A - dvanced
M - echanical
W - alker
U - nit
To some known simply as mechas.
Widely used all over the world as construction and transportation equipment, and even by firefighters and police. Also used by military as highly effective weapons.
These we known as:
A - dvanced
M - echanical
C - ombat
W - alker
U - nit
Deployed in droups of 4, AMCWU's were priceless on the battlefield, capable of heavy arms fire as well as high mobility in all types of enviroments.
But AMCWU's would be nothing without their pilots. Brave soldiers ready to fight for peace and safety of their country. And among them the bravest and perhaps craziest unit. The 0.
The 0s were the, most tallented and skilled AMCWU pilots the military force, had at their disposal. Deployed only where certain amount of discretion and ingenuity were required, as well as to operations which were too delicate to handle to any other unit.
It became a meme among the military command, that if you wanted something done, and you wanted it done right, you'd give the task to the 0s.