In Which He Dreams

After giving it some thought, Lisa concluded that "It has to be for John." The maidservant was almost certainly at blame for what happened.

While she was handing it to him, she leaned in close to the sand and spoke something to it, saying, "Hey, I think this was meant for you."

John made a face, then shook his head, and finally frowned after doing so. He was fixated on Hennessey rather than gazing in my direction.

Hennessey smiled and nodded his head in approval before responding in a matter-of-fact manner, "No, Miss Lisa, it was meant for you." We overheard you discussing your plans to eat crème brûlée for dessert tonight while you were having a conversation with Mona. Because we didn't want to deny you and your pixie buddy the opportunity to enjoy that luxury, I asked the kitchen to prepare it especially for the two new passengers who had just boarded the ship at that time.

"I- That was completely inappropriate of you. Lisa, in response to the other person, said, "I really appreciate it."

Her cheeks began to blush, and the food that was already in her stomach began to rumble. She also began to feel queasy. She moved her head to look at John, who was eating his dinner while attentively listening to what Hennessey had to say. John was observing Hennessey in utter silence.

Because Lisa was not someone who was particularly good at controlling her impulses, and because there was a part of her that simply desired to continue watching him, she gave in to both of those desires and continued to watch him. She was not the type of person who was good at keeping herself in check.

Mona continued to murmur as she gently poked her Mistress in the side and said, "Mistress Lisa, you're blushing."

"What?" Lisa inquired, completely mystified by the situation. Her face became even more reddened as a result of the fact that she had previously comprehended what it was that she was doing, which added insult to injury.

John looked at Lisa from the other side of the room. It was just a quick peek before he turned around and resumed examining his food.

Despite this, the color came back into her cheeks, and all of a sudden she had the urge to flee the scene. It was such a humiliating ordeal to go through. Yes, she had the feeling that John had heard Mona, despite the fact that she was dubious whether or not John had actually listened to Mona.

The response he gave was, "No, Mona, he did not hear you." My guilty conscience, that's all it is!'

Because Lisa was unable to stop saying that to herself, she was eventually forced to accept the truth that what she was saying was correct. After that, she began adjusting her position in the chair by moving her weight, crossing her legs, fiddling with the spoon, and casting John oblique glances in an effort to feel more at ease.

She never fails to cast a sidelong glance in his direction, but for some inexplicable reason, Lisa is completely oblivious to the frowning expression that John adopts whenever she does so.

Lisa ate quite slowly, taking one spoonful at a time while she watched in amazement as her tummy began to quiver in response to the food she was consuming. The desert was like a drug. A new cosmos had materialized out of thin air, and everything in this world sparkled with a brilliance that could not be explained by natural causes.

John gestured for Miss Lisa to come over while he carefully observed her and then asked her to perform for the group.

Because of the way he looked at her, Lisa was rendered mute and was unable to give a response.

Mona referred to Lisa as "Mistress Lisa" as she pushed her gently with one of her pudgy fingers. "Mistress Lisa." It was like someone was poking you in the back. It is vital that you play some music for Master John. He will be very appreciative.

As Lisa regained control of her senses and returned to the world she had been in before, the only thing she could say in response was, "Yes." "Without a shadow of a doubt, yes. Please excuse me while I go and get my violin.

John turned to his friend and said, "I would like you to play with that violin," as his eyes raced across to the desk, where a violin was kept on display in a glass case. "I would like you to play with that violin," John added. "Could you please demonstrate how to play that violin for me?"

Lisa felt a powerful pull in the direction of the instrument. Before starting, she got to her feet, in order to get a better look at the instrument.