these, we are notified of our progress and achievements through points. The team with the most points will be deemed winner by the end of the event.

"Wait a minute... Does this mean..."


-End of Chapter-