New Era

Server Announcement: The guild "Lord Of War" has created a nation and faction called "Confederation of Eternals."

Server Announcement: "Lord Of War" is the first guild to create a new faction, the guild "Lord Of War" has been awarded a bonus of 1,000,000,000 GC.

Planetary Announcement: The war on "Cronos I" has ended. A three-way truce is now in effect. During this truce, open PvP and aggression towards NPCs is forbidden. Violation of this truce will result in a temporary ban.

Finally, the war was over!

But nothing could change the fact that Cronos I had been ravaged.

The native Geoil population began leaving their shelters, but no longer recognized their planet.

Cities were in ruins, forests had been burned, and fields had been plundered. Corpses and the carcasses of war machines had been found all over the planet, but the hardest truth was that the Geoils no longer enjoyed the Federation's benevolent protection.