Kingdoms !


A Zetark corvette emerged from hyperspace, followed by hundreds of thousands of landing ships.

Apophis keyed into the traffic control channel. "This is the MK.1! Requesting landing clearance."

White's voice came back over the cabin speakers. "This is the Chief Operator. Clearance granted, MK.1! Welcome home!"

The swarm of landing ships followed the lead of their flagship, simultaneously piercing through the planetary atmosphere. The scene was eerily reminiscent of the Battle of Cronos I.

The many noob players on the planetary surface, who were mostly busy with simple quests or grinding monsters, abruptly stopped their activities and stared up at the hundreds of thousands of fireballs coming down from the sky.

By now, the news of Apophis's peacemaking and redemption had spread throughout the game. Players who had previously seen Eclipse as a mere puppet of the Federation now had different opinions.