25 years later, forgoten by time itself.

25 years have passed since Jack was locked into the vitae chamber to heal, and many thing have happened, the once busy millitary city now stood in lifeless suspense. Abandoned, bearing scars of long battles on every level.

The old world Jack once knew was gone, without even knowing it, everything he has fought to preserve dissapeared. There were no civilans to protect, no recruits to inspire, no terrorists to fight against. No nothing.

And after 25 years of sleep, he would finally be awoken by - at the time - most unexpected of beings, into this new ruined world.



CN - Electra

DT - 1305057


Sealled section level 4 infiltrated...

Detected low energy signature within the structure... proceeding with caution...

Signature source found...

Designation... Mk.2 Vitae chamber...

Further information... available...>

Primary functions - organic life and medical support...

Secondary function - hybernation pod...>

with... Mk.2 Vitae chamber...

Detected hybernating subject...>

Searching further information about subject... JS015P...

Information found... source... UNMArchive

Subject's real name... Jack Soto...

Biological age... 23...

Chronological age... 48...

Occupation... Elite AMCWU pilot...

Confirmed deployments... 27...

Classified deployments... 81...

Total deployments... 108...

Succes rate... 100%...

Conclusion... subject is found... capable enough...

Initiating subject awakening process...

Downloading rest of the subjects personal data onto integrated hard drive for later analysis...>

>Error registered... Mk.2 Vitae chamber emergency power supply has insufficient power to awaken hybernating subject... Searching for alternative source of power...>

Attempting to... restore function...


Warning... incomming EHU units detected... signature reading indicates up to... 1 EHU-AAMCWU platoon...

Conclusion... awaken subject JS015P and immidiatelly flee the area to avoid capture...

Probability of success... medium...>

Awakening... Succesful...

Subjects vital signs... stable...>

"Ugh.... Wha... Where... Whoa!" The chamber opens, Jack immidiatelly falls out and flops onto the ground. He's unable to regain his bearings as his vision is a one big blur. "Where am I, why can't I see anything?"


Downloading corresponding data...

Conclusion... side effects of awakening are likely only temporary and should subside within few hours...>

"Calm down, you have just woken up from hybernation, your eyesight should return soon." Says someone, their voice sounds strange.

"Who's there, who are you?" Jack asks, turning his head in the direction of the voice.

"I am EHAIA03. Can you stand?" Asks EHAIA03.

"I didnt ask for your ID, tell me your name."

"... You can call me Electra."

"Alright Electra, enlighten me. What happened? The last thing I remember is an impact and then pain, afterwards my memory is just blank."


Last record of subject's activity falls under strict classification...

Mission DT - 1104032

Location - Turnave desert-mountain area...

Mission code - 1015108...

Main mission objective... retrieve stolen nuclear warheads...

Incident of mission 1015108... At the end of the mission AMCWU015 was shot from the rear by an unidentified hostile, the shot was precise and destroyed the spinal duplicant module, the energy backlash went right into the pilot and damaged his spinal cord... report indicates that the emergency failsafe triggered with 2 seconds of delay. The pilot was rushed into the Dam City for immidiate treatment. Report also indicates that the mission was ultimately a success as the warheads were returned...>

Opening Eden files for comparison...

Mission DT 1104032 and DT of testing the experiment Stalker, are the same... Furthermore location the experiment test took place was less than 1 km away from the area the mission took place in...

The test report shows that Stalker discharged its long range weaponry at an unknown AMCWU and dissabled it, Stalker retreated as three other AMCWU's turned hostile and returned fire...

It is highly likely that these two events are linked...

Warning... EHU units detected... within 1 km radius...>

"You were shot and the energy backlash damaged your spinal cord, you were rushed here for treatment."

"How long was I out?"

"Save the questions for later, we need to get out of here first. Can you stand?" Says Electra with urgency in their voice.

Jack tries to stand up, using the opened Vitae chamber for support, but as soon as he lets go, he falls back down again.

"Well that answers your question, I can't."

"Another side effect of prolonged hybernation, not to worry your will regain all your bodily functions soon, but for now we must leave. Here I'll help you up."

Electra's hands wrap around Jack and pull him up to his feet.


Chances of escape... low>

"Damn it, they're moving faster than expected." Curses Electra.

"Who is, what is going on?" Asks Jack.

"We are being hunted, well... I am being hunted to be precise, if they find you, its just added value." Say Electra.

"Where even are we?" Jack asks again, thinking that he could help.

"We're in Dam City on level 4..." Electra explains where they currently are and also that the city is abandoned, carefully leaving out the part where Jack has been in hybernation for the past 25 years.

"Wait just a minute..." Says Jack, stopping both of them.

