
As the sun begins to set into the horizon, the sky turns orange and the wind starts to drop in temperature. Maybe because it's still the first day, not so much even a sound of battle could be heard.

As Red, I set up my tent up alone. While as Rose, I scout the surroundings for any signs of the other classes.

Because of my ability to be at two places at once, I was the ideal candidate to do scouting because I can relay information very quickly.

Of course, I was not alone. Prat is with me. Why? Because he is the best stealth based combatant of our Class. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat in the dark, almost nobody could beat this guy, not even me.

I beat him once but it was dumb luck.

"Hey, Red."

"You can call me Rose. Rather, I prefer someone calls this me as 'Rose' since it gets a bit confusing."

Though we were hiding behind the leaves of the trees, I could still see Prat's complicated expression.

"Right, Rose. I was wondering, how are you so good at seducing girls?"

"Oh my god..."

I was trying to not think about what I did in the carriage earlier! That thing got broadcasted in the school. I don't even know what kind of face I should make when I get back after the event!

"Rose-no, Red! I want to know how!"

"Dude, at least keep your voice down. We're scouting."

Since his voice was raised a bit, we had to scan our surroundings for any movement. Thankfully there is none.

"So, how do you seduce girls?"

I feel kind of perplexed from his curiosity. Not because of his willingness, but from his cluelessness.

"First of all, I don't seduce women. Second, what I did back in the carriage was with my Charm power."

"So you don't use your Charm power on any women?"

"I recently just awakened this power as an Incubus... well, I'm a succubus in this form. But that aside, what I did earlier was cheat."

"That's amazing. So that means you're a natural at seducing."

I... I don't even know what to feel.

"Again, I don't seduce women. Moreover, isn't this the first time you saw me do something with women?"

When I said that, he lets out a chuckle as if he knew something.

"Red, there are rumours you know."

"Rumours? About me?"

"Yeah, rumours has it that you're the Dragonoid Princess' lover."

When he said that, I covered his mouth and looked around looking for signs of observation from the school.

"Dude! Careful with what you say. You're gonna get us killed!"

"Don't worry, there's no observation magic around us. I can tell with my magic."

I don't know if I can trust him, but if he's that confident saying that, there might be some truth to it. More importantly...

"Where the hell did that rumour even come from?"

"Well, I mean, even though Charles and Archie are with you, the Princess seems to prefer you to be someone she'd be close to. So, are you two dating?"

"What the hell! No! Where did you guys get that idea?"

"Like, dude. Not once did I see her took Charles or Archie as chaperones. But you, she doesn't seem like she has any problems touching you despite being a commoner. Not only that, everyone in class has noticed her touching you for no reason at all."

I don't know about the former, but the latter... I think those are the times that she uses her Mind Magic on me.

"Also, there are other rumours."

"What is it this time?"

"Rumours has it that you dated someone from the Angel Race last year. Is it true?"

Elena... so some people found out about us huh. Then again, we weren't really trying to hide it. But we weren't flaunting it either. But... does it even matter now?

"Her, huh... well, it's a long story."

"So you don't deny it?"

"Well, more or less. But I didn't seduce her, alright? Our relationship was normal. Organic if you will."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means... we got to know each other before we decided dating. I was actually quite surprised when I did. And now that I look back on it, she really was quite the girl you'd never expect. A bit scary, but very lovable. It wasn't that she didn't have any flaws, but she was really quite perfect to me. A bit too perfect."


Out of nowhere, Prat suddenly looks away looking regretful.

"Since you're making that kind of face, I thought I shouldn't pry any further."

Huh? What kind of face am I making right now? Weird, my hands are shaking for some reason. Both me and Red...

"Wait, I sense some movement."

When he said that, I lowered my head and look at the direction Prat was looking at.

"It seems they sent their own scouts. Got any idea what to do?"

"Wait, I'll go ask Charles. He's the leader."

As Red, I immediately drop the rope I was holding for my tent and rushed towards Charles who was studying a map with Delcie. When he saw me running towards him, he immediately puts the map on the table and stands in front of me.

"Any news?"

"Enemy Scout in the vicinity. What do we do?"

"From what class are they?"

I immediately relayed his question to Prat who then uses his magic to do recon. I don't know how he does it but he gave me an answer immediately after.

"Uniform Crest has two silver crowns."

By the way, our Class Crest is one sword and one horse which means Class E, the 5th of the 7 Classes.

"Damn, that's Class B. It's too dangerous to attack them for now. But their scout is too close to our base. Delcie, what do you suggest?"

Looking at the map, Delcie falls quiet for a while.

"If they're this close, that means their camp must be close the river in the south of the map..."

Looking around our camp, there's no water source here other than Auen. Then again, we can't have our healer be exhausted from acting as our water source. We need her in perfect shape.

"I suggest we do a quick invasion. Red, how may scouts are out?"

"Three of them."

"Can you take them out with just Rose and Prat?"

"If I'm allowed not to hold back."

Everyone lets out a chuckle. Everyone except me. This is because I got reminded of what we did the day before the event.

