
Morning has come and everyone has finished preparing for more combat.

Because of our victory last night against Class B, the team's moral is at all time high. Well, except Charles and Delcie who are taking this very seriously. They have been switching turns in watching over the camp during the night.

For now, Charles is sleeping to rest up his mind and body.

Currently, both of my selves are in the camp. As Rose, I've been scouting all night with Prat and both of us have already gotten tired. Charles suggested that we rest a bit because we'll need Rose in tip top shape. After all, I am the trump card of the team.

So right now, we are in the defensive.

Using his Earth Magic, Muller had created walls of earth around our camp. It gives away our position, but it increases our defences.

Since Vivian has Flight Magic, she is currently the one doing the scouting from a safe distance in the sky. I don't know how she does it, but she seems to be able to disappear when she reached a certain height.

As Red, I couldn't leave the base. Mostly because I am controlling Rhie who turned out to be a very skilled in using her water magic. Not only that, it seems she has bigger magic capacity than an average person.

The rest of the team are on standby and ready for any command.

As Red and Rose, it was my turn to have a meal. Since Rhie is under my command, she's also eating with me. Ever since last night, I avoided touching her. For some reason, she only reacts to my touch and doesn't respond to other people's. I guess that's how my Lust Coax works?

"Rhie, do you still have free will?"

"I am fully conscious, but I only follow my desire to serve you, Master."

"Okay, don't call me master ever again. That gives me goose bumps."

The power of my Lust Coax sure is terrifying. If I wasn't right in the head, I might've gone on a power trip by now. Then again, if I did really use it for crime, I'd be executed on sight.

"I don't know if this feeling is genuine or not, but all I feel right now is affection towards you."

"Oh, that's to be expected. Don't act upon it. It will just give us both problems."

"Thank you."

It's good that she retains a some of her real personality despite being under my control. Then again, I don't really like the idea of controlling someone.

While we continue to eat, all of a sudden, a loud explosion could be heard in the sky.

This made me and everyone else in the camp drop whatever we were doing and picked up our weapons instinctively.

We noticed that there was a yellow cloud that seems to be a leftover of what probably caused the explosion.

After that, a projection appears in the sky that shows Class scores and Class member numbers.

[Class A: 9 Members: 21 Points]

[Class B: 1 Member: 4 Points]

[Class C: 10 Members: 2 Points]

[Class D: Eliminated]

[Class E: 10 Members: 18 Points]

[Class F: 7 Members: 14 Points]

[Class G: Eliminated]

It seems that only five teams remain, no, four actually because Class B is basically Eliminated because Rhie is under our control.

"This must feel really frustrating for you, Rhie. I promise I'll make Charles kneel while apologizing to you after this."

"I do not know if I would be frustrated. All I feel right now is absolute obedience. But I am flattered that you are mindful of me despite being a commoner."

"Well, I was raised mostly by my mother and I have a younger sister. It's a deep rooted impulse I guess?"

While we continued to eat, I notice Delcie who is running towards me with her sword in hand and armour equipped.


After I had my meal, I had Rose stay in the camp while Red goes with Delcie, Vivian, and Muller into the forest. Of course, Rhie is with me. We are currently geared up just in case we face an enemy.

Vivian explains that she had found Class A's camp. It's good news that we now learned where the enemy camp is, but the bad news is that there are more than 10 tents in that camp. It clearly suggests that there's an alliance with another Class.

The problem is which Class. Since Vivian needed to be up high in the sky, she couldn't see the Class emblem of the other group.

While walking, Delcie slows down and matches my pace and walked with me behind Vivian and Muller.

"What's the problem?"

"I'm just curious."

Before saying anything, I notice her look at Rhie who is walking behind us. As usual, her face still looks like she's in a trance.

"Can you use your Charm while in combat?"

"Oh that..."

"I just thought that maybe we can turn the tide of battle if we manage to incapacitate enemies if you could use your Charm during combat."

Well, it's a good suggestion but...

"...I tried it but it's actually more difficult than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't grasped the full extent of my Charm but it seems that my target needs to have an established connection with me."

"Established connection?"


I can't say it. Not because it's complicated, but because it's embarrassing.

"Maybe next time, I'll explain it."

"Why not now?"

"I promise I'll say it when the time is right."

I absolutely can't say it right now. After all, my charm only works on people who has been charmed naturally. It only amplified that feeling!

"Geez, I'm just asking to use it to our advan-"

"Watch out!"

When I noticed a sparkle from behind Delcie, I immediately push her down while grabbing Rhie's hand to make her duck.

"W-what are you doing?!"

Since I did it all of a sudden, I Delcie got flustered while trying to push her away.

"There's an enemy!"

I looked at Muller's side, it seems that he also noticed the attack and used his tower shield to protect Vivian. When I looked behind me, I saw an arrow lodged into a tree. Judging from the small crater it made, it's enhanced by magic. If that landed on me, I'd either lose my protection and retire or get blasted away.

Thank the gods that we are protected by the school's staff's protection magic. Otherwise I'd already be dead by now.

After regaining her cool, Delcie noticed the arrow and switched back to normal. Immediately, she twists her body and lies on her chest with me protecting her back.

"How far do you think they are?"

She asks me while trying to triangulate the source of the arrows being fired.

"Magic Enhanced arrows. If this this Class F's Ace, then it could be around 50 to 60 meters."