"... I know this place... we're in my hangar!"

"And how is that supposed to help us?" Asks Electra.

"If we're in my hangar, it means that my AMCWU should be here, and that's our ticket out, since we apparently can't expect anyone to come help us."

"I didnt see any AMCWU, and even if it were here at some point it was probably already taken away." Argues Electra.

"We must be in the warehouse... there should be doors leading to the maintenace bay here somewhere."

"I found some doors earlier, but it was locked and the power was down."

"Well is the power back up again?" Asks Jack, the smile on his face quickly turning into a grin.

"... I suppose it worth a try..."


Including JS015P's available battle data...

Chances of escape... Medium (if JS015P's AMCWU is in fact present in the structure and if said AMCWU is still functional)>

"...but we need to move quickly! Every second we waste, out chances of escape grow thinner!"

"Then stop yapping, and get me to those doors, I know the code." He says sounding impatient.

Electra leads Jack around some supply boxes to a double reinforced metal sliding door.

"Where's the control panel?" Jack asks serching the wall with his hand.

"Right here." Says Electra leading his hand to the small keypad.

"Jeez you're cold..." Says Jack as Electra's hand touches his, which causes a shiver to run down his spine. "...next time you go outside wear something warmer..."

Jack starts typing in the code, but when he presses the verification button, the system refuses it as incorrect.

"Damn it! They must have changed the codes at some point."

"Let me give it a try..."


Overriding security measures...

Security measures nullified... door opening...

Ending direct communication with...

Door No.: 6>

"Well its really nice of you to try, but I'm telling you, there's no way you could..." Jack stops as blood curdling squeaking hits his ears, as the rusty mechanism strains to open the door.

"...nevermind, spoke too soon..." He says and for now decides not to question his strange companinon's capabilities, at least until they're far away and safe.

They go through the door and enter the maintenace bay, a large part of the building outfited with cranes and equipment for maintemace, repair and modification of AMCWUs. And there perched on a high chair-like structure sits AMCWU-015, Jack's trusty companion, patiently waiting for his pilot to come back.


Type - Assault

Model - Brass (heavily modified for all range combat)

Status - dormant

Note - severely outdated>

"We have a problem..." Says Electra.

"What is it?" Asks Jack

"Well, first, its a third generation Assault Brass model." Says Electra.

"What's wrong with that?" Says Jack not understanding the point Electra is trying to make.

"Its outdated, it will be no match for the hunters."

"I work with what I have. Now get me to the cockpit, we can't waste any more time." He says, urging them on.


When they walk up the support structure Electra notices another problem.

"Another problem..."

"What is it this time?" Jack sighs and asks.

"The power-unit is not completely inserted."

"That is in accordance with the city's defence protocol. All AMCWUs that are not active need to be prepared for a quick start, for that purpose the main power-unit is inserted half-way. It reduces the energy signature of the inactive AMCWU to levels only detectable by specialised equipment. Once needed its disengaged from the crane and it slides in under its own weight. And I will thank you not to question the way we did things here." Says Jack, sounding mildly irritated.

When they reach the access hatch Jack stops and turns to Electra. "I'll need you to head to the crane and disengage the power-unit. Once I start it up I'll pick you up, now go." He says as he opens the hatch and climbs in. Although, his eyes aren't working his memory is flawless at remembering what buttons to push, and once he has power again, not even blindness will be an obstacle.

Meanwhile Electra is making heading to the crane cab.


"Cr*p, I need to run!" Electra breaks into a sprint up the stairs. Once they reach the cab, they look for the right lever to pull.

"The reel, turning, rail motor, no! Where is it?!"

Suddenly something bangs at the big metal door that leads to the outside. "Oh no... they found us!" Electra looks through the levers again and finally finds it, a small lever hiden on the far left side of the cab.

With the power-unit disengaged and now in place Jack can now do what he does best.

Jack starts pushing buttons and re-activates the main systems. Seemingly unphased by the noises of the steel door being bent and torn to pieces outside.

"Welcome pilot, please identify yourself." Says a mechanical voice.

"Who said that?!" Asks Jack, surprised to hear anyone in the cockpit.

"I am AMCWU-015's Pilot Assistant Inteligence. But you can call me PAI. Now please identify yourself."

"Well this is new...

Pilot ID: JS015P.

Inputing password: Alpha Sierra Delta Kilo Victor Mike One Seven Five."

"Verifying... accepted. Welcome back pilot Soto. Since this is our first time, since my instalation, of us working together may I introduce you to my functions?" Asks PAI.

"We'll have enough time to get to know each other later, we are in an emergency situation right now. I need to perform a link now!"