War Room

Landing shuttles flooded the black sky of Cronos I.

Hundreds of thousands of anti-aircraft guns opened fire without hesitation while alarms blared frantically all over the planet! Meanwhile, one brave player broadcasted the events live.

"Heeey, this is Pro-Streamer! Here on Cronos I, the ground battle is about to begin. The loud noise you hear behind me is the sound of anti-aircraft guns and alarms! Here on the western continent, madness reigns!

"The first skirmishes have already taken place! Our sources tell us that some of the SuperGuilds have joined the Orc Empire, such as BlackJack and The Scourge! I sincerely hope that we'll see some star players fighting during this battle. That's why we're following the Hyrule SuperGuild with veteran player Zelda! Of course, this proximity will also ensure our protection against possible enemies. This has been Pro-Streamer. Enjoy the game!"