After the very first win of team all were joyful and happy.There were no casualties in team except for kalki cause of the last goblin there was a sprain in his leg. Maxim carried Kalki on his back and they went to the medical room.

Before we leave the arena anchor announces the points we were given.We were given 1000 each. In the district all things works by the point, you can assume it as a currency .

After that when we went to the medical room we had no idea who was waiting for us.It was the head doctor of the staff ,Dr Neckro . Soon after we all entered the room we could feel and uneasy aura surrounding us.

It was directly coming from the doc itself. By the looks of hers towards us we feeled like she wanted to disect us. She treated Kalki very fastly and they all leaved the room in an instant. Even when they were leaving doc was still having her weird and scary smile that was startling all the 5.

It costed 100 points for the medical charges and Kalki fell very low becouse of giving this much points. All four tried to cheer up Kalki and then Ed said today night mill will treat of Ryu.

Listening this Ryu Exclaimed,"WHAT, why it will be my treat".

Rahim explained that it was Ryu that took the last kill so it is his treat for his first kill.

Ryu agreed by giving an unhappy smile.

When they reached cafeteria, they took their food and were going to sit. Then they saw a battle is going on from the giant window pane in cafeteria. All 5 reached closure to window to see the match but when they saw a glimpse of match they were amused to find that in that battle there were more than 5 player rather there were almost 19 to 21 players.

Watching this ,Ryu was totally in confusion and asked to maxim,"what is this?".Before Maxim could say a worker of cafe said,"It's a ROYAL RUMBLE".

Kalki and Rahim asked that what is this.Maxim explains that it is a battle between many team in a single match . In this, multiple team fight against a common opponent.The team that gets the last shot wins a large ammount of points that can go even in million s.

Ed asked the worker that who is there opponent. Worker with a small smile said,"well here it comes".When the other gate opened, Arena started to shake and suddenly the gate got blasted.

When the dirt from the blast settle down all the players were as shocked as these 5 were.Because in this type of battle you have to fight A rated Slaves and this time this slave was No ordinary but A GIANT. All players attacked the giant as soon as bell rang.

But in the end they got killed in one slam of his fists.

There was blood all over and crowed was shouting "once more","once more".Dead Body Parts were scattered all over the place no one could tell which body part of player is where.

Seeing this Ryu throws up and Rahim helps him.After seeing this kind of scene Edward, Maxim and Kalki were totally shocked.

Soon when they start to move towards there cell the guard brings the list of the next match to the Ryu.

When Ryu looked over the list, his eyes freezed to the paper . Ed said,"hey four eyes what happened?". Ryu handed over the list to Ed. When Ed looked at the list. Ed was now same as Ryu for a second and then said,"our next opponents are t..ti..TITANS!!!!!!'