It was very fateful day for team Ed. A victory that was not enjoyable at all. All four were waiting outside while Kalki was struggling for his life.

After a hour a doctor came out and said," your friend is in critical condition and required the operation in atlast 19 hours.

"And it's not possible to save him by checking your total balance"said doctor Neckro with her strange smile.

With a sudden anger Rahim asked,"How much points is required for his operation?"

"100,000 points is required for his total recovery",said the doctor.

Even with combining there all points, it was still 90000 points were missing. all asked doctor to start his operation while they will arrange the points somehow.

Doc Neckro said,"this isn't a hospital where you can do whatever,bring the points first and then the operation will begin".

There was noway that they can arrange points in 19 hours.

"You can do one thing, one of you become my experiment subject and I will operate his operation myself and for free", said doc Neckro laughingly.

Ed and maxim were so mad after hearing the words from doc that if they could kill her they had done it in secs.

"No one will be your lab rat", said Ryu angrily.

"There's one way you can get 100000 points in time",a guy standing behind them said.

Rahim asked,"how?". "Take a part in a battle and win the points you required"

Ed asked,"What kind of battle?"

"It's a Royal Rumble, Enter the battle and just take out the necklace from giant's neck and win the points. that's how simple it is", the man said .

Ed agreed for the match and the man gave the details about the match.

This battle was 3 hours from now and there were 31 participants including team Ed.

Now battle was just starting in 12 minutes, all participants were waiting for the gate to open .

Before battle starts, anchor announced that day's special event, it was the man that told them about the match."Good evening my all friends as you know today is a special royal rumble the team that will be the first to release the necklace from the Giant's neck will be awarded 1,000,000 points.

And then battle begun. Ryu made the plan to perfectly take that necklace. First they successfully reached the blindspot of Giant then Maxim smashed giant's knee of his right leg. Giant became unstable and they brought it down for a moment.

Soon with help of other players they started to attack it's legs. Rahim climbed giant's back and started to move towards its neck. Watching them attacking giant. It suddenly got up and started rampaging.

In a rampage maxim got thrown at the walls of arena and got hurt . Ryu used the time and used the flare powder on giant's face.Rahim who was hiding on the back of giant saw that opportunity and snuck up and untied the necklace.

Watching this all four were happy that the match was over. But it wasn't the end. giant caught Rahim in his hands and pounded him on ground.

Watching this Ed ran towards anchor tower and said,"Hey we have the necklace, we won right so why is it attacking".

"Fools, it is sure that you won the prize points of worth 1,000,000 but match isn't over yet",said the Anchor in devious way.

He never said that match will end after one team owns the necklace. It was the most horrifying day for team Ed. All of the players died in a painful way in the match, including the three .

"That's the end of today's royal rumble and the winner of prize is team Ed, so the remaining team members of team will get the points ASAP, thank you"

The crowed was shouting like crazily after that horrifying match.Whole medical staff was watching the match."Looks like that's the end of that team, sad, very sad"said doc Neckro laughingly.

Doctor that operated Kalki ran towards the operation theatre and called all the assistants for the operation of Kalki.

"Why are you doing this, isn't his team's all members dead", Said Neckro.

"I am a doctor, it's my job to save the patient's life, his team scored enough points for his operation and now I will operate him", said the doctor in anger.

Operation started, it took six hours for the sucess. Kalki's life was saved.but what might happen when he will wake up was the question.

Whole team was dead and last member was barely alive.

3 weeks later Kalki woke up. Watching him waking up doctor advised him not to move.After two days he asked the doctor that where his team is and why they didn't came to meet him. Giving him an excuse doctor defended the question.

It was 3 weeks after this that Kalki snapped at the doctor and pointed out the knife towards him and asked him,"Where is my team?"

"So you haven't told him about the yet, huh?", said doc Neckro from the door.

"What is it that she is telling about, huh" Kalki shouted.

Doctor stepped back and bow down his head.

"What is it?" Kalki shouted again.

"Your team is long dead", said doc Neckro.

It was a complete silence in the room for a moment. kalki's face was pure white. In a instant Kalki grabbed neckro's collar and said,"What The F**k you are saying!!!!!!"

"Who killed them tell me and i swear I will kill that bastard"

Neckro kicked Kalki and said,"I you wanna know who was the one responsible for there deaths".

Giving a devil like smile"IT WAS YOU".