
With the help of Class F's leader Ace, we were able to find their camp quite easily. Too easy that it's making several problems for us. They completely terraformed part of the forest into an open field and in the center of it is their base camp.

The difference in number is 15 to 19. Fighting in an open field means guaranteed defeat. Not only that, the Class A's leader is crazy strong according to the guy we interrogated earlier.

According to Charles, it's possible that they are just waiting for the game to end without further fighting since they have score lead. The other possibility is that they are waiting for us to attack.

Not one of us is stupid enough to walk into an obvious trap. It's even confirmed by Ace who could recognize traps. There are several of them laid out in the field both traditional traps and magical traps.

Right now, only I as Red, Rhie, Vivian, Ace, and Delcie are watching over their camp for any unusual action. While the four of us are watching from the ground, Vivian is high up the sky doing aerial reconnaissance and is reporting directly to Charles.

"Are you sure you don't want to have a meal? We still got leftovers from Class B's rations."

"I have been eating herbs around so I'm not hungry. Also, it's much more assuring for me to watch over the camp than go have a meal in your camp."

"A hunter through and through huh."

We've been camping here for hours while we wait for orders from Charles. The rest of the team has gone back to camp to get some rations.

Like Ace, I have been resisting my own hunger. I had a bar of wafer earlier, but Delcie who isn't used to going hungry was having a hard time so I gave it to her.

She's currently eating it silently in the back.

"Red, was it? You're also a commoner right?"

"Yeah, why?"

Before saying anything, he glances at Delcie who noticed him as well and covered her mouth.

"You're quite ballsy to Charm a lady from the Garaval household. You know we're being broadcasted right now, right?"

Because of what he said, Delcie nearly choked on her food.

"No, what are you talking about?"

"I saw you two had a passionate kiss earlier so I assumed you charmed her during that time. I guess I was wrong. Well, it's not like romance between a commoner and a noble is rare."

Delcie couldn't take it any longer and threw her food at Ace.

"We're not like that! And moreover, it was your fault!"

"How was that even my fault?"


Since Delcie obviously looked like she was about to explode with embarrassment, I decided to go to her and covered her mouth. Because I did it out of nowhere, she flailed around weakly. But of course, I am physically stronger.

"Listen, Ace, whatever you think we are, it's wrong. I am an Incubus, and that kiss from her was a tactical choice to power me up to counter you."

"...oh, I get it. I'm sorry about that."

Seeing Ace finally understanding our status, Delcie calms down and lowers her arms. After that, I put down my hands.

"Sorry, I didn't want your voice to be heard by the enemies."

"I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have made a guy's words sway my emotions."

Kind of funny that she says that.


Meanwhile, in the main camp, Charles has been trying to wrack his brain for ideas in how to attack such heavily fortified base.

Vivian who just arrived earlier was writing circles on the map Charles had on the table. Every one of those circles were traps laid out by the enemy team.

"That Brandor sure put you in circles, didn't he, Charles?"

"Quiet, I'm thinking!"

"You've been like that for hours now. Get a bit of rest or you'll die of aneurysm."

"Not until I get an idea on how to get past those traps. Vivian, how many of those traps you can recognize?"

It seems that ever since he learned who the leader of Class A was, he's been relatively stressed out. As his friend, it worries me. Not just me, it seems Vivian has the same opinion as I do.

"Dude, I admire your drive win this game against this Brandor guy, but you won't get anywhere if you keep the ideas in your head box you in."

"Rose is right. Whatever Brandor has planned, it's specifically designed to stress you out. Knowing that guy, he probably knows about you and deliberately sent you that scout to rile you up."

"You two don't get it. He's mocking me right now and is probably all smug on his throne. I will stop at nothing to punch that guy across his face."

"Alright, that's enough."

"No, it's not. I want to trample on all of his plans."

I immediately walked up to him and slapped him across the face.

"Go to sleep."

