
The curtains of the night had lowered and the forest has gone quiet. If anything, this is the perfect time to launch an attack.

And an attack we would do.

"I hope this works or else we would be wasting my dignity."

"This will work. I guarantee it! If not, then well have to go with plan B."

Currently, I am standing just above a large cylindrical shape made of stone created by Muller and Auen using their magic.

Using all the magic I accumulated as a Succubus, I poured and compressed fire to the outmost limit in the cylinder. And while I was doing that, I turned that Fire into a very solid hollow and heavy Ice as Red who is inside the cylinder. By carefully not letting it stick to the walls, I have essentially created a ball of heavy and dense Ice with some space inside.

"They've finished making powdered sawdust now. Are you done there?"

"I'm almost done, Archie."

"Alright, I'll tell Charles to let Muller put the final touches on the construct now."

"Also, ask Vivian if the mouth is really facing the right direction."

"Ace has already checked the bearings so concentrate on making that Ice."

I don't exactly know what Charles have in mind, but this idea of his is quite out of the box. No, rather quite an insane one.


Going back a few hours earlier, Charles gathered the important members to the meeting.

Both of me, Muller, Vivian, Delcie, Prat, Archie, Ace, and himself, Charles.

According to him, all of us are Key Figures in this plan and the rest keep watch of the perimeter.

"Alright everyone, listen up."

Charles said as he slammed the table.

He then gives Muller a piece of paper that had a drawing he made earlier. I saw it but I didn't understand it.

"As you have been told, the leader of Class A is Brandor. The Paladin in training. And like you heard, he wiped out a whole team by himself."

"And how do suggest we beat him? As far as I know, his base's defences are heavy. There's no room for a sneak attack or direct assault with all the traps laid in the field."

Delcie points out certain areas on the map.

"These points are weak, but even you would know that it's an obvious trap. I've been trying to wrap my head around it since this morning but I can't come up with a plan to break through."

Vivian also points on the enemy camp at certain points.

"They have also ranged defences so even if most of us could fly over the traps, we'd be shot down."

"They've also built a watchtower so any attempted ranged attack would get immediately shot down."

Ace added his updated info on the map.

Everything is against us at this point. Yet for some reason, Charles still looks like he hasn't run out of options and remained calm.

"Muller, what do you think of that? Can you build it with your Earth Magic?"

"I could, but if I rush it, the thing would lack structural integrity."

"Prat, can you use your Spatial Magic to lock structures in place?"

"I could but only one at a time."

"Then Muller and Prat will work on the project. Also, Ace and Vivian, help them to make sure the thing is facing Class A's camp."

Everyone is confused by his enthusiasm and excitement, and seeing our expressions, his smile gets bigger.

"It's a stupid plan, but I know this will work. Hear me out."


Back to the present, I have become exhausted as Red while Rose is still somewhat okay. Rose still has magic but will need time to recover from the sudden drain.

Delcie rushes to Red and hands me a potion with yellow liquid inside. It's stamina potion.

"We've run out of Magic potions, but this should work to remove some fatigue you have."

"Thanks, you didn't really need to actually."

"No, we're going to battle in a few moments. We'll need all the power we can to fight against Class A, they have number advantage against us."

To my surprise, Delcie suddenly puts her arms around my neck and puts her lips unto me. Before I could process what just happened, her tongue invades my mouth and I could taste her saliva that had a zesty flavour for some reason.

"What are you doing?"

I spoke as Rose beside her.

After I pulled her back, she looks at me confused while flushed. There's still a silver line of saliva connecting our mouths...

"I said we'll need all the power we can get. His... I mean your powers are very crucial to turning the tides here."

"At least tell me that sooner. I couldn't absorb any of your essence at all."

Before she could react, I do a little payback and grabbed her chin and this time went into offensive.

Her zesty flavour saliva, I swallow it all. And every time I do, power swells inside me and I feel stronger.

Seeing it from Rose' perspective it's a bizarre sight. Moreover, Delcie looks like she's losing most of her strength as her knees were almost giving out, she clung unto Red so hard.

After releasing her from that deep and intense kiss, her face looked like she was out of it and was in a daze.

"Are you alright?"


