MMORPG : Rise of the Interstellar God

Games210 Chapters3.1M Views
Author: Hamapo
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In the year 2100, global warming has long since made the Earth's natural surface uninhabitable with a new ice age. Humanity takes refuge in huge, closed cities, but life is difficult. Video games are the opium of the people, letting them escape the chaos of life in immense metropolises.

In 2100, the first fully immersive VRMMORPG, "Horus," was released, and the world changed! Entirely coded by an independent AI, "Horus" made all other games look meaningless by comparison.

Megacorporations quickly monopolized on the wealth "Horus" allowed its players to amass, and soon people like Alexander were spending their lives slaving away to make money for the companies who employed them.

But on the day Alexander died of exhaustion, collapsing in his gaming booth...

...He woke up, alive, nine years earlier.

One day before "Horus's" launch.

"This time, I'll do it right! I know everything that's going to happen! I'll become the strongest, and no one will take advantage of me again!"


///This work takes place in an MMORPG whose main goal is the exploration and conquest of space.///

///my two main inspirations are: The Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God and the Legendary Mechanic.///

///I care about the coherence of the story, even if the theme of overpowering is present, it is thanks to the reflexive and opportunistic choices of the MC and not a chance to come out of nowhere. ////

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Nice story, worth giving it a shot especially when this genre is at its peak right now. The author had done great worldbuilding, especially with the concept of a global cataclysm so people have no other means of leisure than to immerse themselves in games that could explain the popularity of this game and a huge fanbase. Keep it up author, waiting for more chapters.

2 years ago

Lovely storey, its original and an anti hero Mc like this is a breath of fresh air The only bad thing about this story is that there is constant errors in writing such as spelling mistakes or contextual errors (I.e: calling the mc a her or having some parts in French while the rest of the story is in English. Although the language mishaps are extremely rare) but it’s a good novel and I can’t wait for more!

2 years ago

So... I recommend this novel but not for everyone .... This novel is a MMORPG in space, with a classic system..nevertheless the story and the development of the world is very original, honestly I think it is one of the most original I have seen on WebNovel...That's why this novel is very divisive... It deals with themes in a rather daring way, for example after a while he earns some money...where a classic mc would do everything to optimize his progression, he doesn't...he invests a little in his future and the rest he spends in a rather funny way. ...and that is very revealing of the rest of the story...the MC is not an absolutely perfect strategist hero, who rolls over everyone and the game...He is a very human MC who takes advantage of his reincarnation as a realistic human being would... This is the reason why either we love this novel or we hate it... But in the end for my part I find that the mc has a goal is much more noble than any mc I have read and that makes the MC very very endearing despite this big flaw ... After the level of the development of the space universe..but I find it absolutely incredible at the same level as Legendary mechanic The only really negative point is that it overflows at the beginning the background of the secondary characters, but I have the impression that it is corrected with time...

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

this had potential till you did one the worst things your could evee do 1. you made your mc evil thats just trash. all evil mc are just trash. 2. you forced corrupted and forced made the mc evil for litteraly no reason you made ut clear the ring would corrupt and twist the wearer yet the mc still chose the ring? why? thats stupid it would change who he is...the moment you amde this chkice this was no longer about an mc who went back in time to have a second chsnce at ljfe but a while new person that is just trash...

2 years ago

the story goes too fast for my taste, like the MC who kisses his ex-girlfriend as soon as they meet (not enough development of their relationship in the new timeline). Not enough explanation on the length of time that the MC play from the beginning, to be able to have a point of reference. But the theme of the story I love it since they look like legendary mechanic but from the point of view of a player. In addition you added a difficulty mode which is new in my opinion or if it does not succeed their account is deleted.

2 years ago

Very fast pacing, short chapters and introducing gods into the mc's sphere in the 40 chapters, he obtains a very broken item/soul that gives him a quest to destroy a guild because why not and literally gives him a 2x multiplier on all his skills, like what we have been introduced to a goddessnd in 10 chapter just gets killed for a gods vs gods plot that author is setting up with the mc being a lvl 10 player

2 years ago

Hello to all, I am the author of this novels, the story takes place in an MMORPG on focus on the exploration and conquest of space, framed by a system of RPG, as well as player interaction and Npc. I hope you like it.

2 years ago

aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaaaaa

2 years ago

looks good!! ...........................................................................................................................................

2 years ago

story progressing too fast on the "story" itself, so many points that could be explored are exchanged because of this MC's fickle personality, the author not helping at all... just adding more irrelevant factors

2 years ago

The sentence arrangement and word choice made me want to keep reading, but unfortunately, some chapters were too short for me, or maybe I was too busy reading that I didn't feel the time was passing so fast

2 years ago

if someone told me this was a spinoff of legendary mechanic I would've believed it. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as it's good so give it a read and if you guys want more of this type of novel just read legendary mechanic.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

a year ago

AUTHOR!!! THANK YOU FOR STARTING TO WRITE AGAIN:: I really LOVE this book of yours and I was saddened when you stopped writing 😭 but since you're back PLEASE 🥺 WRITE MORE THRILLING CHAPTERS

a year ago