When his gaze met mine, he immediately falls under my charm and falls asleep. Because he was facing me, his face landed on my chest as I caught him.

"Vivian, can you prepare his bed?"

"Did you just actually do that?"

"Can you blame me?"

"...I guess not."

After we carried him to his bed, I take a look at the map and the notes beside him. Everything he has planned so far has been written down to a tee. I've seen him do it but I didn't understand much about strategizing so seeing it in written form honestly impresses me.

"I'm going to rest for a bit before scouting again. Can you take care of him alone?"

"I don't think so, can you call Archie for me?"

When she left, the tent falls into an unusual silence.

I had gotten used to Charles' heavy footsteps walking around the table that when it disappeared, the tent felt too quiet. It reminded me how much work he has been putting up as leader of our team. I guess after winning that duel, we accidentally put too much pressure on him to prove he is worth following.

He planned and lead an attack last night on Class B, helped Muller plan and create defences for our camp, came up with uses for my charm, manage rations, and even took part in the sleeping rotation despite being the leader.

The pressure had been piling up on him. I think I only heard him crack a joke once last night too.

Now that I think about it, he kept saying that he wants to court me. Lots of women have been trying to get his attention now that I remember it.

The thought of it just makes me chuckle because of how funny it is. I mean, I may have this body now, but I am still a guy inside.

Does he not even find that weird in the slightest?

Since I felt like it, I went his bed and sat close to his head. After that, I lifted his head and made it rest on my lap.

Maybe he deserves a bit of spoiling I guess? He's been working a bit too hard.

After I take off my Charm off him, he slowly wakes up and then looks at me.

"How long was I out? Wait, am I on your lap?"

He tried to stand, but I stopped him by the forehead and made him rest on my lap again.

"You only rested for like only a few minutes. You need to rest more."

"But the plans! I need to plan for an attack."

"Alright, my lap or your plans?"

When I made him pick, he falls quiet and looked like he was devastated by choices I gave him. Wait, he thinks those are equal?

"I-I guess I can rest a bit longer..."

"Good boy."

When he rested his head on my lap again, he tried to twist his head to feel my thighs on his cheek. But I immediately turned it away by force and made him look at me.

"I'm already sacrificing a lot of my dignity as a man doing this, alright? No more treats."

"But didn't that already fly away when you decided to kiss everyone?"

"That was a tactical choice. Also, a kiss to a Succubus doesn't mean anything."

I told him that, but it more like I'm telling it to myself considering that I also kissed Delcie earlier. At this point, kissing have lost its meaning to me.

"So if I say you should kiss me to prepare for our upcoming clash against Class A, would you do it?"

"I'll break your neck."

"I'm joking."

"It's not funny."

When Charles laughed, I felt some relief. It's good to see him back to his usual self.

"It's good to see you back to normal, but I want to ask. Why does Brandor rile you up? Do you have some history?"

"I was expecting you to ask that."

Charles closes his eyes and puts his weight on my lap. It's clear that he's thinking about it, but I think this guy trying to get a feel of my thighs.

"Brandor and I are cousins."


"It's part of the reason why we both have the same element affinity. However, I was late to learn that the Holy element required the spirits' favour to grow strong. And two years ago, he took advantage of that and challenged me to a duel. Ultimately, I lost because at that time I didn't know how to use my power."

He looks at his hands and makes light come out of it. Though weak, it was still enough to be visible.

"So if you beat Brandor, you'll regain your former strength?"

"It is possible."

"But how are you going to do that? He literally has the strength to wipe out a whole class by himself."

Charles thinks deeply while rubbing his head hard in my thighs. Since he's getting a bit too cheeky, I spread my legs and made him hit his head on the hard bed and then squished his face with my thighs.

"I got it!"

"If it's about my thighs, I'll drop ice on your face."

"That's the idea!"

Immediately, he sits up and looked at the map on his table.

"It's a stupid idea, but I think it will work!"

"What will?"

"A Siege!"

-End of Chapter-