The Meeting


Lotus's group of Federation soldiers, along with forty members of the Eclipse guild—including Chocolate, Hulk, and White—approached the ruins of Tyo by stealth during the night.

Once in position, Lotus pulled out a very sophisticated spy device cobbled together for the occasion. She released it into the camp and awaited its return with information.

The situation turned out to be quite dangerous. Mario was inside, one of the seven strongest MMO players in the world. In addition, there was a significant portion of his elite SuperGuild, Toxic. They made up about two hundred elite lvl 30 players, well-equipped with dungeon gear.

Though the Federation troops provided Lotus's group some numerical superiority, they were almost meaningless considering the enemies were all players. The truth was that the Toxic players were an overwhelming force compared to Lotus's group.

Realizing she needed to rely on cunning, Lotus constructed a plan and explained it to her assault squad.