Ronan And Arielle

Tania picked up the spoon to feed the princess. Arielle took a bite of food and then chewed it very slowly. The girl finished her food in silence. Tania also didn't want to disturb Arielle's silence if the girl was comfortable with it.

Tania wiped Arielle's lips after she finished her meal. A maid then came in to retrieve the trolley containing the empty plates. After that, another maid brought a basin of warm water. Tania put it on the side of the bed. The woman helped Arielle to sit and stretched her legs down.

Carefully, Tania washed Arielle's feet to ease the stiff muscles so that the girl could feel refreshed. She hoped Arielle could walk comfortably after a long day lying with frozen feet.

"Tania... thank you, sorry for worrying you," said Arielle, who finally raised her voice after a long silence.

Tania looked up and smiled softly. "This is all I can do for you, Princess."