June 29, it was 7th day after the first victory of team Ed as Edward as a captain of the team.All five of them were totally tensed after knowing their next opponents name.

Titans, next opponents were the Titans. Larger than a human but smaller than a giant.They are the fastest slaves that can run even with a humongous body. Deadly as hell.

There basic weapon is a butcher knife. With one swing they can cut a big tree in one shot.

Since this time we were fighting B rank slaves, we were allowed to carry two B class weapons.

Ryu was totally confused so was Kalki.They weren't reaching at a perfect plan to defeat the Titans as the only strong ones in team that could fight them in one on one situation were Ed and Maxim.

July 5th was the date decided for there battle . But they weren't reaching at any conclusion.On a night of 30 June Maxim proposed an formation. After listening to the formation's name, Ryu was not sure about it.

The formation that Maxim gave was wolf technique. It was a primitive way in which wolves hunted there prey.

First they hide themselves in the surrounding and when the prey reaches to the favorable spot, all wolves starts encircling it and then attack from all directions so that no one dies.

To encircle them all chose giant's shield from which they can trap titan from all sides.

This time to ensure that no one does more of a close combat, all took either mid range weapon or a long range.Ed decided to go with plasma gun so as Ryu. Maxim chose a 900 bullet capacity mechine gun. Rahim took the kar 98k and Kalki asked for a bazooka.

Now , all things were decided. 5 July the next battle date came . This time when they entered the Arena was slightly different, the audience area was protected with the the barrier so that no titan can go up and try to kill anyone.

When they reached to the battle ramp. The arena starts to shake and the platform came up . This time the given area was the snow mountains.

Bell rang and battle started.All five of them took there respective places and waited.After a minute a titan came towards the point and when it reached to exact location All five of them trapped titan from all over and started firing, the first titan was down.

Now they started to hide in different locations cause now the hideout was located. similarly the took out the second titan.

Now when they started to trap third titan, nobody knew that this would happen. When they trapped it successfully a titan came towards them from there blind spot. nobody could move as they already trapped the other one. It was a dire situation.

Kalki broke the formation and used one of the bazooka shot on the coming titan's leg the titan became unstable. Kalki climbed the Titans chest and fired the bazooka on it's face.

Watching this all four that is Ed, Maxim, Ryu and Rahim thought one more titan is dead but soon the dust settled all four of them were starteled, it was like a shield like structure formed from the Titans empty hand.

Before any five of them could come to their senses, something pierced Kalki stomach.It was a sharp wood log that was used by the last titan. Kalki fell on the ground like cold dead.

The Titans drew out there knife to kill the Kalki on the ground who was in pain.Before they could kill him maxim and Ed killed the trapped titan and made a double shield facing towards the Titans, covering Kalki. The Titans stared striking the shield continuously and relentlessly.

Both Rahim and Ryu were firing at the two but they didn't stopped. The shields were now too broken to protect. It was sure that the next two blows will come piercing throught shields and will definitely hit the three of them.

All two of them that is Ed and Maxim knew, it was was there last time to be alive and suddenly the bell rang it, the Titans stopped and started marching towards the gate. It was the bell for the match's end. They all four took a breath of relief but when they called Kalki, he wasn't saying anything, he was unconscious.

Blood was all over him and ground, coming from his open stomach. They called called medical staff and started running toward the the gate with Kalki bleeding in there hands.