(9)The Legendary Warrior - Final Ascension

[System: the conditional duel with the player "Azazel" has begun]

Azazel drew his epic two-handed sword, Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful, and ran at full speed towards Ceasar! Because of the huge difference in item level between the two of them, he hoped to catch Ceasar off guard and inflict as much damage as possible before his foe counterattacked.

The sword blow came within only a few centimeters of Ceasar's face… but he dodged it, nonetheless.

Ceasar used the dodge to build momentum, spinning in place and slamming his hammer into his opponent's abdomen! 

Azazel collapsed in a heap, breathless. At that moment, he remembered the moment when he'd offered Ceasar the weapon he now wielded: Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings, the best mace in the game for Ceasar's build.

They'd just spent twelve hours beating the Ulduar raid, the toughest raid in the game at that time, when this legendary item had dropped for Azazel.