

The MK.1 landed in a forest at the planet's north pole.

Apophis and his crew disembarked and followed the instructions General Ralfot had given them to find the Federation command bunker.

It was located ten kilometers deep at the planet's pole, an interesting place to put a command center. As the planet was mostly a desert biome, the north and south poles had a relatively temperate climate.

Apophis wore his new Federation colonel's uniform, a sober uniform with a cape bearing the crest of the army of the Federation of United Planets.

Now that he'd been recognized in a position of responsibility, he had to play the game. Especially now, since the recent wave of attacks would cast much doubt on his loyalty. It was best to prove his credentials by wearing the uniform for now.

Eventually, Apophis and his group found the command post, where Marshall Androf and Colonel Zareil—who had to "supervise" him—were waiting for his arrival.