Class F's Ace is known to be a skilled archer due to his hunting hobby. Rumours has it that this man shot 6 rockhead boars with one arrow. It's hard to believe, but all rumours have reasons to exists.

"Hmm... that's manageable."

"Then what's your plan?"

She falls quiet and looks around while assessing the situation.

During that, one of the arrows managed to cut my back. Probably because it's enchanted by magic, I felt a bit of my strength get shaved off and made me put my weight on Delcie.

"Sorry about this."

"D-don't worry, this is perfectly fine!"

Though she says it's fine, I can literally see her ears turning red. I'm really sorry!

After a few moment, Delcie looks at me looking a bit more confident that earlier.

"I'll cut the trees and expose them. But I need time to charge so I'll need you to provide cover for me."

"What about Muller? He's got a shield."

When I told her that, she looks at their side and calls them.

"Vivian, prepare a large scale magic attack! I'll give you a target! And Muller, protect Vivian at all cost!"

"What the hell am I doing then!?"

After that, she looks at my direction. Because I was crouching lower than before to dodge the incoming arrows, our faces were very close. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed a bit like her.

"T-the moment I give my signal, defect the arrows. Can you do that?"

"My Force Arte can't last too long because I already got grazed by Ace's arrows. But I think I can manage."

"Then, will this help?"

Out of nowhere, Delcie lifts herself closer to my face and gives me a kiss. And despite the situation, she pushes in her tongue and I could taste her saliva. I was too surprised to think that I inadvertently responded to her tongue and drank her saliva.

I could feel the gazes of Muller and Vivian poking my back sharper than the arrows did.

After that seemingly passionate kiss, I was left speechless while Delcie only looked away with her ears being at their reddest state.

"Screw the signal! I'm overflowing with energy right now!"

Without waiting for Delcie to speak, I jump off the ground and pull out my sword.

As expected, the moment Ace saw me, the barrage of arrows were immediately directed to me.

Because of the unexpected boost I got from Delcie, my Incubus blood got invigorated and my whole body feels like it's on fire!

One by one, I strike down the arrows both magical and physical form. Despite the intensity increasing, the arrows kept getting struck down as I could see them in slow motion from the help of Force Arte: Hawk Eyes and my Demonic Enhancement.

Without realizing it, I pushed myself way too hard that I didn't notice I accumulated lots of cuts from stray arrows that went past my slashes.

"By the decree of the water spirit, I bless thee with their caress. "

Out of nowhere, I heard Rhie's voice sounding like she was chanting something. After that, I felt the ground I was standing on became wet and all of a sudden, water rushes unto my body and wraps me.

To my surprise, it didn't hinder my movement and deflected the arrows that got through my defences. Not only that, it was healing the wounds I got from the arrows.

Rhie was willingly supporting me!


The barrage of arrows increased as the other arrows that were heading towards Muller switched to me. I was a priority target now.

Since I was swinging this long sword around for a while, my body is starting to feel the fatigue.

But, I've already bought enough time for Delcie.

"Red, stand back!"

After her signal, I put the last of my strength unto my legs and jumped as hard as I can.

In the air, I could see Delcie doing a familiar stance with her hand on her sword's handle and with her eyes closed. After taking a very deep breath, she opens her eyes and draws her sword out in a really fast swing. So fast my eyes could hardly follow it.

"Frosty Dawn!"

In an instant, the wind generated by her slash expands and cuts down the trees in front of her and even go as so far blow them away from where she stood.

Because of that, the hidden archers were exposed and were in shock. And Vivian didn't let that chance slip.

"Wrath of the Celestials! "

Upon invocation, several Magic Circles appear over her head. And when Vivian swings down her sword, several burning rocks come out and rained upon the Archers.


"This is non-negotiable, you will cooperate with us to beat Class A."

Standing with a really angry expression on her face, Delcie lifts Ace by clawing his jaw up in the air.

It seems that she holds a grudge against him for the ambush and is punishing him in ways that doesn't get him kicked off the playing field.

Since he was tied up, he couldn't do anything but surrender his body to Delcie's grip strength.

"H-hey, Delcie. Can you calm down a bit?"

"I am calm!"

Though Vivian was trying to calm her down, Delcie doesn't look like she would for a while. She even go as far as throw him to a tree and got his face planted on the wet ground when he landed.

Well, before Vivian's attacks could wipe them out, Ace raised a white flag to surrender to us. Since he didn't yield, he isn't out of the game. So in other words, they submitted to us.

Out of the seven, only four archers including Ace survived Vivian.

"I presume that you already knew about Class A's alliance."

Ace says as he tries to sit upright. Though his face could use a little wiping, he looks like he's overflowing with confidence for some reason.

"So you already had them scouted as well?"

"Class F is full of marksmen, scouting is our specialty."

"Hmm... do you know what the other Class that allied with Class A?"

"Class C. Despite having slight number advantage, they were made to submit to the Class A's leader."

So class A is that powerful huh. Looks like hearing that made Delcie a bit intimidated. Well, I am too.

Before saying anything, Delcie looks at us, hear team. Since we had the same idea, we let her say it for us.

"Since you're already subdued by us. Do you wanna bring down Class A before you tap out?"

"I was waiting for you to say that."

Ace said while making a large sinister smile on his face.

It seems that this guy has a bone to pick from someone judging by his expression. I guess we're in good company this time.

-End of Chapter-