Reign of Terror


Regnier's ship hung in geostationary position above the planet.

His troops had landed on Era to help Lotus reestablish Eclipse's control, and the operation was already well underway.

Most of the major cities had already fallen. As in the first war between the Federation and the Eternals, most of the players who were lvl 10 or below were quickly slaughtered. Only a few Coalition fanatics still resisted, but their efforts would be quickly stomped out.

Regnier was sitting on a magnificent throne with the skull of a star dragon lying at its feet when one of his subordinates, a massive veteran Orc named Golnok, entered and approached him.

Golnok said, "Master, the humans have been repelled. The planet is under our control. What are your orders?"

Regnier said, "Organize our retreat in orbit. Proceed to divest all control of regions to the Eternal named Lotus."