The Hunter's Prey

Since there are only 4 survivors in Class F from the encounter to be added to our fold, we still can't rest easy because the other teams have more numbers than ours.

I've already told Charles about Ace and what happened in the forest so there's no need to immediately return to the camp. But as per his advice, I am being cautious of him because he might backstab us when he gets the chance.

Though, that would probably be difficult right now. I don't know what this guy is thinking or what he's planning.

While Delcie and Ace were discussing something ahead, I look at Ace's female classmate beside me.



Just as her face suggests, she's quite meek and is hiding her face with the hood of her coat. But I won't lie, she looks kind of cute being that shy.

"Since we're allies now, I'd like to make friends with you. Is that alright?"

When I told her that, I extend my hand to her for a handshake. Seeing that, she also extends her hand to me and answers my gesture.

"I'm Lulu, I'm just a commoner like the rest of Class F so there's no need for you to be polite with me."

"Oh? I'm also a commoner. There's no need for you to be reserved."

Hearing that, her face lit up and looks at me.

In that moment, I immediately looks straight into her eyes and put her under my Charm as she had showed a sign of trust to me.

Since I did that discreetly, nobody noticed that I used my Charm on her.

"Sorry about that."

"Ah... What?"

It seems that she herself isn't aware that she's already under my Charm. Though her face had relaxed, it isn't much different than earlier.

What I did may be out of character, but I am currently under Charles' orders to get info on Class F's Leader's intentions.

Like Charles, I also find it suspicious that he immediately cooperated for an alliance.

"So Lulu, what do you think of Ace?"

"He's very reliable. His leadership skills are good that it makes me feel bad that our abilities are holding him back."

"We agree as well."

It seems that the other two guys in their team has the same sentiments. So they heard us huh.

"So, what were your leader's plan when you guys tried to ambush us?"

"To lure your group towards Class A. While a battle goes on, our aim was to give Ace a chance to take down Class A's second-in-command."

Ah, so they wanted to Pit us against them. But targeting a specific individual huh... Sounds personal.

Seeing that their friend was talking about their plan, the two guys were in shocked. When I looked at them, they tried to avoid my gaze. They probably assumed I got angry.

Well, in truth I do am, but this is a game. There's no such rules against that plan. If anything, we're allowed to use anything within our abilities.

"So you've heard of our plan. Can you please uncharm Lulu?"

While walking backwards, Ace looks at me with a very displeased expression.

"You seem to know about my power."

"Not exactly, I just felt a familiar feeling."

Hmm... could it be possible?

"As you have guessed, I'm also a half-demon. My mother is a Lamia with a similar ability so I'm very much knowledgeable with Charms. Unlike you, I didn't awaken any demon-like trait."

Since he already knew about my ability, there no need to keep my Charm on Lulu. And with a snap, my power became undone.


She looks very confused. I guess that's the normal response when nothing weird is done?

"Sorry about Charming you. I was just being cautious."

"I was Charmed?"


While Red and the rest of the team continues to go to Class A's camp to scout them, I turn my attention back to Rose.

"So, how's the situation going?"

"So far so good. It seems Ace has no hostility towards us. He just wants to fight Class A's second-in-command."

"...That's interesting."

Charles and I are checking the map while having a talk. The others right now are preparing our weapons and supplies while Prat and Archie keep the perimeter around our camp secure and guarded.

Honestly, I didn't expect Charles to be so good at being the Commander. It's like he was actually born for this. This guy is usually aloof and flirty towards me. I'm honestly quite surprised by the gap of his character.

Wait... what am I even thinking?

"Now that I think about it, I do remember a rumour regarding Class A's second best."

"You know him?"

As expected of a noble, his ears are very open.

"Ever heard of the Solvan family?"

"No, why?"

"Well, the name of their second best is Harvey Solvan. Despite being appointed to be the next head, there's seem to be a rumour that he's only the second son. However, the whereabouts of the first son is unknown. If there are truths to those rumours, that first son must be a bastard child."

Hmm... wait a minute. Does that mean...

"You're thinking that Harvey and Ace are related, aren't you?"

