Extra Hands

Due to our immediate act to attack Class B after ambushing their scouts, we had an overwhelming advantage against them.

With the guise of night, the element of surprise, and advantage in number which is 7 to 10, we toppled them over almost immediately.

So now, we have taken their base next to the river.

Currently, all of them are knocked out of battle except one: their team's healer.

Unexpectedly, she didn't want to yield and demanded to get forcibly retired from battle. She has quite a lot of pride. I could knock her out now, but Charles says he has something planned for her.

Since he's still outside, Delcie and I as Red are guarding her.

"You, commoner! I will grant you the privilege of knocking me unconscious. You can punch me in the face."

"You have a cute face so, no."

After replying with that joke, Delcie who was standing behind her couldn't help but let out a chuckle. I did this to lighten up the mood because she's a little too tense.

Like, loosen up a bit. This is just a game.

"That aside, if I'm not being too imposing, can I ask a question? I promise, it's not personal."

"Being held hostage is already imposing enough, but I guess there's nothing to lose from one question."

"Really? Thanks!"

Because she's beeing cooperative, I deemed that she's harmless. Since she doesn't look like she'd jump and aim for my throat, I signaled Delcie to stop holding her and gave her a stool to sit on.

"So, what do you want to ask?"

"Well you see, my sister's Birthday is coming up. Since you use water magic, I thought that it might be great to ask you where you buy your Magic Books."

"R-Red, if you asked me that earlier, I can buy you that book!"

It seems that my question was quite an unexpected one that the healer was taken aback.

Also, I could ask Delcie for it, but I seriously can't just take advantage of her. I'm not dense or blind not to see how she wears her heart on her sleeves. Everyone knows except her.

"Do you know what book you could refer to me? Preferably a combat oriented one because my sister wants to be an attack mage."

"...well, there's Hydron Vadrak published by a renowned Court Mage from the kingdom of Yuron. There's copies of it in the Central Liberium."

"I see..."

Since the notes and pen is with Rose, I had her write the important things from her side. Though as Red, it feels like I'm writing a mental note. By the way, I'm currently scouting with Prat again.

Since she looked willing to answer my questions, I asked her more and took more notes. It didn't take long before her guard lowered and lost her tension.

And at a perfect timing with me ending my questions, Charles walks in the tent while wiping off dirt from his face.

"Your classmates have been picked up by the officials, are you sure you still won't resign?"

"I am from the proud family of Fvenai. I will rather die that yield!"

"I guess that's to be expected from Class B, huh. Commendable"

Goddamn, she's go no chill even though this is just a game.

But despite her scowling at Charles, he on the other hand, makes a big smile and hits my back.

"Alright, use your Charm on her!"

""Excuse me?""

When he said so, everyone in the tent got surprised.

Delcie wants to protest, but he lifts his hand up and immediately clears up the misunderstanding.

"Since she doesn't want to quit yet, we might as well use her as a second healer."

"But do I really need to charm her?"

"Can't have a defeated enemy sit in the rear and entrust them our backs, can we? Moreover, she will hesitate in supporting us as she is our enemy."

I can't argue with his logic but...

"Isn't it illegal to mind control someone into servitude?"

"Only if you use them for fighting other people. Healing isn't fighting so it's okay."

Damn, so there was a loophole in that law. I guess a kid from a family of knights is knowledgeable when in comes to thinks like these.

"I object with this decision! This isn't the right way to hold a prisoner!"

Delcie still objects.

"I object your objection and as Leader, I command Red to Charm her. Don't worry, I'll take the blame if anything happens to her."

Since Delcie is just second in command, she has no power to object. And as a soldier, I have no right to complain.

"You promise you'll take the blame, right?"

"I'll give up trying to court Rose if anything bad happens to her."


Well if he said that earlier I would have done it sooner.

Sitting back in front of our prisoner, I look at her in the eyes.

"Uhm... I think it's a bit too late to ask this but, may I know your name?"

"Why would I want to tell you my name after you destroyed my trust on you? I can't believe we had a friendly talk just now."

"Yeah, that anger is understandable. I don't blame you. But, before I use my Charm on you, I want you to let me know your name willingly. It would make me feel really guilty to learn it by force."