Before I could continue she suddenly gains strength and forces herself on Red.

When I saw my own eye on Red, the eye is activated on its own and is probably making Delcie lose herself in pleasure.

Probably because it's the same eye as Rose, I am not affected by my own power.

"Wake up!"

After I pulling her away from Red, I as Rose cover her eyes. Probably because of the transfer, she doesn't have enough strength to struggle against Rose' Demonic Physical Strength.

When the rest of the team arrives, they got confused why I'm trying to restrain Delcie.

"What happened here?"

"Not quite sure..."

Muller asked while opening a bottle of magic potion.

Vivian lands from the sky and walks towards Red while unbuttoning her collar.

"Delcie gave her essence to Red and lost herself to his Charm. But I understand why she's doing that."

"I appreciate the explanation, but why are you showing me your neck?"

"There's no time, lick my sweat."

Certainly, I can at least guess she's giving me her essence, but she's too much in a hurry. It ruins the purity of the essence I can get. But I guess this will do.

When I licked her sweat off her neck, I got some magic power from it. But to my surprise, there was plenty.


"You're making a weird sound you know."

"I'm ticklish, do it gently and quickly."

Is it just my imagination or is she kind of enjoying this?

"I'm getting quite a lot of power from you..."

When I said that, her face turns red and pushes me away and then covers her neck. Everyone else who were watching were giggling while avoiding her glare.

"Let's not speak of this again. We need to hurry or our Leader will suffocate inside the Ice."

As she had said, Charles is currently in a risky situation.

That is because while we were planning, he said that he'll be the spearhead of the attack by putting himself inside a ball of Ice that I had made just now.

The plan is to activate as much traps as possible in front of the enemy camp, let most of the enemy team come out and then destroy their defences and dwindle their numbers in one go.

It's a high risk high reward situation.

It's a good plan but 1 aspect makes this dumb.

Why does Charles have to be inside the ball of Ice?

I really can't tell what goes inside that man's head at all.

"Put the powder inside the Barrel!"

"Spread the powder with Wind Magic!"

"Check bearing!"

"Bearing checked!"

"Wind strength, bearable!"

Everyone is working together. Since I'm just a pure combatant and have no logistical or strategic abilities, I just wait in the front lines waiting for further command.

While Red is in the edge of the open field just outside Class A's camp, Rose waits beside the structure. She will be the one who will ignite the powder inside the thing. Apparently, it explodes according to the smart members.

And when it does, the ball of Ice will be launched.

I hope Charles will be okay during that time.

Back to Red's side, it seems like Class A has noticed our presence and sent their members outside. Everyone looks armed and ready.

While we have 8 on our side as the offensive team, the enemy had 15. Quite literally doubling ours.

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Let's hope it does, otherwise our preparation will all be for naught."

Delcie looks at me with her sword on her hip prepared to be pulled out.

Behind me, Prat prepares his bladed claws. The rest also prepares their swords and bows.

"Are you guys ready?"

She looks at everyone with a fearless smile.

Seeing that, everyone including me nods.

"Red, if you will."


The moment I punched my fists together, flames come out and I start chanting a Level 4 Fire Magic that had been taught to me before.

To do it, I had to call out the fire spirits with my own fire magic first.

"They who are dwellers of ember and cinder, grant me the flames that embodies my will."

The flames on my fists spreads all over my arms, but it doesn't burn me. These are the spirit of flames that answered my call.

"Let my will form, and your rage erupt!"

Like water absorbed by sponge, the flames enter my arm making them glow like hot metal. The spirits have accepted me and acknowledged my command.

At that moment, I jump out of the forest and ran towards the open field where the enemy is anticipating our attack.


As I slam both fists down to the ground, the fire in my arms gets transferred into the ground.

For a bit, the air went quiet.

But moments after, the ground shakes and the ground cracks.

To everyone's surprise, parts of the ground suddenly erupts into an explosion while releasing pillars of fire from under the ground.

Even though nobody got hit by this wide area attack, it was effective enough to destroy all the traps in the area and provide a bit of confusion among the enemy.

Seeing that, Delcie jumps out of the bushes and pulls out her sword and points at the enemies.


With that declaration, our final battle against Class A has begun!

-End of Chapter-