

Four corvettes, bearing the Eclipse guild's emblem, exited hyperspace over Planet Era.

Once a beautiful Gaia-type planet with rich flora and fauna, the arrival of the Eternals had resulted in Era being completely devastated by nuclear strikes.

In fact, after the first conflicts between the Eternals and the Federation, the planet was reduced to a radioactive desert. Nevertheless, it wasn't a terrible environment for space-faring humans. After the extinction of the Tyotting people, a new economy rose based on hunting radioactive animals and services of all kinds relating to the new environment.

On top of all that, the local workforce became grim and determined. They were ready to do anything to find success, even if it killed them!

The Eclipse fleet hung over this planet and found themselves facing six corvettes and a destroyer. These loomed in stationary positions above the planet, part of the Coalition fleet that kept watch over Era.