
Apophis had finally succeeded... He'd killed a demigod!

It was an incredible feat, especially considering the difference in power between a Rank B and Rank A-. The Federation had believed that Apophis had killed Regnier back on Cronos I—though that had, of course, been a ruse. There was no way Apophis could have killed a demigod like Regnier back then.

But now he really had done it! He'd triumphed over such a tremendous threat.

After a few moments of savoring his victory, it was time to loot DungEater's corpse.

Apophis collected the 128,000 GC which had dropped. Quite a lot of money indeed! Then he examined the item which had also dropped.


╟─╼ Item 

╟─╼[Name] Fragment from the Slaanesh Tablet. 

╟─╼[Rarity] Artifact 

║ ╰╼[Fragment: 1/5] 

╟─╼[Alignment Required]: -10,000 

╟─╼[Effect] ??? 
