In Which She Felt Bad For Him

She brightened as she ran her fingers over the glass and exclaimed, "It's great!" while praising the glass's aesthetic qualities. Due to the fact that it was of exceptionally high quality, it should have been able to command a very high price on the market today.

"But even so, not nearly as gorgeous as...," the sentence begins.

Lisa cut off the remainder of her train of thinking because she did not want to let herself get depressed and she did not want to allow herself to become depressed. When she thought back on the years that had passed, she was never able to stop feeling wretched.

Someone raised the glass case, and as soon as they did, she turned all of her attention to the beautiful instrument that was housed inside. Due to the fact that the fingers on her hands were formed of feathers, she had to handle it with extreme caution and delicacy.

She said, "This is a very wonderful violin," as she talked while delicately caressing each component of the instrument. "Thank you," she said. Lisa's lips were smiling, but her eyes remained expressionless the entire time.

"Play, Miss Lisa," one of the other musicians yelled out to her as she approached the stage's middle and was beckoned there by the other musicians.

As she made her way to the middle of the room while balancing the violin in her arms, Lisa was extremely careful and delicate as she handled the instrument. She played the violin while simultaneously resting her chin on the chinrest of the instrument, which she did while balancing the instrument on her shoulder.

Lisa began playing. The air had gotten less dense and there was a noticeable increase in the amount of light that permeated everything. His need for peace and quiet had now been rewarded with its return to him in full force. The air that he breathed in exuded a calm and collected demeanor at all times. Everything had all of a sudden become a nice and worthwhile thing to live for and they couldn't believe their good fortune.

With each song that the girl in red played for him, his heart underwent a slight transformation, taking on a slightly different form.

John shut his eyes as he experienced wonder on a par with the awe he had the first time he walked on dew grass, the first time he stood in snow, or when he reached the peak of the mountain for the first time. He was no longer standing on the ground but was instead floating and climbing higher and higher through the air.

When his grandfather started playing some of her songs, almost instantly the sense of perplexity that had been plaguing him vanished. When John did not suffer from a debilitating ailment in the past, he used to be on constant high alert regarding this unexpected sense of serenity that was being bestowed upon him by someone. This kept him on edge all the time. The primary reason for this was that he considered complacency to be an indication of lack of strength.

In the past, he would have made the incorrect assumption that Lisa was working for an espionage organization. However, given that he was only a disabled soldier, there was no reason for a spy to board his ship given that he was the target of the investigation.

Surprisingly, John did not feel the impulse to get angry at the fleeting thought that crossed his mind. He only desired to be left alone in order to enjoy the music.

As soon as Lisa began to play, John's disposition began to improve. You could see the delight written all over his eyelashes, and the corner of his mouth had burst into a smile. It had been quite some time since he had employed that particular mode of self-expression, yet now he found himself returning to it.

Even after the last song had finished playing, there was still peace and quiet; however, it was only for a short amount of time.

John had no intention of losing his temper in any way. He had high hopes that things would stay peaceful.

As soon as the round of applause was done, the drinks were brought out, and John wheeled himself over to the side of the room to see the vacant space.

"Hey, would you have a moment to have a little discussion with me right now?" Lisa posed the question with a sudden grin on her face.

The response that John gave was "later." He tried his best to keep the agony and rage at bay and prevent them from taking control of him, but with each realization that kept on repeating itself, again and again, the rage began to take over him. 

He tried his best to keep the agony and wrath at bay and prevent them from taking control of him.