She had a nagging suspicion that she, in her heart of hearts, secretly wished that they were. This led to this consequence, which was one of the reasons why this took place, and she gave the impression that she was secretly hoping that they were actually on a date with one another, which led to this consequence, and this was one of the reasons why this took place.
This was due to the fact that she was under the distinct belief that, in her heart of hearts, she wished that they were.
This was due to the fact that she had a definite impression that she wanted they were in this situation.
This was due to the fact that, at the core of her being, she had a profound and dark longing for them to be.
She couldn't exactly put her finger on it, but she had a sneaky impression that, deep down, she secretly desired that they were. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she had a sneaking sensation that they were.