She looks like she's taken aback by my gesture.

Though hesitant, she opens her mouth.

"I-I'm Rhie."

After she told me her name, I get off my seat and dropped on one knee. She may be a prisoner, but at the least I can make it less agonizing for her to submit to my Charm.

Though it's embarrassing, I decided to just do it in a more formal way to make her feel at ease even slightly.

"It is by greatest of pleasure to be granted the chance to charm you, Miss Rhie. I promise to make you feel a wonderful fleeting dream for the rest of the event."

After that, I take her right hand and kissed it. Seeing her blush made me feel at ease. She looks willing now so it doesn't seem there will be any resistance towards my Charm.

But why are you also blushing Delcie?!

"I-if you will..."


When I activated my Lust Coax, in an instant, she falls into a trance while looking flushed.

After that, Charles hits my back again while laughing.

After that, Charles' and my pendant glints in blue once signalling that we gained a point.

"For a commoner, you're quite the lady killer! No wonder there are rumours of you dating an Angel."

"Wait, that's the first time I heard of that!"

"Well of course, you only had swordsmanship lessons in your head till recently so you didn't know."

"Red, are there truths to that rumour?"

"... More or Less. But we've broken up before the semester started."

"O-oh... I see."

While we were having this conversation, I turn my attention to Rhie who has been looking at me in a trance for a while now.

"So what now?"

I asked Charles who was about to go out of the tent.

"Auen is exhausted from healing the wounded. Make Rhie take her role for now."


After the capture of Class B's healer fiasco, we more or less went back and did our Roles.

Charles and Delcie went to collect the rations left by Class B while I go with Rhie to the wounded members to heal them.

Rhie had already finished healing three of the four injured members of the team. So now, I am having Rhie heal Archie who has a huge cut on his back as the last one. Despite it looking really painful, Archie looks like he has no problems with managing the pain.

Using her water healing magic, Rhie mends the bleeding wound on his back like it wasn't even there.

I'm quite surprised that despite healing three people already, she doesn't look exhausted at all unlike Auen who had a hard time healing 2 people.

"Your Charm powers are scary man. I didn't think you could use it this way."

"I didn't, Charles made me do it. Though I don't think he knows I could. He probably just assumes I could. But he wasn't the first one who came up with it."

"Who then?"

"Ofelia. She thought that it might be a great asset for her if I know how to use it."

"Well, thank her later then. She's right that it's useful."

After his back is finished healing, Charles gets a fresh shirt from his magic bag and discards his ripped unto the campfire.

When he tried to stand, he staggered a bit and found himself sitting again.

"W-what the... lethargic?"

"My magic cannot replenish lost energy and blood. Rest is required for a proper recovery."

Out of nowhere, Rhie suddenly speaks. Although it was in monotone, it's shocking that she could!

"Wait, are you still under my Charm?"


"How can you still speak?"

"I still have my mouth."

"No, I mean. How can you still communicate normally?"

"The charm only makes me feel absolute servitude and happiness in serving you."

Though it looks like mind control, this feels like absolute domination. Is this the real power of Lust Coax? Though it seems it still has its flaws.

Since I got a bit curious, I decided to get a better look at her face by holding up her chin.

But immediately, it proved to be a mistake to do so.



With the slight touch of her chin, Rhie suddenly lets out a weird moan that surprised me and everyone else in the camp.

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't know. My body feels very sensitive right now."

"Dude! What the hell did you do to her?"

"I don't know! This magic is too dangerous, I'm deactivating it!"

With the snap of my fingers, the tranced look on Rhie's eyes disappears and regains its liveliness.

Before, her face was pinkish from being in a trance. But slowly, she starts to realize that I already have removed my charm and her face turns red realizing what just happened.

So far, it seems that my Charm ability has some limitations. Despite it dominating someone, it doesn't erase their memories of what they do. Ofelia, Delcie, and now Rhea has proved that it is the case.


"I'm sorry..."

Even if this was just an accident, it was clearly my fault. However, since we were still in the game, I had no choice but to Charm her once again after apologizing several times.

Well, only after she slapped me across the face. I most certainly deserved that.

-End of Chapter-