To make sure that we have enough firepower, Charles had an unorthodox idea. Though it had ulterior motives painted all over it, it wasn't a bad gamble.

"I swear to God, Charles, if this doesn't work. I will punch your face until it caves in."

"As long as Rose is the one doing it, I'm okay with it."

Because I was a commoner, nobody expects me to be powerful. That is the normal assumption. But as a Demon who could be strengthened almost endlessly, I became a wild card in this game.

At the cost of my own dignity, I had to kiss every guy in the team one by one and absorbed their magic and made it my own. So now, Rose is brimming with so much power that I feel like exploding.

The only downside to this is that this power can't be used by Red as this was a Succubus exclusive power.

"Okay, Red. Take them out and scout the river. Wait for back-up until then."


As the twilight covers the forest in its purple glow, the shadows also grows dark. Prat who is able to use his Spatial Awareness magic could ignore the darkness and the terrain. Rose on the other hand, is a Demon. Though the surroundings have become dark, she could see the surroundings as clear as it was day time. Shadows are next to non-existent in her vision. Both of them were ideal scouts.

The three Class B scouts were also excellent scouts, however, by pure misfortune, they were found first.

"Do you think it's too quiet?"

"It's been quiet since earlier, but I do understand what you mean."

"I can feel a strong disturbance in the surrounding mana. It's scaring everything away but us."

The three of them were good scouts. So it didn't take them too long to realize the most obvious mistake a scout could make.

"We're found!"

It was unknown who said it, but before anything, one of them immediately pulls out a short sword and strikes down an incoming projectile flying at high speed.

Though it was fast, it was fragile and immediately shattered.

When they looked at the ground, it was ice and was already melting.

Immediately, the other scout jumps forward and spins. Using that momentum, he pulls out his sword and enchants it with his wind magic to send a wind blade attack and cut down the trees at the direction the attack came from.

Because the trees were cleared out, the attacker had no choice but to show itself.

As it reflects the dim light of the sky, a long red hair flows at it was a bloodied veil captures the attention of the three scouts.

"A girl. And that horse and sword crest, it's Class E's scout!"

"Silver collar, a commoner."

"Aren't they a bit too cruel on their side? Sending a commoner out here just to lose."

The three of them laughed as they realized who they were dealing with. They thought that they could easily subdue the enemy in front of them, well, they thought.

Before they could even react, a red line suddenly zooms in under them, and before the short-sword user scout could notice, a leg was already flying towards him.

Since he knew he couldn't dodge it in time, he immediately uses Force Arte: Rhino Hide on his jaw first before the kick could connect. As it hit, he got launched to the sky and out of battle temporarily.

"You Bitch!"

The Wind user tries to avenge his friend by slashing down the girl as she had her back on him.

But to his surprise, his hand couldn't move. Rather, the sword he tried to swing wouldn't move as if it was locked in place mid-air.

As he noticed a presence behind him, his friend pulls out a dagger and intercepted an attack from the shadows.

It was a guy with a silver hair wielding metal claws.

"Thanks man."

The man with the dagger kicks the second attacker but he was able to defend with his arm and simply summersaulted backwards to put some distance.

Immediately, the girl with red hair kicks the wind user in the stomach enough to throw him away making him letting go of his weapon.


The remaining guy called out his name.

"You really should pay attention to your enemy."

Before he noticed, the silver haired guy was already flipping in the air and gained momentum. He tried to defend it, but he couldn't lift his weapon because it got locked in place mid-air like the sword earlier.

He tried to use Force Arte, but it was already too late because the girl with red hair kicked the back of his legs making him kneel and lose focus. And before he realized it, the silver haired guy's leg had already landed on his head knocking him out.

The first guy who was thrown in the air saw all this.

As he was going down, he points the tip of the sword at the red head and lets go of the hilt.

"Take this!"

Using magic, he casts an explosive fire on the butt of the handle making it rocket down at breakneck speed. It gained so much momentum that it immediately broke the sound barrier.

"Prat, behind me!"

When Rose said so, Prat runs behind him.

Without wasting a second, she creates a dome of fire around them. And using her Dark Magic, she turns it into solid ice.

When the sword turned projectile hit the thick ice dome, the dome breaks, but the momentum had already been killed.

As the falling guy lands and breaks the ground with his strength, he looks at the aftermath of his attack.

But before the dust could setting, an icicle spike was growing towards him.

And before it could touch him, he raises both arms in surrender.

"I yield!"

He screamed as he closes his eyes to brace for the incoming attack. And after a few moments, he opens his eyes only to find the tip of the ice just inches away from his face.

Because of what he said, his pendant turns red to mark his resignation from the battle. And in the dust settling just ahead of him, he saw two blue light glint as his opponents gained points.

This marks as the Class E's first skirmish victory. Everyone of the team's pendants also glinted for points gained and twice for Charles and Delcie as they are the leaders of the team.

With this, their team's moral is at all time high and is ready to charge towards battle against Class B.

-End of Chapter-