"Well, I mean..."

"Don't worry, I think so as well. It's like a generic soap opera, but we can't carelessly assume. I admit, it's sounds interesting to pry on, but I'm from a lineage of proud knights. I don't step unto some random family squabbles."

"...well I guess you're right in that regard."

Out of nowhere, he suddenly hits the table while making a dangerous smile. He looks like he came up with something.

"But we can use that Ace's problem to our advantage!"


"Since Ace wants to fight Harvey, I say we give it to them. After all, that Harvey is a skilled magic swordsman. He can use the sub-element Wood Magic without chanting. His magic isn't really that powerful, but the way he combines it with his sword skill makes him a terrifying foe. As far as I know, only long ranged weapons can reach him."

"What about Fire Magic? Isn't Wood supposed to be weak to fire?"

When I said that, he got taken aback.

"Rose, did you even study Sub-Element theory?"

It seems that I may have said something wrong.

"W-well, I just learned that Fire can turn to Ice if I reverse the element so I'm new the Sub-Element theory."

Charles face-palms while letting out a sigh.

"Rose, remember. Freshly cut wood cannot burn immediately. And when it comes to magic, Wood Magic is mostly composed with Water Magic than Earth. So it's very resistant to fire."

"...I guess I learned something new?"

Honestly, I feel kind of embarrassed that Charles of all people is teaching me stuff. After all, this guy is usually so aloof around me.

While we were talking, we suddenly heard some ruckus outside.

Immediately, we exit the tent to see what was happening.

To our surprise, it was Archie restraining a guy who's from another Class.

"I found this guy scouting. I thought that it might be useful to just capture him instead of just immediately knocking him out of combat."

"Smart decision. Good work Archie."

Charles then crouches and looks at the restrained guy. After that, he grabs his uniform and checks the emblem on it.

"Hmm... A sword and heart, Class C student huh."

"Just knock me out, there's no reason to keep me in the game anymore."

"We'll do that, but before that... Rose, do your thing."

When Charles gave his command, I then went up close and grab the guy's cheeks and made him stare in my eyes.

Upon activation of my Lust Coax, the guy immediately loses will to resist and his expression became very relaxed. Unlike Red's Charm power, Rose's power is magnitudes stronger that it doesn't need any preparation. The downside is that it only works on men.

"You, what's your name?"


"Vargas, answer Charles' every question."

"Yes, master."

It seems he's literally enslaved by my power. Rose's power is quite scary.

After Archie lets go of the enslaved Vargas, Charles then takes my place and faces him.

"Why did Class C allied with Class A?"

"We met them way too early in the first day. Before we could prepare, we were taken by surprise. Our leader was made to choose whether to be defeated first or submit to them and be defeated last."

"So I'm guessing your leader chose to be second place huh. What about Class A's leader? What's Brandor like?"

Huh? Charles knows who Class A's leader?

"His presence is very imposing. Not one of us dared to raise our swords against him. Especially after he wiped out Class D on his own with his Holy Magic."

Despite being under my power, for some reason, I could see him shake in fear. It's as if his fear is overtaking my control over him.

Just who in the world is this Brandor guy?

When I looked at Charles, he was clenching his fist so hard that it was shaking. Not only that, he was smiling from ear to ear with an obvious bloodlust in his eyes.


"Rose, what do you know about Holy Magic?"

"... not much, why?"

Before answering, he swings his fist so hard at Vargas that he was sent flying and got knocked out. He's now out of the battle.

"You see, Holy Magic is all about favouritism by the spirits. And Brandor, who is a candidate to be a Paladin is favoured by then."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I am also favoured by spirts. That's why I can use Holy Magic. But unlike Brandor, only a few spirits like me so my Holy Magic is not that strong. But if I lose, I might actually lose their favour and be unable to use Holy Magic."

"Wait, that's bad news!"

"What do you mean bad news?"

Charles looks at me looking really fired up.

"This is the best news! If I beat him, I'll gain the favour of his spirits and become stronger myself!"

Does this guy even recognize the danger he's in!?

-End of Chapter-