
Apophis flew over the area of the destroyed Warhouse, the whole zone ravaged by the recent, the corpses of imperial soldiers and civilians and everywhere, in this landscape of destruction...

Down below, he immediately saw all the guild members below him, gathered in a defensive formation.

Apophis suspected he had a problem, for despite his intense battle with DungEater, he had seen his teammate's HP and energy drop dramatically, but more importantly, his teammate should have taken cover instead of standing there in such a dangerous zone.

Apophis saw that most of his team-mates were nursing themselves back to health, eating and drinking, everyone had tired faces...

Quickly, the people in his guild saw him.

Everyone got into fighting stance, as a reflex of fear, but when they saw Apophis's name, their relief was immense.

Chocolate stepped forward and said "Apophis! What a relief!"