False promise

The MK.1 identified itself to Admiral Azerof's flagship, then docked securely with it.

The admiral greeted Apophis and his five crew members with great fanfare, and then Apophis alone was ushered into the Azerof's chambers.

Once inside, Apophis spoke with confidence. "As agreed, Admiral, peace has returned to Era. In addition, some of my men are at an appropriate level to join the ranks of the Federation. I expect you to honor our agreement!"

Admiral Azerof gave a clever, diplomatic smile in return. This sort of political manipulation was one of his specialties. It was one of the main reasons he'd advanced to his current military rank. "I did my best to negotiate with the Chancellor for the right to place a regent on the planet. This was refused. However, as an Admiral of the Federation, I can appoint one of my subordinates as military governor of an occupied planet. You understand that this requires you to remain incorporated into the Federation military."

Apophis was annoyed by this breach of their agreement. He thought for a moment about the new situation. Being a regent would have allowed him total control over Planet Era. Perhaps he should've predicted that Azerof wouldn't be able to exert that kind of influence without calling in many more favors than Azerof would have been willing to spend.

In contrast, a military governor would be strictly bound to Federation law in most areas. As a governor, Apophis would have much less freedom to exploit the planet for his own purposes. Moreover, he'd have to submit to Azerof as his commanding officer… which would place all the rest of the Eternals under Azerof's command by extension. 

Considering what Apophis knew the future held for Azerof's savage Human Supremacist ambitions, what effect might this have on the future of this new life? Though Azerof had commanded the loyalty of many players in the past, this might be something else altogether…

After a few moments of thinking, Apophis finally replied, "Tell me clearly what you want, Admiral!"

Admiral Azerof's smile tightened. "I suggest that you stay under my command for the time being. When the time comes, of course, you and your kind will fight alongside me to overthrow the Federation."

So it was as Apophis expected. Unfortunately, unlike his last meeting with Azerof, Apophis was in too much of a weak position to negotiate with the admiral.

"Very well!" said Apophis at last. "I accept your conditions. Nevertheless, I desire two additional things! First, I'll be granted the status and rank of Major in the forces of the Federation, as well as the resources and privileges that are normally assigned to that rank. Second, I need a bonus of 500,000 GC, paid immediately!"

Admiral Azerof was hesitant at these huge demands, but finally responded. "Very well. The promotion ceremony will take place in one hour. In addition to the military rank, you will receive the title of Military Governor of Era and the requested bonus. That seems quite reasonable, considering that the Chancellor was unwilling to cooperate with our prior agreement."

Azerof gave Apophis an expression that implied that it was all the Chancellor's fault that he'd failed to meet their agreement. Of course, this was all a farce. Both of them knew that they understood the true situation perfectly. This was simply how politics worked.

"However," Azerof continued, "to make up for my unfortunate failure to honor our agreement, I will assign you one of my most competent men. Colonel Ralfot, whom you have already met, will accompany you on your travels. I certainly hope this can mend the breach of trust which I've created between us."

Apophis immediately saw the truth. Colonel Ralfot would be there as a spy, with the task of reporting everything he saw to Admiral Azerof. This wasn't an ideal situation, but Apophis realized he had no choice. Either he accepted, or his investment in the Federation would be irretrievably lost!

"Very well," he said at last. "I accept these terms."


The ceremony took place in the flagship's hangar, in the presence of some officers. Admiral Azerof decorated Apophis with the Medal of Bravery and gave him the badge of Major.

System: Congratulations on joining the "Federation of United Planets" faction. You gained the rank of "Major"and have been appointed Military Governor of Planet Era. All Federation forces on Era are now under your command. You can levy taxes on goods and services on Era up to a rate of 20%.

Server Announcement: The player "Apophis" of the guild "Eclipse" has become the military governor of Planet Era. Respect his authority, or pay the price!

Apophis also received his bonus of 500,000 GC, which grew his wealth to 1,013,000 GC. This would be particularly useful during the galactic auction!

After the ceremony, Apophis and his crew—now increased by one person—rejoined the MK.1, then set off towards Isirus. Before leaving, Apophis took a moment to implement the maximum 20% tax rate on everything he could. The sales of equipment weapons, as well as Dungeon entry fees and access to space transportation, were all now heavily taxed and earning him a huge profit!

On the forums, the announcement of Apophis's appointment and taxation was met with shock.

"So this is his reward for betraying everyone else!"

"Why the **** did the price of ammunition rise by 20%???"


"Shame on you, Apophis"

An old acquaintance of Apophis, Scorpion, decided this was too much to take. He launched a campaign to fund a mission to neutralize Apophis. In a few days, the campaign had raised over 5,000,000 GC!

But back on Planet Era, just after the server notifications announced Apophis's new rank, Ceasar laughed. He quickly sent Apophis a message.

"Congratulations! Our next fight will take place on another world!"

Apophis couldn't help grinning when he read it. "And I'll just win again!" he muttered to himself.

Within the hour, thousands of transport ships rose from the four corners of the planet and entered hyperspace. Between the potential of their new freedom and the absurd taxes levied on everything in Planet Era, the elite players knew better than to stay.

In the blink of an eye, the only ones remaining on Era were those lower than LvL 10.