Ronan Only Likes To Receive Another Form Of Thank You

Arielle sighed in relief. Although she felt relieved, she still felt sad. She couldn't help at all at that time. She wished she was more capable.

"What are you thinking now?" asked Ronan curiously, seeing that the girl's eyebrows were still furrowed.

"Hah… I feel sad that I couldn't help them properly. I'm just making things harder for you..."

"What are you saying?"

"Remembering the two cold children in front of my eyes and how I couldn't warm them up, I feel pretty useless. If I could be stronger, if I had brought more people with me, surely they could have been rescued sooner."

"They're safe, Arielle. In fact, they have returned to their respective homes."

Arielle wiped her tears, which left Ronan surprised.

"Are you crying?" he asked frantically. "What are you crying about?"

Her tears kept falling. Ronan immediately hugged the girl tightly. He was still confused about the thing that made Arielle cry like this.