Ceasar Redemption


Terra - Southern Industrial Zone

Federal army corvettes and frigates that had clearly taken control of Terra's space began to penetrate the amosphere and bombard the positions of the Imperial ground forces, the chaos on the planet's surface grew by the hour, players flocked to the field to loot, kill, or simply enslave any NPC they could see, the true nature of the players often became apparent when they sensed the loot approaching

Apophis was in one of the buildings waiting to take back his mind and watch his hp and energy bar regenerate, his fight against DungEater was one of the most intense things he had ever experienced, he had seen his own weakness, Especially against Ascentionists with immaterial bodies like DungEater or Lucifer, this skill was impossible against basic opponents with biological material bodies, but he didn't think that he would be able to face immaterial bodies only composed of an agglomerate of energy so quickly.